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"With him? You..." Jungkook tried to process what was going on. He just poured out his heart to Taehyung and this fuck face just... Jungkook tried to calm himself as he dug his nails into the palm of his hands. Taehyung though turned around and looked at Eunwoo. "What is it?" He gulped. Thinking this would be a way out and to escape from Jungkook, Taehyung kept his attention to Eunwoo although that was the last thing he wanted to do. "I wanted to talk... about us." Eunwoo tried to say it quietly since Jungkook was right there and they were not the best of friends.

Taehyung didn't give himself time to think as he nodded and turned to the apartment building. There he assumed he would have gotten away with Eunwoo but the moment they tried to walk inside, Jungkook lost it. The thought of Eunwoo just being around Taehyung broke him but at the same time the anger took over him as he yanked Eunwoo back by his shirt and got a punch in. No words said but he let his anger get the best of him as he got Eunwoo on the ground and started punching him over and over as if he was a punching bag for Jungkook.

Though Eunwoo, of course, didn't let that slide and was fighting back. Getting in a few punches before Taehyung broke them both up by grabbing Jungkook and pulling him back. "Stop it! Jungkook let him go! Stop!" Taehyung held onto Jungkook who came back to his senses. Standing up and removing Taehyung's arm from himself as he walked away to calm himself and hold his hand that was aching. Taehyung watched Jungkook who walked a good distance away.

Still, on the ground, Eunwoo wiped the blood from his lip and looked up at Taehyung. Watching the boy look at Jungkook, he laughed a bit. Of course, Taehyung would choose Jungkook. Everyone chooses Jungkook. Everyone loves Jungkook. Even in high school, he was always second place in everything. Shadowing over Jungkook all those years. Eunwoo wanted a clear answer and so he got up from the ground, grabbed onto Taehyung's waist and didn't waste a moment to kiss Taehyung forcefully on his lips, as Jungkook watched.

Though Taehyung bit onto Eunwoo's lip and pushed him away. The boy stepped away and held his lip while looking at Taehyung. "You choose him." Eunwoo breathed out with an airy laugh. Taehyung wanted to get away from Jungkook but at the same time, he didn't want Eunwoo thinking he was in the wrong. "You raped a girl," Taehyung spoke with a broken voice. Everything was starting to get to him. Hearing that, Jungkook was shocked that Taehyung found out though he should have told him. "No matter your excuse, you put your hands on someone who did not give you consent. Just like right now, you touched me without consent."

"By the time you hit high school, you should know these things. It doesn't matter if you were in high school. It doesn't matter that you were drunk. In that state of mind, you decided to touch someone and take away something from them. You were drunk and horny is what you mean to say and she was there. She was there and barely even conscious so you took advantage. I don't know how you live with yourself but you sicken me." Taehyung looked at Eunwoo with absolutely nothing but hate. "And I wish I never got involved with you. But that's my mistake. I was warned several times and... I thought you were a good guy but I was wrong so please leave me alone for good. Please Eunwoo leave me alone."

Eunwoo tried to step to Taehyung but he only stepped back with a bit of fear in his eyes. This is where Eunwoo felt the hatred Taehyung had for him and it didn't help that Jungkook was just feet away from him. "Okay," Eunwoo whispered out with a gulp before he nodded and started to back up. Pursing his lips, Eunwoo turned and started his walk. Leaving the words at that and Taehyung at peace. As for Jungkook he watched and heard the entire thing. His eyes wandering off to Taehyung after watching Eunwoo walk off.

"And you." Taehyung waited for Jungkook to look at him again. "I love you." Taehyung managed to speak out because what he was about to say was going to break him but it was what needed to be said. Walking up to Jungkook, Taehyung had tears flowing. "I love you. So fucking much but I can't. I can't because you have a mate. I can't because I know what it feels like to wait your entire life for a mate and plan these things even before meeting them. You have a mate. You have the thing I want the most. So if you love me you will leave me alone and go back to her. If you love me you will go back to your mate and love her as you should."

Taehyung was full-on crying now because he was hurting himself. All he did was think about others and that was the thing about himself. If only he could be selfish for one moment. For one moment he wanted to be selfish and take Jungkook as his but he couldn't. Because if he was in Nari's position... he would want his mate to stay. To make it work. Then again his own situation gave him an option to take Jungkook as his, if he really wanted. "If you love me..." Taehyung choked out and stopped talking to try to calm himself. "You'll leave right now." he finished.

Jungkook too was crying but not as hard as Taehyung. All he wanted to do was comfort Taehyung. Hold the boy tightly and tell him it would be okay. Give him all his warmth and just stay like that forever but Taehyung was saying these things and his heart was breaking every single sentence. This pain was nothing Jungkook felt before and he didn't like it one bit. This is what Taehyung has been going through for a year now and Jungkook only felt worse.

Jungkook should have walked away. He really should have listened to Taehyung but they've come too far to let this all break apart like this. "And if I don't?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who looked confused at that. Not sure what to say Taehyung kept quiet while Jungkook kept talking. "Because what you don't know is that I didn't plan anything that would include my mate. All those years I didn't give two craps about finding my mate because you were the one I saw in my future. At the time it was as my best friend I will admit that but deep inside me, I knew I only wanted you in my future. You may have dreamed for your mate but I dreamed of you and me."

Jungkook stepped forward and caressed Taehyung's cheek. "It's always been you. It just took me longer to realize it's always been you and always will be you. You're who I choose. By heart, you're my mate, my soulmate. You are my everything Kim Taehyung." Jungkook noticed how Taehyung started to calm down and lean into his touch while closing his eyes. So he took the chance to lean in and rest his forehead against Taehyung's. For a moment they locked eyes. "And so if you love me like you say you do, let me love you as I should. Let me love you."

Taehyung didn't know what to say or do so he just let himself sink into the warmth of Jungkook. All these thoughts running through his head as Jungkook held him. "I want to...I want to let you love me and I want to love you but... Nari phoned me today." Taehyung moved away from Jungkook after awhile of being comforted and calming down. Taehyung needed to come clean. "She what?" Jungkook was shocked when hearing that. "She called me begging for you. Crying and telling me to give you back to her. Wanting you makes me feel terrible because she also wants you and I don't want to be the cause."

Taehyung sniffled while looking at Jungkook's injured hand. "Either way Taehyung. Take me or not, I'm leaving her. I'm not happy with her. I tried to make it work for a year. I tried to love her but I can't. It's not fair to her and I don't want to drag her along. Either I end up with you or alone is my options because I don't love her as I should." Jungkook explained to Taehyung who felt a little bit of happiness knowing Jungkook was doing what he wanted. Though there was still one more thing he needed to tell Jungkook.

"After hearing what I say, don't look at it any different. I'm just... I need to get everything off my chest because-" This was seriously not happening. Just behind Jungkook and because it was so empty, Taehyung saw Nari coming just down the sidewalk. "This night can't get any better can it." Taehyung watched Nari and Jungkook noticed Taehyung looking over his shoulder so he glanced but had to look again just to see his mate coming their way and out of instinct, Jungkook turned her way and stood in front of Taehyung, just in case.

This night was just great wasn't it?

I'm Fine || kσσkvTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon