The Cure

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Sierra walked out into the entry corridor to Segolia, as she walked in the door with her duffel bag over her shoulder, after she had parked her car.

She followed Dacia and Jana, catching up to them after she had caught Jana's scent by practice.

"There is Segolia offices in over fifty countries all around the world. Most of them are bigger than this one, but, though-- hundreds, and thousands of people." Dacia hums under her breath as she looks at them both, and then, at the map in front of them.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but... we are all gonna help you eventually find you a place here, together. As a pack."

Dacia said and Sierra caught the all too familiar scent of Victoria Sweeney as the head of security walked over to them.

"So, this is the wild wolfblood that I have heard so much about. The junior version of our youngest agent." Sierra, she let out a low growl at the outdated comparison. "We are all very honored by your visit." Sweeney says.

"Who are you?" Jana asked very, very bluntly of her as Sierra hid a smirk on her face, from behind her hand.

"This is Victoria Sweeney, our head of Security, for here. At least at this very, small branch, of Segolia." Dacia stated a bit smilin', as Sierra coughs, from all behind her hand.

"I work for her now, like I used to. My transfer of departments was strangely denied. I'm not exactly certain of why, could you explain that to me?" She asks with a low growl and Victoria scoffs.

"I think I'm capable of introducing myself. The first thing, wolfbloods can and must learn, in Segolia is not to act like a wolfblood. Can't have the rest of the humans running for the hills." She said with a slight smirk, barely even noticeable on her face.

"I've already told her." Dacia began, but Victoria wasn't having any of it at all today.

"Well, I'm telling her again. So don't draw any attention to yourself. Or I'll hold you responsible." Victoria turned to Dacia, who holds her head up high.

"How many of the humans in here know... about you?" Jana asked as the three of them, had made their way up to the next couple floors.

"None. There's one on the next floor up, and a few on the floor above that, but we're the most important people, that Segolia has." Dacia stated calmly, and Jana looks at Sierra, who nodded at her.

"Until Sierra and now you, there's never been wild wolfbloods in here before, so, uh... believe me, you will be a pretty big deal. Especially since none of us actually knew about Sierra being the current Tracker. We have all heard the legends about it." Dacia said and Sierra scoffed.

"What about Gerwyn,-- Rhydian's dad? He was wild." Jana murmured and Dacia shrugged slightly.

"He was like Sierra, he seemed more of a human than most. You can't... just compare yourself to him." Dacia said a bit grumpily and Sierra shrugged at Jana, and chuckled lightly.

Sierra leisurely followed Jana and Dacia, as they all walked up the halls and Sierra causally listened in.

"It's important to protect the wild wolfblood ways. No one's in a better position to do that than Segolia."

Dacia murmured and when Sierra looked behind her, she saw that there was a rather unwelcome face there.

"Hello Victoria." She says with a rather polite look on her face.

"I was supposed to be giving Jana, a tour of the facilities that we offer here at Segolia." Dacia insisted.

"It can wait." Victoria insists rather sharply to them both and Sierra rolls her eyes a bit, before she stopped and acted like she hadn't. "This way. Both of you." Victoria said and Jana follows her, along with Sierra.

They both sat down at a table and Sierra growls, once she realized what was happening and she stood up.

"I couldn't control it when I touched that. Victoria, do you know... you have no idea what it might do to her!" She snarled.

"It's all right." Dacia said, grabbing for her arm and Sierra shakes her head as her eyes glowed.

"Easy! I'll be all right!" Jana shouted and Sierra stopped at her words and the glow of her eyes faded.

"I'm stopping this if it isn't safe for her. I could have not been able to get out of it." Sierra snaps.

"Fine. But let her try first. Let's see your Eolas, your ansion, and tell me what that is." Victoria said to Jana, as the teenager, the wild wolfblood looks at Sierra, who nodded.

"It connects you to nature! I can not do it without nature!" Jana insisted of Victoria.

Dacia brought a potted plant over to them, as Jana's eyes began to glow as she held the fang in her hands.

"The tooth is from someone in your pack. Your grandmother. She was the pack leader. There was a fire... in an forest. She was leading the pack away from the flames, but they were movin' so quickly... so, so, so quickly. The youngest cub wasn't strong enough to keep up with the rest. She decided to leave it behind so that the pack could escape... but the cub survived." Jana hands the tooth back to Victoria, who was shocked.

"She left you this, so that you would always knew who you were... but you never found your pack again. That's all." Jana said, closing Victoria's hands again, with the tooth inside.

They walked away after bowing to her, with their arms up covering their faces in the wolfblood's bowing way for showing all respect.

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