Wolves Among Us

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Rhydian and Sierra were swallowing pieces of pepperoni pizza nonstop, as Shannon walks out, and Ceri walks in.

The next morning, Sierra, she met up with Shannon at Segolia and Shannon looks at her.

"Thanks for comin' with me, everyone else thinks that I'm working..." Sierra's eyes brightly glowed briefly blue.

"At the pharmacy, Shannon, I know. I mean completely serious about all of it, you could have told all of them. But now you're lying. Rhydian will know."

Sierra said as they both walked into Segolia, with Sierra acting like she did belong, showin' her badge briefly as a security guard.

"I thought that you weren't in security, anymore?" Shannon asks very much quietly of her as they both continue to walk through Segolia.

"I wasn't. But I'm an agent now, and not completely unfortunately, I do not have a choice in having Sweeney as a superior. But, either way, I've got a lot of stuff going on and I've got a job."

She said with a small grunt and she left them with Dacia, as she walks up to the head office of Segolia's 'alpha', Victoria Sweeney.

"You wanted to see me?" Sierra asks and Victoria motions toward a seat in front of her desk and Sierra took it.

"We may have a small problem with two wolfbloods. There was an entire family, but their house burnt up, in a big fire. Only the two kids escaped out of it, and I need you to keep an eye on them." Victoria Sweeney pushed a file, toward Sierra, who raised a eyebrow.

Sierra flipped it open swiftly and at once, she shut it again on the files, at the faces in said file.

"In Newcastle? I'm not moving, for this job, Victoria. I need to stay with my pack. Rhydian, Jana. Even Tom as well as Shannon, are our pack. Do you get it? I can't leave my pack behind."

Sierra insisted, as Victoria looks at her, quietly and silently but with a low growl of something like a sort of understanding. "Dacia told me... that you were once a wild wolfblood." She said and Sierra's eyes widened.

"Me? A wild wolfblood? Are you seriously believing that?" Sierra asked as she works to keep her heartbeat, as steady as possible.

"If you are so very certain of that, then you won't be able to tell me the entire story, that is behind this." She held out a necklace to Sierra, who saw no choice but to take it from Victoria's hand.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up icy blue when she took it and Victoria stepped back as she stood up quickly in her spot as Sierra quickly placed it back on the desk.

Her eyes and veins disappeared quickly and then Victoria looks at her with shock on her face, as, her yellow eyes had reacted to her blue eyes.

"You're the Tracker, aren't you?" She asked and Sierra lowers her head in a brief nod, as her hands were shaking, and she shoved them into her pockets swiftly.

"I'm sorry Victoria. But I'm not going to Newcastle just yet, I can't." Victoria had her eyes glowing yellow.

"Why not? What is keeping you anchored to Stoneybridge? Your pack is made up of two younger teen wolfs, their friends who are human, and you aren't even their alpha. So why must you continue to ignore our offer of all of this? You can become one of our beat operatives, if not the best. But you have to be willing to leave the past where it belongs. In the past."

Victoria insists with a growl and Sierra looked at her. "If I do this, then you have to promise that everything I get, half of it goes to my friends. Jana if she wants it, Rhydian gets some of the pay in an account, just as his mum Ceri will as well. Do you understand?"

Sierra asked and Victoria nodded slightly at her. "You have my word, when will you be moving?" The older wolfblood asked.

"Give me... a week or two. The house is still under my name, I will transfer it to Ceri's. I'll also make sure, that the Accounts get their names right and so and such on them if that is all right."

Sierra said, but really there was no room for argument in the tone of her voice, as she walked out of the office.

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