C9: Traitor

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Daria tightened her grasp on my neck and yanked me to my feet. She glared down at me. "How dare you!"

I cried out in pain, my voice barely coming out. My eyes felt heavy and my vision was blurred. I couldn't tell if that was from the pain she had caused me or the fact that I was losing oxygen by the second. Everything was black and white.

"Daria, what are you-" Mitchell appeared in the hallway, his eyebrows raised. When he saw me, he hissed just as Daria had moment before. "What the hell are you doing here? Did you follow me?"

Daria let go of me in one movement and I fell to my hands and knees, gasping for air. "Who are you?" She kicked me in the ribs and I rolled into the thin part of the door, my back hitting the hardest. "Answer me!"

"Daria, stop. I'll handle this."

"Like hell you will-"

He sent her a look and she gritted her teeth. She looked like she wanted to fight back but she didn't. She just stormed past us and into the apartment, her footsteps hitting the floorboards heavily.

Mitchell knelt down by my head and narrowed his eyes at me. "Why did you come here?"

My bottom lip started to shake and tears trickled from the far corners of my eyes, running toward my ears. I wanted to answer him the right way. But there was no right way.

When I tried answering him, I felt like I was going to throw up. I certainly didn't want to do that.


"I'm sorry." Was all I could manage.

He pushed the door shut, leaning over me to do so, before helping me sit up. My back cried out in protest.

"Daria wanted to kill you, Cora. She would have, too, if I hadn't intervened."

My hands were shaking as I lifted them to wipe my eyes. I was hyper aware of the fact that he could kill me if he wanted to. Daria could have too. I was no match for them.

"Why... why did you come here?"

I kept my eyes on my hands. "I wanted to see if there was another reason why you hated Isaac so much."

He kept his eyes on me, watching me, reading me.

I started crying even harder, knowing he knew that I'd been lying this whole time. I blew it. I blew everything. "I don't know why you hate him. He's not a bad guy. What he believes in isn't something terrible. I don't understand why either of you hate each other."

"I'm the only person he's ever tried killing. It may not seem that way to you but it's true. He wants me dead. And as superficial as that may sound coming from me, I'm scared to death of it happening."

I was aware that something had happened when Daria was trying to kill me. I knew something was up. But getting turned into a demon wasn't that thing.

And, to put it lightly, I didn't welcome my new status with open arms. It took everything I had not to try to hurt Daria or Mitchell. Though it wasn't entirely his fault, he was in my line of sight and if I could hurt him, I would.

Luckily for me, they gave me some time alone. What had originally been me trying to find out secrets from Mitchell turned into something much worse. I hadn't expected it to happen. At all.

And, to make matters worse, there was nothing to hide. No secrets being passed around behind my back. Mitchell was just visiting Daria.

I felt so stupid, so... human. Though I wasn't human any longer.

I stared out the window, my forehead pressed against the cold glass, fog forming around my mouth from my breaths. The scenery outside was black and white, caused by my new vision. I didn't know the extent of my new... abilities. I was curious as to what they were but I didn't really want to find out on my own. I wasn't in the mood for that.

Behind me, a phone buzzed on the nightstand. I turned my head and spotted a cell phone, on its way to falling onto the floor.

I grabbed it in mid-air and hit the ignore button. Then I dialed a number to a phone I knew would be answered.


"T, it's me. We have a problem."

Her breath caught on the other end. "I was afraid something would happen. What... what is it?"

"Do you know a girl named Daria?"

"Yeah, why?" Her words were soft, curious.

"I-She turned me, T. I was following Mitchell and he went to her apartment. She saw me and she tried to kill me and-"

"Wait-Cora, slow down. I can't understand you when you're freaked out like this."

My hands were shaking and my palms were sweaty. Tears were starting to form in my eyes. I sat down on the edge of the bed. "I can't do this anymore, T. You have to come get me-"

"Cora, you can do this. I know you're scared and that this isn't what you signed up for. But you can do this."

"T, I'm not ready for this. I wasn't even ready to find Mitchell."

"You aren't in any danger. Mitchell probably doesn't doubt that you're on his side now."

"But T, he knows. He knows I was lying this whole time."

She went silent. There was a rustling then another voice was speaking to me.

"Cora, I know you're scared right now. I don't blame you. But it'll be okay. Just convince Mitchell that you wanted this to happen." Isaac said in a soothing voice.

A sob escaped and I quickly wiped my eyes. I knew I could trust T and Isaac. I knew they wouldn't put me in harm's way if they could help it. There was a reason for what I was doing. I had to at least try.

"How are you calling us anyway? I thought you left your phone at your house."

"This isn't my phone."

He laughed. "Pretty sneaky of you-"

"I am going to kill you."

The phone slipped out of my hand and fell to the floor. I spun around and stared at Daria, her eyes narrowed at me.

A few seconds of silence went by before she ran at me, her teeth barred.

I screamed, which wasn't the best decision, and backed away from the side of the bed. Daria was on the other side, trying to see how to get to me the fastest.

She chose to jump onto the bed and come after me, the bed creaking with her movements.

I ran around the bed and slipped out the door. I slammed it shut before completely leaving the apartment, and a confused Mitchell.

Daria was faster than me. She was stronger, prettier, and better at being a demon. There was no way I could outrun her. I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. But I had to try.

I took off down the steps, making it down one flight before tripping on the carpet under my feet. I rolled down the last flight of stairs, hitting my head on the bottom step.

Thankfully, Mitchell made it to my side before Daria could. When she came down the second flight of stairs, he held a hand out to stop her. "Let me handle this."

"Mitchell, she's a traitor. Just let me kill her."

He turned his head and glared at her. "Daria, stop."

She screamed between her teeth before storming back up the steps. A door slammed upstairs, hers probably.

Mitchell picked me up in his arms. "We need to talk."


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