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do not continue if uncomfortable.


I'll be damned. Where am I going to live now? Even if I call Ashley now, I can't ask him if I could stay with him. He still lives with his mom and his mom is a beast. I'm terrified of her.

My phone rang and speak of the devil, it was Ashley.

"Hey, Vi. Are you done with our thesis?" he asked.

"Dude, I'm homeless. I don't even know if I'm still going to continue my studies. I'm fucked up, okay?" I told him.

"I didn't know. You sound like you're blaming your luck on me. And why are you homeless now? What happened?" he asked again.

"My parents were so mad when they found out I'm gay. I thought they were going to kill me back in our house," yeah, my parents can't accept it.

"How'd they found out?"

"Men magazines in my room," I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, you're fucked up," I can hear him laughing on the other line.

"I know right,"

"Well, come over. Let's force mom to make your stay here with us," he suggested.

"No, thanks. I'm afraid of your mom," I said.

"Excuse me, you bitch. I'm trying to be a good samaritan here and you just declined my offer. Good luck on your journey and I hope you survive. But still remember, you have me. I'm your best friend, dude. I'm gonna hang up. Mom's calling for dinner," he said and hung up.

I frowned.

This is the worst. My money is not enough to rent a room and it's impossible to find a job in just one night. What am I gonna do with my life? I could just be a beggar here. Lol, no. What if I sell myself? Nu-uh. That sounds dangerous and besides, my body only belongs to Mr. Keith Han. That sexy Math teacher just won't leave my thoughts even though I'm having difficult choices with my life right now.

"Hey, kid. What are you doing here this late?" a man passing by, asked me.

I checked who was it. And speaking of the devil once again, it's Mr. Han holding a plastic bag and he's wearing clothes you usually wear at home. I meant the plain black shirt and the shorts. Kinda a new look for me cause I always see him in his uniform in school. And ugh, he looks hot. I should stop thinking about people I know. They just keep on appearing randomly.

"Uhhh, hi, Mr. Han. Good evening," I greeted him with a nervous smile.

"So it was you, Vienne. I thought you're someone's 12 years old kid left in here," he said.

Is he insulting me?

"What are you doing here with all those bags?" he asked.

It's kinda embarrassing if I tell him that my parents kicked me out but he's a school teacher. He might help me out.

"I had an argument with my parents back home and they kinda kicked me out so..." I didn't finish my sentence because this is already a huge humiliation to me. And I'm embarrassed as hell!

"Follow me. Stay the night in my apartment," he said with a serious tone.

"Are you serious?" that was supposed to be inside my head.

"I couldn't just leave you here, idiot. And you're my student. I can't let anything happen to you. You're my responsibility too, you know," he starts walking.

I carried my belongings already. The weight of them is nothing to me with all of this excitement taking over me. I'm staying the night with the love of my life! I am exaggerating but yass! Name a lucky bitch! Yes, it's me, Vienne!

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