C8: Daria

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Mitchell slept. As weird as that sounded, I honestly didn't think he, nor any other demon, would sleep at all. But Mitchell was a very heavy sleeper.

I took that time early one morning to scope out his apartment, see if there was any secret information laying around. After looking around the tiny office he had and coming up with nothing, I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I was surprised to find that there was any food at all in his fridge. He had a small carton of eggs, a pint of milk, and a pizza that should have been in the freezer. I took the eggs out and figured I could at least make something rather than having to order out.

Mitchell walked into the kitchen while I was cooking the eggs, his hair askew and his feet barely lifting off the floor. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he opened the fridge. I couldn't imagine what he was looking for in it.

He glanced over at me and did a double take, almost like he'd forgotten I was there. "Oh, hey."

I looked over my shoulder at him. "Sorry. I was hungry and you were still asleep."

He smiled as if he'd said something funny. "You can order something if you want. I don't mind."

I shrugged. "I don't know any places that deliver breakfast."

"I know a guy. It's not on the menu but he'll do it for me."

"You know a lot of guys, huh?"

He laughed. "You would too if you had Isaac in your business all the time."

I plated the eggs and handed him one.

"Isaac's not stalking you, is he?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

I laughed at how ridiculous that sounded. "Thank goodness, no. I don't know what I'd do if he was."

"I have guys that could help with that, too, you know. They won't kill him but they'll give him enough of a hint to stop bothering you."

"How come you never did that?"

He looked at me with a serious expression. "My sister's on his side. I know she's been for a while now. But as much as I hate her for joining him, I couldn't kill her."

I took a bite of my egg so I wouldn't have to speak. I always thought he'd resented T. I thought he hated her for not listening to him and doing what he wanted. It seemed he was really only disappointed in her.

Being with Mitchell was starting to have its perks. Like when I was with Isaac, I always had to have someone with me to be sure I wouldn't be attacked. With Mitchell, I could come and go as I wanted without worrying about anyone bothering me.

I didn't realize how much I missed my freedom until I got it back.

I wanted to go see Isaac but I figured that wasn't a good choice. Mitchell would find out and our plan would fail. I couldn't risk that because I missed him and my brother and T.

Mitchell was still hesitant to let me in on any of his business. I didn't blame him. But I wanted to know more about him and the whole feud with Isaac.

So I followed him. It wasn't easy to hide myself since I was only human but I had to try. I needed to know what his secrets were.

As we walked down Johnson street, I tried blending in with the people around me. I could remember watched mystery movies when I was younger and seeing the detectives being secretive and sly. I tried mirroring those actions.

I followed him a few blocks before he walked up the steps to an apartment. It didn't look special in any way. He pressed a button to the intercom and waited for someone to respond.

I was surprised when a woman answered. What do you want?

Mitchell chuckled. "Open your door, Daria."

Or what?

"Or I'll keep annoying you til you do."

The door buzzed seconds later and Mitchell stepped inside. Before the door could shut, I ran up the steps and grabbed it. I didn't step inside until Mitchell was out of sight. No way did I want to get caught.

It was hard to follow him with creaky floors threatening to give me away but I managed. We went up two flights of stairs before stopping at a black door. The number read thirteen, the three painted red.

Mitchell knocked twice before the woman, Daria, answered. Her dark hair was long, down to her waist, and partially rolled into dreadlocks. Her make up was just as dark and made her eyes blend in with the skin around them. They, just like Mitchell's, were completely black.

She punched his arm. "You should've called before you came."

"Sorry." He mumbled, his hands in his pockets. "I've been busy lately."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Come inside before someone sees you here." She glanced around the hallway, her eyes never spotting me. I was on the steps, practically laying down. It wasn't a good hiding spot but it worked.

Once the door latched shut, I scrambled to my feet and crept up to the door. I knelt down by the lock and tried looking inside. I couldn't get a good view of anything but a wall. And since they didn't talk loud, I couldn't hear a thing, either. So much for learning Mitchell's secrets.

I sat against the wall by the door for what felt like forever. No one walked by so I didn't have to worry about hiding. Time crept by agonizingly.

I had no clue the door would open when it did. I was very unprepared and had no where to run to. I didn't have the time to move, actually.

Daria spotted me and hissed between her teeth. The sound make my skin crawl. She pounced on me and shoved me back against the wall, her hands wrapped around my throat. Her fingers had tattoos on them in a language I didn't know nor recognize.

Before I could get her off me or Mitchell could realize what was happening, a cold air moved over me, making my teeth chatter. My eyes started to burn and my chest ache.

Daria blinked and the pain was gone. The temperature was back to a normal degree and I could breathe once more.

Seconds had passed.

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