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Ashley didn't attend the first class and I wonder if he's still coming to school. He's gone for days without even telling me anything and I've been hitting his phone up. Did he got kidnapped for real this time?

Speaking of the devil, his name showed up on my screen, calling.

"Okay, what the fuck?" I asked him. I'm just so upset right now that he's not hanging out with me lately.

"Yeah, I know and I'm sorry. I really wish I told you sooner but here it goes so hear me out. I got an internship in a really good company that's why I've been skipping morning classes," he explained.

What?! That's surprising and a very bad idea! Did he even think it through?!

"Are you out of your mind?! Dude, we have a month to go until we graduate so why are you risking it for that internship?! Can't it wait?" I nagged at him. Usually, he does the nagging but Ashley can be impulsive sometimes.

"That's exactly why I'm taking the internship, Vienne. If I do this, I get to attend the college university I wanted, without hassle and delay. And besides, our teacher already handed a letter of recommendation to that university. I have nothing to lose," he explained furthermore. I sighed.

So everything's settled for him, after all. What am I even concerned for?

"Of course. Good for you. But it's been days, Ash. I hope you could spare me a day or even a half for me. You haven't forgot that you're my best friend, have you?" I said, sounding a little bit of threatening.

"And here I am thinking you don't need me anymore," he said and I scoffed.

"Fuck you and your internship. Let's hang out tomorrow," I told him, preparing for the first class.

"Yeah. I'll see you later," he ended the call and I hid my phone in my pocket.

The lunch bell rang and everyone was eager to go to the cafeteria but I was checking my phone for text messages, walking slow and uninterested.

I'm not used to being alone or without Ashley, rather. That bitch was always beside me.

I'll just ask Keith if he wants to join me for lunch and besides, I have to ask him about my grade in his subject so I could know if I have to fuck my way up to the top.

As I walk to the teachers' faculty, I saw lots of them enter the meeting hall so I'm guessing they're going to have a meeting.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Is Mr. Han in there already?" I asked a teacher who was about to enter the hall.

"Not yet. But if you see him, tell him to hurry and remind him about his report," the teacher answered as she hurry to get inside.

I'll check the faculty if he's still there so I could borrow him for a while.

As I arrive at their faculty, I peeked inside to see if anyone's there and I saw Keith. I checked if there someone else in there when we suddenly met eyes. He put his finger between his lips to tell me to be quite and then he pointed below him.

Someone's in front of his crotch, sucking him. And for what I can tell, she's a student.

I gave him a confused look and he signaled me to come in but silently so I did.

I stood by the door while he smirks at me. He's telling me to watch and I did. I can tell something's wrong by the way Keith is smirking.

He's not getting hard.

I leaned on the door with my arms crossed and eventually grins with him as well.

I feel like I'm watching a failed production of hetero porn and all I could do is shake my head and stay silent.

I decided to help them out silently. Because I'm such an angel and we both like this game, seeing each other fucked by other people.

I stared at Keith until he notices and I gestured as if I'm holding his dick in my hands and I'm jerking him off. I made sure that I was doing it with detail as if I'm demonstrating on how to make a dick hard.

Keith watched me, his body relaxing, and held the girl's hair. He was just watching me and I could tell he finally got hard. The girl's reaction was so amaze to finally witness how huge can K get hard.

The girl decided to put K's dick in her mouth and I decided to do the same with my hands. I sucked my fingers, coating them with saliva, and I just kept on teasing K. He obviously want me instead of her to suck his cock right now.

"You said you'll make me cum right away but you're taking too long. I still have a meeting," he finally decided to cut off the girl.

"Oh, come on. I know you're close, Mr. Han," the girl sounded flirty.

"Not at how you suck, amateur," I decided to talk finally.

The girl was surprised seeing me and immediately stood up. K pulled up his pants but didn't close it.

"It's not what you think it is," she tried to explain.

"I've been here for a while, dear. No need to explain," I said and came closer.

She's clearly nervous at this situation. Who wouldn't? She's sucking a teacher off badly and another student saw it.

"Maybe you'll be able to make any guy hard but not Mr. Han. Maybe because... he's reserved," I told the girl.

"What do you mean?" she was confused.

So I decided to show her.

I touched K's clothed body from his chest down to his abdomen and I kept doing that for a while. With every touch, I could see his dick twitch and he breathes heavily. I could tell he's staring at my lips and downwards.

I reached for K's neck and kissed him in front of his student. He didn't want to let go as he jerk off on his own so I decided to see the girl's reaction. Of course she was surprised.

"Fuck," K cursed when he was finally able to cum.

"I didn't even touch you," I told him.

"You don't have to. I can cum just thinking about you," he answered.

The girl walked out of the faculty. Clearly, she was upset and embarassed. I bet she came here for her report card.

"So, did she pass your subject?" I asked him. I had to know.

"She didn't. Both of it," he said and collected his stuff.

"How about me? Did I pass?" that's what I came for after all.

"You studied hard, Vi. So for the effort, yes you did," he finally told me and it just made me roll my eyes.

"Well, I wasn't taking it seriously. I knew you'd still pass me even though I was hopeless," I stated a fact.

"Yeah, sure. I can't let you fail," he said and then kissed my head before leaving.

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