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"Baby," I heard someone say.

I opened my eyes to see Keith resting his head on his hand while staring at me. I quickly covered my face with the blanket.

"What's the matter?" he chuckled.

"Get away from me. I hate you," I said.

I'm ashamed of showing my face after last night, not close as this.

"But you enjoyed it," he continued teasing.

There was a long pause after he said those.

"Are you hurt?" he asked sweetly.

"It sore," It fucking does.

"I already put an ointment on top of the drawer. I'll make you some breakfast now," he said and kissed my head.

When I felt him left, I finally sat. Aargh! I don't know what to feel! I'm happy and embarrassed but I'm also kind of tired and it doesn't matter!

Good gracious! Was I really begging more of it last time? Well, I had to be honest, it was freaking good. I want to reminisce it badly but it hurts down there.

I took a sweater out of the closet and exit the room. I'll just take painkillers instead.

Keith glanced at me while cooking.

"I'm making pancakes," he said.

"Can I help you with anything?" I offered.

"Can you please make me a cup of coffee and your milk?" he requested and I nodded.

I took two cups from the drawer and the coffee and milk from the cabinet above the stove. Keith took it for me.

"Here you go," he said and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled because of what he did.

Isn't he precious? He sure is.

I finished making our coffee and milk and put them beside our plates which I prepared on top of the table. I watched Keith cook our pancakes. He looks so damn husband material. MY husband material. I would definitely fight anyone who tries to steal him from me.

Right after he finished cooking, he served the pancakes on the table and we started eating.

"What do you wanna do today?" he asked.

"Don't you have somewhere important to go today?" I'm just being sure.

He shook his head. "None. We have the whole day together and tomorrow."

Okay, Vienne. Don't expect too much, alright? He might have urgent stuff later, he just doesn't know.

"Okay. Then, let's just stay at home? Is that okay?" I said as I poured caramel syrup on top of my pancake.

"Definitely," he answered.

There was a long pause as we continue eating our breakfast. I ran out of words to ask.

"Keith, can I ask you a question?" I said. It may be bad timing asking this but I also want to know.

I didn't wait for him to answer.

"Do you love me?" I continued asking.

He paused. I wonder if it's just out of pity he said those words last night.

"I do. And even if I don't, I will learn to love you anyway. You are just so lovable even the coldest person would give in," he answered.

I didn't know he would say those words. I thought he would just say 'I do' even if he doesn't, just out of pity.

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