Chapter Twenty Two

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Dong Hua

As the sun rises up in the sky, you rise up with my heart and as the sun warms the sky and earth, you warm my soul.
You are my sunshine the warmth of my soul and the keeper of my heart, hold me closer and don't let me go; have I known that loving you would set me free I would have loved you sooner, my heart is at peace because I am finally in your presence without having to restrain myself.

XiaoBai was still asleep but she kept making cute fox sounds, she is truly beautiful there is no fault in her and I am hopelessly in love with her.
The Purple Sea its always day time but I know that XiaoBai can't sleep because of the sunlight, so I casted a night spell  but she hasn't woken up and it's starting to feel lonely. "Dijiun." She Whispered and I kissed her eyes. "Are you awake?" She didn't reply as her eyes were still closed. "Dijiun." She said again softly. "XiaoBai." I whispered. "Dijiun where are you? I'm scared it dark in here." I sat up on the bed next to her and caressed her face. "XiaoBai what are you dreaming about?" She furrowed her eyebrows and then her eyes fluttered open. "Dijiun." She gave me a bright a smile. "Are you awake now?" I asked and she nodded her head and she sat up. "How do you feel?" I asked and she put both hands on the either side of my face. "You look so tired, Dijiun why didn't you sleep while I was asleep?" She asked worriedly. "I wanted to watch you sleep XiaoBai."  She smiled. "I like it when you call me XiaoBai." Her faced flushed. "XiaoBai we should go inside, it's going to rain soon." She shook her head. "I want to stay in the rain for a bit." She whined. "XiaoBai you will get sick." She beamed at me. "You will take care of me." I sighed because I had already given in.

When it started to rain she got up and started dancing and jumping around like a child, she was giggly while trying to get the raindrops in her hands.
The kind of happiness I was experiencing by just watching her, it made me feel whole and that beautiful smile that was on her face was something out of this world, I want her to always keep smiling no matter what.
She ran towards me and she sat on my lap and put her arms around my neck, hugging. "XiaoBai?" I questioned but instead she held me closer to her. "Shall we go inside?" She pulled back and looked at me, her eyes were red. "Why are you crying XiaoBai?" She shook her head. "It's nothing Dijiun." She caressed my face, her robe slipped of her shoulder and I saw a mark there. "XiaoBai what is this?" She looked at me without saying a word for the longest time and then slowly she kissed me. "Such a majestic God, how lucky I am to have my choose to love you instead, you are majestic yet simple, childish but serious. Even if you don't smile a lot but when you do it feels the sun has caught the moon, even the worries of soil disappear when you smile. Loving you for so long has been the one thing I didn't regret, although I have some unbearable pain but loving you is joy." She smiled. "Even if you hadn't loved me or wanted to marry you, I would have still been a protective wall in front of you never allowing any harm to get to you, I would have also been a shadow in the dark watching over you." Something in her words twisted my heart painfully. "I would have walked besides you forever, without having to be by your side." She kissed me again. "Dijiun." She pulled ran her hand against the length of my hair. "I will always be happy with you by my side, even if we fight  having you will make things alright. I used to think that you're cold hearted and inconsiderate but then I realized that you grew up without love and those who had claimed to give you love it was only a benefit to them, you have hard shell but inside you are softer and gentler than anyone." She kissed my forehead. "You must have been bullied when you were young, especially if this beautiful place didn't have the divine energy it has now. You must have really worked and that is remarkable, all your efforts have kept the whole world safe." She smiled. "I promise to love you, like you never had been loved before." I shook my head. "There's no need for that promise XiaoBai, you're already loving me like I never have been loved, XiaoBai I wasn't incapable of falling in love, I could have fallen in love but there was just no you so how could I? You're beauty is not the kind of beauty that draws you at first glance, you're beauty is the kind that needs to be read like letters to understand it and I fear that the world hasn't seen what beauty is and as you grow your beauty will multiply. XiaoBai you put yourself in danger for my sake, that scares me because then it means you will fight along with me in every battle and I don't want that." Her face was flushed but there was a sweet smile on her face. "Dijiun I know you're very capable after all you have fought many wars but if you're in danger or I feel that you in danger I won't stand by, I will do everything within my power to make you safe, you no longer have to carry burdens all by yourself in most times I'm not really going to helpful but I promise I will always do my best." She started shivering. "Can we go inside?" She asked sheepishly. "I was starting to think you were immune to the cold." She giggled softly. "XiaoBai if you ever need anything let me know." She smiled. "Dijiun I am not going to depend on you for everything, I will only ask for help if I fail what I'm doing only after a few tries." XiaoBai how mature your words are, indeed you are different from the rest. I have seen many people fall in love but they don't know what love is if they haven't seen it from you, many things I am still learning XiaoBai but I promise I won't make you sad or hurt you anymore.

Inside the palace I dried her clothes but she was shivering and she still wanted to drink cold water. "XiaoBai you have a cold, what should I do with you?" She made a whimpering sound. "Dijiun you are the older one and responsible one, I am just a young and irresponsible little fox." She whispered again and I laughed. "XiaoBai are you blaming me for your cold?" She closed her eyes. "Yes I am, you shouldn't have let me stay in the rain Dijiun." I felt her forehead it was burning up, I got her a heating stove and added some incense and put it next to her. "Dijiun I am cold." She whined. "I'll make you some soup." I got up but I changed my mind, she needed to bath first that way she would stop shivering.

I prepared a bath for her and made sure that the room was warm, XiaoBai doesn't want me to use my magic when we're together but I don't really listen to her. "XiaoBai come have a bath." She mumbled something incoherent, I went back to the room and picked her up. "You need to bath." I placed inside the room. "Call me if you need anything." Before I could leave she grabbed my sleeve. "Aren't you going to undress me and place me in the bath?" I was shocked but then I knew she was sick. "XiaoBai..." Then she started crying. " If you don't want to undress then I won't bath, let me freeze to death and die." She cried even louder that before. "Okay, okay be a good girl I will do it." I closed my eyes and used my magic then when she was safely in the water I looked at her, her eyes were closed and she was mumbling incoherent things, I went to remake the bed for her and I made some soup for her, I went to check on her and my heart almost stopped, she was out of the bath standing naked before me without much thought I dried her and clothed her in a white robe, I dragged her to bed. "Looks like you can't have the soup now." She didn't reply, I placed her on the bed and covered her with a quilt but she pulled my hand and put it under her face. "Dijiun." She whispered softly. "Sleep XiaoBai, I'm here." I watched her sleep and eventually she let go of my hand, and I got in bed next to her only for her to cuddle me. She snuggled against me purring softly, I am so mesmerized by her innocent act in fact I love watching her sleep.

XiaoBai you deserve the best of everything in this world and whatever you and need I will surely give it to you, I will be the unshakable wall that will stand in front of you and I will be the shadow to protect from any danger. Every step that you take in this life I will be right besides you, I don't want you to grow up too quickly because we will grow up together. You are my equal in everything, you are the other piece of my heart, my moon and my world.

XiaoBai my heart wonders how many things have you done for me that I don't know about, when we go back to heaven I want to have a look and see everything that I missed, XiaoBai should there be anything you need let me know I will fulfill all your wishes.

XiaoBai you have a ring on your finger didn't you notice? Or you are just pretending like you didn't  but either way XiaoBai I am falling in love you.

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