Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

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Sierra went to the office to pay off the electrical bills for the Smiths' House at the last possible day for it.

She walked into the school, when she found out that Jana had in fact, still gone into school.

"I thought Jana was staying at home today." Shannon was saying as Sierra walked into the school, shaking hands with the school of governors and such as well as other alumn from years ago at Bradlington High.

"So did I." Rhydian said quietly as everyone else filed out of the room and Sierra made her way over quickly to them.

"Jana should be at home with Ceri on her own, not at school with you all. In this case, we have to lock her up." She hissed.

"Look, if she actually wants to be here, then..." Tom began but Sierra growls at him, therefore rather very much effectively getting him to shut up.

"It's not about what she wants this time around, ok? The pull of the moon is too strong for her this month. Her scent's changed. She's got the morwal in her." Rhydian said as Shannon looks at him with confusion written all over her face now.

"The what? The moral?" Shannon asked and Sierra snorts as she shakes her head quickly.

"No, Shannon. The morwal is when a wolfblood is in true and terrible pain, really hurting, in pain, they change at the full moon. In a bad way. She will go hunting tonight, but not for food."

Sierra quietly growled under her breath and Rhydian nodded. "Wolf inside Jana, it isn't really hers. Not the one that we know anyways. We need to lock her in the den tonight as soon as we can. Otherwise, she's gonna go hunting, and it won't be for food, I don't mean it like that." Rhydian said and Shannon looks at Sierra, who had veins spreading all over her now.

"Why is this hurting you so bad? I mean, it's not like you have it... do you have it?" Shannon asks, and they both step back at once, as, Sierra shook her head with a humorless laugh.

"No, Shannon, I don't have it right now. But I did have it, when I lost my parents." She said quietly, as Rhydian, he looked sympathetically at her. "It's rough, but if I can make it through the pain and fury of the Morwal, then she can for sure. Jana is much stronger, than I could ever be." Sierra murmurs and Rhydian shakes his head quickly with a legitimate laugh.

"I sincerely doubt that Aran would agree with that assessment at all." He pointed out and Sierra rolled her eyes at them.

"I'll be waiting with my car outside when you can get her out of school, I will drive her to the house. Promise."

Sierra said and Shannon looks at the two of them, her eyes urging to know more. "When a wolfblood has Morwal this is where your horror stories, of a Beast, a werewolf that hunts people."

Rhydian hissed under his breath and Sierra shakes her head at the strange, yet similar trio.

"Get her out of school, and I will do the rest. I've dealt with this before, in my own way firsthand, and second, with Segolia. Now get going." Sierra mumbled as she walked quickly out of the auditorium, saying hi to Jeffries on the way out.

She heard that Jana was in detention now for tonight and Rhydian calls her after she had let the Morwal out.

Rhydian tackled her and they rolled down the hill, right into Sierra's feet, who was taken down right with them all.

Sierra sat next to them and sighed quietly. After finding out that Jana had been locked in the kitchen for the night, they had run for it. But they were too late and now it was up to Tom and Shannon.

The next day, Sierra, Rhydian and Ceri, they ran their not so long tails off to get to the school, but only to find out that Jana, Shannon, and Tom were all asleep on the metal floor of the kitchen.

Sierra smiled at the scene and gently snapped a picture with her camera as she walked out of the kitchen with an small grin on her face.

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