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Taehyung felt like he was waiting forever before he heard rustling and a door shutting. Assuming that Jungkook's father went into another room. "Listen, Taehyung." The man started off. "It's not that I don't like you. I love you, I really do and I love that you found love but Jungkook is my one and only son. That boy is more lost than anybody I know. What he did is unacceptable and..." he breathed in. "I don't accept your relationship. At first, I thought I did then the realization hit me."

Taehyung felt like he being hit in the chest if he was being honest. "You're not made for Jungkook. Jungkook is not a normal alpha, Taehyung. His ruts are stronger than a normal alpha rut. This type of alpha needs his fated mate, not his second chance. The second chance isn't even supposed to be an option. Though he loves you and I understand that but he's forgetting that he needs his fated mate. Now I wish you were his fated mate but-"

"I got it okay? I'm not his fated mate. I heard you the first time. I'm not what he needs." Taehyung stopped Minjun from going any further with his words and sighed. The boy backed up until his back touched the wall and rested his back. The boy tried to process the words but he shook his head. "I may not be his fated mate but Mr. Jeon, he chose me. Over and over again he chose me. Since he chose me all I've been doing is pushing him away. Thinking this and that about him leaving me but he's not going anywhere. I'm sorry if that's not what you want to hear but..."

Taehyung heard a soft thud coming from the door. Jungkook was there and probably listening. Though the thought of Jungkook cursing himself out from the thud made Taehyung smile. Oh my god this boy was so cute. "And you can try change his mind but you won't change mine. I choose Jungkook, I choose our happiness other than yours. I choose us and if you're not on board then... that sucks but it's not your life so.. have a nice day Mr. Jeon." Before Taehyung lost his confidence, he hung up on the man and breathed out. Oh how he felt so fucking good doing that.

Taehyung gave himself a minute before he knocked on the door which had Jungkook jumping back from the door. There Taehyung opened up the door and peeked his head in. "Just had to make sure you weren't still eavesdropping." Taehyung stepped in and shut the door. "You chose me." Jungkook said with a soft smile on his face. Taehyung looked at the floor for a moment before looking up and nodding. "I choose you. I'll always choose you."

This was it. This was the moment they both felt so loved and so happy. The first time they got together it was iffy for Taehyung but right now everything was perfect. It was like they were one in that moment and just looking at each other warmed their hearts. It was something Taehyung thought he would never feel but he felt it and it felt amazing. As for Jungkook he did feel something. Like a relief shooting through him but it wasn't a strong feeling. It was there and he felt so good but there was something stopping him from feeling it all.

"I choose us Jungkook. I know for a fact you love me and I want you to know I love you so so much. You're my everything. You're my home and I can't live without my home. So... screw your dad and his opinions. I don't want to lose you again. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever." Taehyung finally got those words off his chest too and he felt so light. Like all his problems just lifted off him just like that. Jungkook couldn't control the tears surfacing his eyes.

Stepping towards Taehyung, he rested his forehead against Taehyung's. "I'm... so.... so madly in love with you Kim Taehyung." The boy locked eyes with Taehyung and they both looked into each others eyes feeling complete. Closing their eyes, they stayed like that just for a few moments. Soaking in each other's love before they started to chuckle while intertwining their fingers. "I also got us in. Though we do... you know had to go like five minutes ago."

Taehyung breathed in and held it before he let it go and nodded. "Right so we should-" Jungkook nodded. Taehyung laughed at that and nodded as well after hurrying to grab a couple of his things and leave the apartment with Jungkook. Although Taehyung felt a little scared, he was also very happy with where they were at in their relationship.

A few hours later and a lot of stalling later, Taehyung was looking at his now tatted hand and watched Jungkook closely. "How can you just look at it?" Right so... Taehyung went first since he wanted to get it over with and because he was afraid that if he saw Jungkook going through with it without any worry- he would look like an actual fool. Although- he still looked like a fool even after Jungkook went after him. "I've always wanted a tattoo. This is just exciting for me."

Taehyung rolled his eyes before looking at his hand again. Admiring how it looked although- it was a bit ugly considering the redness and all. Even through all that though, Taehyung loved it. "It looks good right? Like I love it." Taehyung bragged about the tattoo's. The tattoo artist smiling at that while Jungkook chuckled. "Anything would look good on you. I'm not surprised."

Again, Taehyung did not know how Jungkook was going through this all so calm? "You amaze me Jungkook. Seriously, I aspire to look as cool as you do in that chair." Taehyung nodded along with his own words. "Oh really? Then next time we can-" Jungkook started off and ended off with laughing as Taehyung got up from his chair and walked off while waving his hand. "I lied. I'm good with these. I'm going to the washroom."

Jungkook smiled while watching Taehyung walk away. "You two are cute." The man spoke to Jungkook who looked at him. "You think so?" With that question, he nodded while still focusing on his work. "There was a couple in here earlier today doing the same thing. Though they bickered a lot. You two do the same but in a joking way. It's cute." He sucked in a breath before moving away to look at his work on Jungkook.

With a satisfactory nod, he pushed himself away and let Jungkook take a look. The boy smiled at the final work. "After twenty four hours you can take off the bandage and gently wash the tattoo." The man carried on with the details of what to do while Taehyung came back from the washroom. "The soap here? Amazing. We need some of that."

Jungkook kind of panicked at that. "You didn't wash your hand right?" Taehyung looked disgusted. "Of course I did." He scoffed and Jungkook's eyes widened along with the man. "Oh! No! not this hand." Taehyung held up his hand. "Just the other one. See? Squeaky clean." Taehyung tapped his palm with his finger and they both looked relieved. "You could have started with that you know."

"Yeah but i'm kind of offended you think I'd wash my hand after this. I'm scared to even move it." Taehyung admitted. "Probably should've educated you about this first." Jungkook clicked his tongue before getting off the seat and grabbing out his wallet. "You're done?" Taehyung hurried over to his mate and looked at his hand. Comparing the tattoo's with a huge smile. He really couldn't believe he just got a tattoo with Jungkook.

After paying, Jungkook watched Taehyung jump onto the sidewalk with a giggle. Biting on his lower lip, Jungkook smiled at the boy and pulled him close. There he melted into a little kiss shared with his mate and pulled away. All Taehyung could do was giggle though as he grabbed onto Jungkook's waist. Stealing a quick peck from Jungkook once more. "Is it bad that I find you ten times more attractive right now? Like..." Taehyung hesitantly spoke.

"Like I want you to rail me right now honestly like I'm not even embarrased saying that. I want you to rail me." Taehyung said with confidence while he nodded at his own words. His fingers resting on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook looked away and cleared his throat while his finger rubbed the tip of his nose. Sniffing and looking back at Taehyung, Jungkook shook his head with a huge smile. "I mean..." Jungkook sucked on his bottom lip and raised an eyebrow.

Taehyung did the same but hooked their pinkies together and pulled Jungkook along. They've spent a long time apart and needed to catch up on all the 'fun' they missed out on.

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