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I parked my car a few blocks away from my family's mansion and process my choices. Once my father saw me, it's going to be a messy family "reunion" and to top it all, my brother's home from abroad.

I just want to see my mother and greet her with a happy birthday and I could've done that if we agreed to meet somewhere privately.

But what can I do? She asked me to be here.

I grabbed the gift for my mother from the passenger seat behind me and got out of my car. I walked towards the mansion and the security noticed me right away. 

"Sir Keith! You're already here and where's your car? You know it's still a long way to the main entrance. Never mind that, I'll call for a driver to fetch you here," the person securing the gates told me. 

I smiled at him. "Mr. Bang, it's all right. I'll walk there myself," I told him and he just nodded hesitatingly.

A car stopped by the gate and rolled down its windows. It was Kiefer.

"Come on. I know you don't want to walk in that big of a mansion," he said and I knew he won't stop pestering me so I just got in.

He started the car and passed through the gates. It's a two-minute drive to the main entrance and it sure would take me a long time to get there.

"You're not asking me when did I got here?" he started. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"When did you arrived, Kiefer?" I asked unwillingly. I don't want to be rude and he's obviously testing me.

"So yeah, I arrived just hours ago and I found it hard to get myself a hotel so why won't you welcome me at your place for a while?" he suggested. That mischievous smile of his tells me he's not someone to trust. Scratch that, it's his whole personality that tells me not to trust him.

"No, Kiefer. I won't let you stay at my place. If you want, you can stay here with our parents. I'm sure they'd appreciate you keeping them company," I told him and he chuckled in disapproval.

"So dad can force his will on me instead of you? No, thanks. I mean, he has no one to pass down the business with the two of us being stubborn so, why don't we just both run the business? In that way we can rely on each other," he suggested that it surprised me.

"Are you seriously suggesting that right now? I remember you saying that you don't want anything related to the family's business and now, here you are. Did something happen, Kiefer?" I asked him and he just laughed at me again.

"I just thought I'd give it a try," he answered.

Kiefer is only a year younger than me so there's no superiority or some kind between us. We're more like twins, most people says, but we're not that identical.

There was a pause of silence and I'm just waiting for him to blabber his nonsense.

"Anyone special in your life?" he asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah, I actually do. Would you believe me if I tell you that I'm a sugar daddy?" I laughed at the thought of it.

"More reason why you should take over the business," he said and nudge me with his elbow. "Tell me more about it," he continued.

"I prefer not to but he's adorable and spoiling him doesn't sound bad," I told him.

"He. He's a he. Okay, alright. My brother's gay and you just told me today? You know what? I'm not surprised. Let me meet your boyfriend sometime, okay?" he said and he kept on nodding.

"Absolutely not, Kiefer," I declined.

"What a vibe killer, Keith. I'm sure you can't do anything about it if I show up at your doorstep so nevermind telling you that," he said and I'm sure he'll make it happen. He's the most stubborn sibling. My only sibling, for that matter.

We finally arrived at the main entrance and we noticed that there were a lot of cars parked. Did mom held a party?

"Looks like they didn't inform us about today's event," Kiefer said as he park his car.

We both got out and walked side by side. I won't be surprised if something unexpected happens today. Our parents are full of surprises. Always.

As we both got inside the mansion, there were people dressed in formal attire. Drinks are served and some of them are familiar. Business partners and investors.

We searched for our parents in the crowd and we found mom approaching the two of us with her arms reached out.

"My sons," she said and hugged us.

"Mom, you didn't tell us you'll be having a formal event. We could've dressed accordingly," I told her.

"Oh, it's fine. More importantly, both of you are here and my day's complete," she said touching our faces.

"Yeah. Happy birthday, mom," Kiefer greeted her.

"Where's dad?" I asked and I wish I didn't.

"What are you wearing? Can't you tell there are professional people here? Get dressed this instant," dad nagged as soon as he approached us.

"We're actually gooing to leave—" I cut off Kiefer. I bet he don't want to make him mad in this kind of event.

"Right away, dad," I answered and he left in satisfaction after hearing my reply.

"Come on. Your dad already prepared everything you need in your rooms because he knew that I didn't tell you about the event," mom gave us her reassuring smile.

Of course, because he still "cares" about us. Either way, he still wants it to be his way.

"We got it from here, mom. We'll find you once we're done," I told her and kissed her cheek.

"Okay and don't leave so soon," she said and finally left to entertain her guests.

"You know we could've escaped while we can," Kiefer said and I smacked his head gently.

"Weren't you talking about business a while ago? And you know he'll throw a tantrum if we disobey him," I told him and went upstairs first.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll take a rest while I can," I heard him follow.

I'll check up on Vienne as well while I still have the time. I knew I'd be busy once I join people for the business talks.

I arrived at my room and there's already a rack of clothes prepared. By the look of it, it's obvious its from dad's favorite and usual tailor shop. Like what I said, he always want it his way. Even clothes.

I took out my phone to call Vienne but instead I noticed the notification for his livestream.

He's on it already? I guess he's excited to try out his new hobby.

I checked out his livestream and he has a lot of viewers already although he's just talking and answering questions. His charisma is no joke, I'd watch his streams too.

"Wait, hold on. I'm sure I caught something from the people who joined the stream. Let me just check..." Vienne said through his livestream and checks the people who joined his stream. He must've saw me joined. He's so quickwitted.

"... I knew it! Everyone! My boyfriend joined the chat! K, hi! Aren't you somewhere important right now? Is it fine for you to watch me? Anyway, I'm really enjoying the stream right now and I can't still believe you got me this whole room as a gift. Actually, you did more than that but still, it's unbelievable. The chat says I'm bragging too much, haha. I did that on purpose, you guys. My boyfriend's rich, what can I do?" he bragged to his audience.

He's so adorable when he's happy, I hope he's always like that. And I'd do anything to see him like that.

"my baby's all happy, you're so adorable. i just checked on you and will be leaving soon. enjoy your stream and i'll see you later. love you" I typed to his chat.

I waited for him to read it before changing my clothes.

"Take care and see you soon!" he waved cheerfully to the camera.

I guess I'll be excited to finish today's event and get home soon. I finally have somewhere I wanted to be.

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