Chapter Three

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"Roman!" A black-haired man said while typing on a desktop monitor and adjusting his glasses. "Come here!"

"What is it, Microsoft Nerd?" A man with chestnut hair and tan skin said, walking into the dark room, the only light coming from the computer.

"There was a robbery at Aroman Bank," the black-haired man said.

"So?" Roman asked, "That happens literally every day, Logan, and the police catch them every time."

"Yeah, not this time." Logan replied, "The culprit got away with six million dollars."

"Six million?!" He exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"Precisely," Logan confirmed. "Besides. You are supposed to be Royal, are you not? You are supposed to keep criminals at bay, correct?"

"Yeah," Roman drawled out, clearly annoyed.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Logan questioned. "Go catch them."

"I can't do that unless I know where they were headed," Roman replied.

"One second," Logan said, typing on the keyboard again. As he tapped enter, the screen changed to the street cameras, and he started rewinding the footage. "He went East from the bank into an alleyway. Don't forget to get Patton."

"Got it." Roman started walking out of the room and sighing, "Thanks, Lo."


Ughhhhhh, I thought, I really didn't want to do this, but 'duty calls' I suppose

As I walked into the kitchen, I stumbled upon a man pulling a batch of chocolate chip cookies. He was two inches taller than me, making him 5"9, and had curly blond hair and bright blue eyes. A splatter of freckles adorned his nose and cheeks and had a gap between his front teeth, making him resemble a kid. In summary: adorable.

"Hey, Pat!" I called.

"Oh, Roman!" Patton said excitedly, and set down the tray of cookies and his oven mitts on the counter, and turned around, "What's up? I just made some cookies, do you want one?"

"No thanks, padre." I answer, "There's been a robbery."

"Well, you should have said something, let's go!"

Word Count: 331

"Evil" (A Sanders Sides AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang