Ch. 20

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The next day or later that morning, Hydra was drained and exhausted.

Nothing happened that was too bizarre after that time with the couple but having to change her sleep cycle exhausted Hydra.

She immediately plumped down the couch as soon as they arrived home.

"Don't sleep there." Aizawa said and went to the fridge to hydrate himself, and to snack for a bit since he don't have the time and energy to prepare and cook.

Neither do Hydra.

"You do this everyday?" She asked groggily.

"Only on Saturdays, but now that you children are out and working, I have some spare time for the whole week." Aizawa said after drinking and threw the drink to Hydra.

Which she caught with precision.

"Have some sleep, you'll get used to it soon." Aizawa just said and went to his room.

Hydra looked at her phone which is now blasted with notifications as they kept on talking at the group chat.

But she saw a personal message from Bakugou.

This hero is pissing me off.

Oi! Are you still at work?

It's already 4 you should be at home.

Bastard reply to me water brain!

She stared at it in disbelief for a moment before replying.

Dimwit, we go home at 6 I'm exhausted so talk to you later.

And why were you awake at 4?

My head is going to hurt if I don't sleep.

Also, you should've taken a hint when I reacted badly with the mention of Jeanist, he's super weird.

Hydra didn't expected a reply, but she did.

Yeah he was, he said he liked you better than me.

Also I wake up at 4.

He'll just 'fix' my appearance again.

Wtf. That's too early.

I can now relate.

Now stfu and sleep, I'm preparing to go to work.

'Even though he's the one who messaged me.' Hydra thought and went to her room to sleep.

Later that night, the Noumus wrecked havoc at the Hosu area.

And Hero Killer, the villain who sent Iida's brother—Ingenium—to the hospital, has been wrecking havoc on one of the dark alleyway, using the Noumu's chaos as a distraction.

And for him to do his work, killing heroes.

Hydra felt a vibrate on her phone as they were patrolling their own area.

She didn't want to check on it as she's currently on duty but something tells her that she should.

And so she checked on her phone to see that Midoriya sent a location on their group chat.

Hosu, West Tokyo.

'That's where the Hero Killer was last seen.' Hydra came to a realization.

"Sir! We need to go to Hosu immediately!" This put a stop to Aizawa.

"Why? We'll need to take the subway to get there." Aizawa approached Hydra who's staring at her phone.

"I think Midoriya is in trouble... He sent a location of his whereabouts out of the blue." Hydra said and showed him her phone.

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