C1: Twins

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The one thing I hated about being a twin was that we always went to the same parties, the same sporting events, the same everything. It also didn't help that my brother was dating my best friend, forcing the two of us to be each other practically all the time.

So when I saw my brother at the party after homecoming, I wanted to scream. The one night I wanted to spend time with my best friend, to gossip over the boys there and what girls were wearing, and my brother had to be there.

The second Molly, my best friend, saw Carter, my brother, she bee-lined for him, leaving me alone with a bunch of people I didn't know. Being a freshman meant I had to get to know everyone. Which sucked.

I headed for the kitchen, just a room away from where I was, and found a plastic, red cup on the counter. My mom had told me not to drink anything but since I wasn't driving home, I didn't see why I couldn't have a few beers.

"Are you Cora?"

I turned and there was a boy standing beside me, his hair spiked back with gel. His eyes were a bright shade of green, almost too bright to be normal, his skin pale.

"Um... yeah." I mumbled, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. Boys didn't usually talk to me so I didn't know how to deal with this kid suddenly striking up a conversation.

He smiled. "I'm Mitchell."

"Do you go to Chesapeake?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm home schooled. My cousin goes to Chesapeake and he invited me to the party."

"Oh okay."

He took a sip of his drink, a can, which I was surprised to see wasn't alcohol. "I'm kinda surprised to see someone as pretty as you all alone. My cousin told me to come over and talk to you."

A few guys started cheering and the sound of cans smashing came from another room.

Mitchell had to yell for me to hear him. "Do you want to go somewhere quiet to talk?"

I nodded.

He took my hand and lead the way, going up the steps to one of the rooms that wasn't filled with naked teens having sex.

He closed the door behind him, blocking the sound from getting in. "Do parties always get this loud?"

I nodded. "Pretty much. Teenage boys can get rowdy."

He smiled. "I wouldn't necessarily say that. I'm probably one of the most boring guys on the planet."

"You're not half bad."

He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. "You're not half bad yourself."

"Whoa." I said, pushing on his chest. "I don't... I don't know you."

"I told you, I'm Mitchell."

"That's not what I mean-"

He pressed his lips to mine, dry lips meeting mine. His breath smelled bitter, like the peel of an orange.

I pushed on his chest as hard as I could and since I was a little buzzed, I fell onto my butt. "Don't... Don't touch me."


"Get away from me." I said, raising my voice. I tried sounding tough but my voice wavered, bringing out how scared I was. Being a girl, a stereotype that came true in my case, I wasn't big or bulky or scary looking. The only thing that might turn guys off from me was the fact that I was a virgin.

The door opened and my brother walked in. "What's going on in here?"

Mitchell growled, an animal sound that really freaked me out, and lunged at Carter. Carter barely pulled his fist back before Mitchell grabbed his neck and twisted it, snapping it.

I screamed and tears filled my eyes. He killed my brother. He killed him. With his bare hands.

Mitchell turned to look at me and his eyes were completely black, no color or white in them whatsoever. And he was smiling.

"What... What the hell-" I started, my stutter coming out.

He darted toward me with a speed I'd only seen in animals and lifted me off the floor by grabbing the front of my shirt. "Don't bother calling for help. No one's going to come save you."

I tried kicking him but it was like kicking a wall. He didn't respond to it at all. "What are you?"

"A demon. But don't let that scare you. I don't hurt humans who listen."

"What makes you think I'll listen to you?" I asked, mentally kicking myself for such a dumb comment. He could make me listen if he wanted to.

He threw me up against the wall with the flick up his wrist, like I weighed nothing. I hit with a thump then collapsed to the carpeted floor.

The door busted in and a boy, around eighteen or so, was standing in the doorway, looking super mad. His eyes were dark but there was white to them. He wasn't a demon. But the wings extending from his back meant he wasn't human, either.

What was he?

"Ah, Isaac. Long time no see." Mitchell said, crossing his arms over his chest. "What brings you here tonight?"

"T told me what you had planned and I came to stop you." Isaac said, his voice calm.

"T? Why would she tell you? She works for me."

"She doesn't take orders from demons."

"Like she'd take orders from you. She's my sister."

Isaac narrowed his eyes. "That certainly didn't stop her from coming to me."

Mitchell growled and lunged for the Isaac. Only he was faster.

Isaac grabbed Mitchell's arm and flipped him over, making him land on his stomach with a thud. A karate move. Isaac twisted Mitchell's arm into a painful bend, until Mitchell was wincing, his face turning red.

"Leave the girl and don't come back." Isaac growled.

Mitchell let out a puff of air before pulling his arm out of Isaac's grip. "Next time, I'll have a better witch protecting me."

Isaac narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything more. He watched Mitchell leave before turning his eyes to me, his gaze softening. His eyes, thankfully, were a dark brown, a little bit of green in them. "Are you okay?"

I glared at him, trying to look a little less scared and a little more scary. "Don't touch me."

He held up his hands and stopped moving toward me, giving me some space. "Alright. I'll stay right here. Can you walk?"

I struggled to stand up. My body felt fine, maybe a few bruises on my arms and legs, but nothing that would be hard to deal with. My head, however, ached and made me feel like the room was spinning. The ground became closer and closer as I collapsed back to the floor.

Isaac caught me before I could hit the floor, his wings extending out to his sides. "I got you." He straightened up, my unconscious body in his arms, and walked out of the room like nothing wrong had happened.

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