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That weekend was... definitely not what the two boys hoped it would be but... it was over and done with. Taehyung woke up that morning from a two-day heat and found Jungkook beside him fast asleep. The instant regret of sleeping with his best friend took over but he didn't have regret that he lost his virginity to his best friend. Although he told himself countless times he would wait for his mate- Jungkook was the next best thing, right?

Taehyung learned a lot from Jungkook those two days they spent together. Learned that Jungkook is very, very fucking skillful in bed and loves to be called sir. He learned some of Jungkook's kinks and also found out he had kinks of his own. Then it would all come back and hit him with 'you slept with your very young best friend.' thoughts which only made him regret everything but like ?? he didn't regret much?

With a sigh, Taehyung pulled the pillow over his face and held it there. Maybe he would suffocate himself if he really tried. Though within a couple of minutes, he felt the pillow lift away from his face. Losing all the functions in his body as he caught gaze with Jungkook who gave Taehyung a weird look. "Sorry to disturb you and your suicide but there is someone knocking." Taehyung coughed out after that and nodded, pushing the pillow towards Jungkook who only took it and hugged the pillow.

The air around them only felt awkward for Taehyung as he grabbed the sheet, wrapped himself up and grabbed a pair of clothes before rushing out of his room. It took a couple of minutes before he was answering the door only to see his father's secretary with a bag full of things. "Taehyung, hello. Good morning, do you mind?" She looked at Taehyung with a painful expression due to the bags she was carrying.

"Oh- yeah yeah I got it." Taehyung grabbed a couple of the bags and motioned for her to come in. "Your father sent me to grab a couple things for you." She chuckled as Taehyung knitted his eyebrows together. "I'm nineteen... I think I can handle myself." Taehyung chuckled but nonetheless he thanked her and let her off for the rest of the day as he started to unpack. Not gonna lie- he did have a slight limp though and he hated that he did.

Hearing footsteps, Taehyung froze for a moment as Jungkook came into view. Hair damp from just hopping out of he shower. "Who was that?" Jungkook asked, clearing his throat and walking towards the table to help Taehyung unload. "Oh uh... that was Aerum. My dad's secretary? he apparently asked her to come drop off some things for me." Taehyung watched Jungkook put away the rest of the things with a hum. Once everything was put away, they looked at each other.

"So-" both boys said at the same time which only made it more awkward. Jungkook motioning for Taehyung to speak and so he did. "Right so uhm... I was in heat and so I was in... you know and we're best friends right?" Taehyung watched Jungkook nod while grabbing an apple from the fruit basket. "So I think forgetting it ever happened is ideal for the both of us because it is nothing more but a one-time thing and besides... you're uh... straight or whatever." Taehyung gulped at his wording.

To his surprise, Jungkook nodded at that. "I was going to say the same thing. Don't worry, nothing happened between us... but you might wanna shower before your parents come home." Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a laugh, walking away and biting into his apple. "Oh and the sheets." He reminded Taehyung who blushed bright red from Jungkook's words. "And anywhere we else we fucked," Jungkook yelled out as he walked towards the door. "See you later, hyung."

Taehyung hid his face in his hands with a huff as he waited for the door to shut. All flustered as he ran towards the door and locked it, watching Jungkook cross the street and go home. "Stupid little-" Taehyung grunted, smelling himself just to get caught with the scent of Jungkook on him. It was almost comforting- before he reminded himself how fucked this really is and hurried to clean his room from top to bottom before his parents would arrive later that night.

They told each other they were going to forget it ever happened but it didn't seem that way. To Taehyung at least. Since that day, Jungkook didn't exactly get too close with Taehyung whenever they were together. Jungkook would come over still but would sit on the other couch. Jungkook would hang out with Taehyung in his room- just wouldn't sit on his bed. It's only been two weeks! and Jungkook hasn't even wanted to sleep over and before they did what they did, Jungkook loved sleeping over at Taehyung's but... it's what Taehyung should have expected.

"Taehyung?" Jimin pushed Taehyung who was deep in thought before Jimin decided to push him. Blinking several times, Taehyung looked at Jimin. "What?" He asked before looking at the rest of his friends that were looking at him as well. "Have you been listening to anything we've been saying?" Jimin asked with a dragged sigh knowing he would have to explain again. Taehyung clicked his tongue and rubbed his neck while slowly shaking his head.

Namjoon chuckled. "Typical Taehyung. We're talking about taking a trip next month... you know since Jungkook graduated. Plus we've been talking about it for a long time and now we have a good reason to go." Namjoon filled in Taehyung who listened. Nodding as Namjoon finished. "It took Jungkook's graduation for us to finally decide to take a trip?" Taehyung scoffed which earned him a pillow to the face by Hoseok. "We were trying to ask you where you wanted to go."

Taehyung rubbed his nose from the pillow hit. "Isn't this trip for Jungkook? Why can't he decide?" Taehyung asked, looking over at Jungkook who looked confused. "Wow... you really are deaf huh? I guess I know what to get you for Christmas but I told them to let you decide." Jungkook leaned forward to grab popcorn from the table. They were having a game night with each other since they've all been pretty busy with their own lives.

It made Taehyung feel a little childish since he was nineteen and still living with his parents when most people his age had their mates and lived together or at least moved out by now. "I don't know... I kind of want a road trip to be honest." Taehyung sat up properly and thought about it for a moment. "Boryeong. Remember the uh..." Taehyung scrunched up his face and snapped his fingers like that would make him remember. Jungkook catching onto that since Taehyung mentioned it once or twice before.

"There is a thing... a mud festival! yeah, that. Every summer they host a mud festival and that's not a bad idea. I saw videos of it last summer, it looked really fun." Jungkook dragged his tongue over his bottom lip while listening to everyone's opinions. "Then again I said Taehyung can choose the place so your opinions can stay opinions." Jungkook grabbed the controller and got comfortable on the couch. "This is favoritism." Yoongi sat back on the couch with a huff.

Jimin looking at his mate with a loving smile. "If it makes you feel any better, you're my favorite person." Jimin cooed at Yoongi who cooed back but pushed Jimin away. "Tell me that when it's our turn to choose a place to go." he side-eyed Jimin who scoffed and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist. "Ew, cooties." Taehyung gagged as he stood up to stretch. "Right I forgot, Taehyung's a big virgin." Jimin pulled away from Yoongi.

Taehyung doesn't know why he found that funny but as he stretched, he laughed at that. Jungkook turning to Taehyung who shut up the moment Jungkook did. "Yes... yes I'm a big virgin and what about it?" Taehyung turned to Jimin with a flushed expression. "Even Jungkook lost his virginity before you, that's embarrassing." Jimin continued to tease Taehyung who sat back down with a gulp. "Oh shut up, Jungkook's a whore for anyone with legs that is why."

That caught Jungkook off guard as he paused the game. The boys shut up once that happened- knowing very well Jungkook could get mean when the wrong button was pushed. "What's that... slut?" Jungkook turned to Taehyung who held back the choke that so wanted to come out. Swallowing it back, Taehyung looked at Jungkook and stared him down. "Oh, they're doing it again." Hoseok fell back onto the couch. This was now not an insult but more of an inside joke.

Hell, not even a joke is was something that happened between them. But even so, Taehyung didn't want to grow suspicious as he stared down Jungkook who did the same thing but this time Jungkook darted his tongue out and across his lower lip for Taehyung to see. "Oh fuck you." Taehyung looked away and stood up to leave the room. Jungkook giving a smug smile to his friends who were confused. Taehyung using an excuse that he needed the bathroom. Currently regretting all his life choices.

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