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We're currently eating breakfast silently. It's awkward and no one dared to break the ice. Well, am I supposed to? 'Cause I won't do it.

"Is there somewhere important you need to be? I can take you there," Keith told Gahee.

"Uh, no. I'm going back to my hotel. I'm fine going back on my own," she answered.

"Okay then," he continued.

I just kept quiet on my seat. There's really no reason for me to say anything. Gahee and I finished our meal at the same time and she went to the sink first while I followed. She was about to leave when I put down my plates inside the sink but then she stopped behind me.

"I'm sorry for being insensitive last night," she said when I turned my back.

"It's fine. You didn't know," I answered.

"I can't just let it slide. Let me make it up to you next time we meet, okay?" she said and held my hand as if she won't let go if I don't agree with her.

"Sure," I said smiling at her.

"That's great!" she said excitedly as she swung my arms gently. At least I made her happy for a while. She let go of me and collected her stuff from the couch.

"I'll be get going. I appreciate the hospitality. Thank you, both of you," she bid as Keith stood beside me.

"You're welcome anytime, Gahee. Just let us know, alright?" Keith opened the door for her.

"Bye!" she waved her hand as she left.

"I wonder if this was her home too?" I asked as I turned my back from Keith.

"She hated it here. She always say that I could afford a much better house but I like it. Simple as I wanted it to be," he answered.

I just nodded at his response. Glad she did hate it here.

"Shall we continue our business yesterday?" he asked as he hug me from the back. I scoffed before answering him.

"You do the dishes today," I said and escaped from his hug. We could do it later all day if he wants.


It's pretty cloudy today and since it's cold, a lot of people enter the café to have coffee or something hot to drink. I was taking orders to orders and serving at the same time. It's a lot of work for me alone but I manage. I'm pretty used to this.

I approached a table for two but there's only one person sitting there.

"Good morning, sir. Can I take your order?" I asked him.

I was star struck when he looked at me from the book he was reading. He's gorgeous and yum, daddy material.

Shush, I got work to do.

"Ah, yes. Can I have a latté and two glazed donuts, please?" he ordered.

"Sure. Coming right up," I said as I wrote it down and trying to act normal.

I felt like he just woke something in me. Not sexually (kinda) but something like he made me more energetic, you know, impress him or make him notice me. It goes something like that, I don't really know. I got high standards when it comes to men and it's my first time having a meter distance with someone hot and gorgeous. Well, except for Mr. Han. Mr. Han's hot and gorgeous too but he's not available anymore. Vienne just stole him from everyone. That bitch.

I went behind the counter to prepare his order without having a hard time. It's so simple that I can make it with my eyes closed. Just kidding, I might mess up and worst, get caught messing up.

In just 5 minutes, I finished making his order and it's ready to serve. I served his coffee and donuts in a tray and put them down on his table.

"Thank you, Ashley," he said and smiled.

Uh... he said my name.

"You know me?" I asked.

"Your name tag," he answered.

It would be better if he really knows me.

"Oh," I said as I looked at my nametag.

Everyone knows me now because of this, I think.

"Can I have your name too, then?" heh smooth like a criminal, I know.

He chuckled before answering me like he didn't expect me to say that.

"My name's Dwayne," he answered.

Oooh, sexy. I better get going, my manager might see me flirting and will not give me my pay early.

"Nice meeting you," I said and took the tray before leaving. I went behind the counter to see my manager staring at me with teasing eyes.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Just be thankful you look cute together so I let you flirt." she said. I know right?

I shook my head as I smiled to make it look like I'm denying it.

We can't let people know we're up to something.

I continued doing my work in and out of the counter, trying to not get distracted by the gorgeous man which I find so hard. He's been sitting there for an hour and I just can't help to wonder if he was waiting for someone. I was receiving payments in the counter when I noticed him stood up and got in line. I started talking to him when it's his turn to pay.

"You've been here for an hour," I said.

"You've been checking me out?" he asked. Yeah, I was.

"No, you just stand out. Were you waiting for someone?" I asked as I receive the card he used to pay and do my thing.

"I was," he answered.

"Your girlfriend?" I asked again, finishing up. I need to know.

He laughed. "No. I was waiting for a friend. Does it matter?"

I'm exposing myself, aren't I?

"Maybe," I grinned.

He just smiled back.

"Thank you. See you again," he said and took his card before leaving.

He plans to come back. Uhuh. He likes me. Confidence, sisters. Confidence. And its obvious. He likes me. I just know.

I finished up taking the customers' payments as my manager approached me.

"Aren't you getting all the attention of gorgeous men entering this café?" she asked.

"It's not my fault," I answered as I gave her a shrug and continue on taking orders.

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