C12: Fishing For Bullets

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Chapter12-Fishing For Bullets

Isaac was on Bret the second the bullet hit me, knocking him to the ground, sending the gun flying across the floor. I heard a strangled cry just seconds after they fell.

Mitchell crawled over to me, brushing my hair out of my face. "Cora, hey. Look, it's going to be okay."

I laughed though most of it came out as a choking cough. "I don't think so."

His eyes left my face to see the bullet lodged inside my chest. His eyes widened. It must have been bad. "No. No, no, no." He looked up and looked at something behind me. "Isaac, I need your help."

Never did I ever expect to hear those words.

Isaac came over, the knife still in his hand, now bloodier than ever. His eyes, too, widened when he took in the blood on my chest, the bullet inside me. "We need to get her to T."

"She won't make it that long."

Okay, I'm not a very optimistic person but that was as far from optimistic as things got. Sure, I knew I was pretty far off but being that bad? That was like getting kicked in the stomach.

"Look, I can try to heal her but I don't know how much I could do. I haven't done any spells in a long time." Mitchell said, his voice steady though the rest of him, and his words, weren't.

"You can't use magic when you're a demon." Isaac said, pointing out the obvious. Clearly, he didn't seem to understand Mitchell's words.

Mitchell rolled his eyes. "Then turn me back."

Isaac watched him for a few seconds before he nodded. I didn't really know what it was like to go from being a demon to being human again. It was completely different than doing it the other way around though. Instead of the cooling sensation that came when turning to a demon, there was a warm sensation that made me feel a little more calm than the situation I currently in.

Mitchell blinked a few times and his eyes went from being completely black, like mine were, to the green color they were when I met him at the party just a month ago. It was so weird how normal he seemed now.

Isaac looked back down at me and his eyes grew very sad. "Okay, this is going to hurt. A lot. But we have to get the bullet out."

I took a deep breath and nodded. I wasn't sure how painful it would be to get the bullet out but I figured it'd feel better out than in.

If I didn't have to do that again, I'd be eternally grateful. The feeling of fingers inside my body, fishing a bullet from my body, was probably the worst feeling in the world. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

"She's still bleeding." Mitchell mumbled.

Isaac took the bloody knife and, after wiping it on his jeans, cut his palm open. "Let's see what you can do."

Mitchell took a deep breath before mumbling a spell. Nothing happened to the cut. He cursed out loud.

"Alright, plan B." Isaac mumbled to himself. He gently shook my shoulder, making me aware that he wanted to talk to me. "Cora, I need you to stay awake, okay?"

I could barely keep my eyes open but I knew it was a life or death thing. I had to try.

The same warm sensation came over me and my lips curved into a smile. Sure, I didn't want to be a demon but my time as one wasn't entirely bad. I, surprisingly, was going to miss it.

My vision went from being black and white to color though the pain in my chest was getting worse as the minutes ticked by.

"Cora, we're not done yet. You'll feel better as soon as we're done, okay? I promise."

I coughed and something wet trickled down the side of my face. Metallic was all I could taste.

Isaac's breath was shaky as he released it but he continued without missing a beat. My body was frozen in time and my pain disappeared staring into his eyes. I knew it was because of what he was doing but I still couldn't get past knowing it was him helping me. Him. Getting to know him, I learned a lot about myself. Being branded one thing or another didn't mean I had to change as a person. I could still do good things no matter what I was. He taught me that. And man, did I love him for that.

When he relaxed and the short moment was over, he picked me up in his arms and stood up straight. "We can't stay here any longer. You remember where T lives?"

Mitchell laughed. "Like I could forget that place."

Isaac tossed him his keys and followed Mitchell out of the restaurant.

The second we left the restaurant, the painful feeling came back, this time it came from my back.

I groaned and hid my face in his chest, squeezing my eyes shut tightly.

"I know." Isaac mumbled, picking up the pace just a little. "I'm sorry, Cora."

The feeling kept getting worse and worse. Thankfully, the second it got too bad to stand we were in the car where things could be muffled just a little.

I screamed, gripping Isaac's arm tighter, my nails digging into his skin. The pressure on my back was more painful that the bullet, if that could even be possible. It felt like something was trying to crawl its way out of my back though there was no way out.

I kept screaming pretty much until we stopped in front of T's house, the rain and fog shielding the building from view. All we could see were the steps and front door.

Just as the car stopped, I let out the worst scream imaginable as... whatever it was broke free of my back, cutting my skin open. Along with my skin was my shirt, cut to shreds. Blood dripped down my back.

Isaac opened the door and bailed, kicking the door shut with his foot. He quickly made his way to the door and opened it without knocking.

"What the hell-" T started, coming toward us. She froze when she saw me. Her eyes then flicked to Mitchell. She froze completely. I couldn't even hear her breathe anymore. Tears started to form in her eyes.

Just as quickly as that came, it passed and she turned her attention back to me. "Take her to my room. I'll be there in a second."

Isaac nodded and climbed the steps, two at a time. When he got to T's room, he gently laid me down on the bed. At this point, I was almost asleep, the pain becoming too unbearable.

T came in just a minute later, tossing her phone onto a pile of clothes that sat beside the door. "I called Carter. He'll be here soon." She mumbled something, a spell possibly, and, before it was completely said, I was slipping into unconsciousness.

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