Chapter Two

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Xiao Bai

Meeting the one you love feels like a wisp of fresh air caught in fragrance of the day, giddy wouldn't have described how I felt even my fox tales were swaying in sweet harmony to the bliss of meeting him.

He may be not as warm as the sun but cold as the mountain ice but inside I felt so warm, his eyes soulless eyes spoke in volumes and his impeccable beauty had my heart paralyzed.
It hasn't been able to beat on its own in the proper way, he has stolen my heartbeat it's resting in his hands will he be able to see it? I got lost today as I was running away from home after I had cut up my father's favourite robe but that was for making me sleep outside in the cold the previous day.

I'm just a little fox and he was treating me like I wasn't his daughter but a stranger, so I had to get him back and teach him a lesson but I didn't know that he had to travel to the southern seas where his older brother lived as his wife had just given birth to a baby boy, he was livid and that's why I fled because I knew that not even my mother can rescue me this time, never had I dreamed that I would meet the oldest God of all time the previous Emperor of the world and I hadn't expected him to be so young and so beautiful it was like watching a work of rare art.

Instantly I felt attached to him and I felt the attraction I had towards him, although he is cold I believe that every cold heart can be warmed because no heart was born cold.

After he had saved me I had felt immediate danger but I didn't know that somebody shot an arrow towards but I just knew that it would hurt His Majesty and I didn't want that to happen so I caught it in my hand but not in a safe manner, and it gave a deep cut I wanted to cry my eyes out but I had to behave myself.

I was on my way home and my second brother Bai Li Wei was waiting for me by the border of Qingqiu, he smiled at me but I was too cautious knowing the trouble I caused. "Juire." He called me happily. "What are you so happy about?" He snickered. "Where is father?" I asked while looking around. "He is in the fox cave waiting for you." Hearing that I stopped walking a few meters from my brother. "He is no longer mad." I sighed. " I don't believe that." He pulled me with his invisible binding rope and he dragged me to the fox cave.

My parents were sitting and talking happily but they stopped as soon as we entered the cave, mother grabbed my father's hand. "Where have you been?" He asked softly. "I don't know where I was I got lost." He sighed. " Juire what should I do to you?" I casted my eyes down. "WHAT SHOULD I DO TO YOU!?" he yelled and he startled the life out of me. "Juire I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH!" I felt tears run down my face. "IF YOU FEEL LIKE THAT THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE HAD ME!" I screamed right back I knew my brother had lifted his binding rope and I took off running, the first place I thought about running too was heaven so I cloud jumped to heaven.

Heaven is always quite yet there is always a certain charm to it. "Little Princess." I hear Yang Yang's voice. "What are you doing here?" As soon as he saw me his face changed. "Why are you crying?" He asked softly, Yang Yang has been friends with me since when I was still a cub he lost his parents at a very young age and it is said that Emperor Dong Hua had taken him to heaven and raised him, we have been friends but I have never came to heaven to see him as he always came to see me. "Yang Yang." I sobbed loudly, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me. "Did you fight with your father?" He asked softly. " He said that I ruin everything I touch." Yang Yang sighed. "You know that is not true, this is the first time you're in heaven and you are crying that's not good." He pulled away from me and I chuckled. "Technically it's my second time." He frowned at me. " I followed Dong Hua Dijiun earlier when he saved me from the demonic lands." I said as my of explaining. "You met Dong Hua?" He asked casually and I beamed at him. "He is really beautiful!" Yang Yang snickered. "What about me?" He asked and I laughed. "What about you?" He stuck out his tongue at me. "I'm guessing you want to see Dong Hua again?" I nodded my head. "Are you willing to do anything?" He asked and I frowned. "Why do you ask?" He sighed. "Little Princess it's not easy to see Dong Hua as he never goes any...."' Just then Dong Hua Dijiun appeared and he looked at me then he looked at Yang Yang. "What is she doing here?" His question made me frown. "She's here to see Yang Yang." I said he frowned and Yang Yang looked like he wanted to laugh. "I thought you were here for me." He said in a monotone dead voice. "You're not that important." He laughed in a non humorous way and he walked away from us, Yang hit my forehead. "Only you you dare offend him like that." I smiled. "I'm very daring." He chuckled. "I will see you later." I said as I ran after Dijiun's shadow.

He was sitting in the pavillion garden that was covered in pink rose petals that had fallen from the rose tree. "I thought you were not here for me?" He said in his cold voice. "Just because I said I wasn't doesn't mean I don't want to be here for you." He frowned, he picked up a scroll and started reading. I was mesmerized and taken away by his beauty, he must have felt me gawking at him because I didn't see him getting up but he was suddenly standing in front of me. "What do you want?" He whispered close to my ear and I lost my ability to breath and speak. "I want to serve you." I said softly. "Do you now?" He whispered again, I swallowed loudly. "I don't need anything from you." He said softly. "We will see about that." I challenged him and I left him standing there, I went around looking for Yang Yang I found him standing with a beautiful goddess. "Is that her?" She asked Yang Yang as she pointed at me, Yang Yang turned and smiled at me. "That's here." She came towards me and pulled to her arms. "It's nice to finally meet you, my name is Mei." I looked at Yang Yang questioningly. "Third Princes Ex." He said and I laughed. "Oh the woman you stole." Mei frowned at me. "What do you mean?" She asked and I chuckled. "Oh nothing." Yang Yang was glaring at me. "Yang Yang said you have never came here, what brought you here today?" She asked curiously. "She was saved by Dong Hua and now she wants to repay him." Mei gave me a knowing look. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Mei covered her face. "Every goddess that's been saved by Dong Hua always come here in the name of repaying him, so you're not the first." She chuckled. "Actually they owe each other,Dong Hua saved her and she also saved him but hers was more life threatening." He winked at me. "Yang Yang, you said you would help me." I whined and he chuckled. "The only way to get into the palace is if you become a fairy." Mei laughed. "She would never agree to that!" I looked at Yang Yang. "Let's do it." She stopped laughing. "Dong Hua isn't worth your time, he doesn't have any feelings you'll just end up being heart broken like the many goddesses before you." She said softly. "Is this why your relationship with the Third Prince didn't workout? So perssimistic and negative? Feelings? I think it's too early to talk about that even if I do fall for him that would be my own cross to bear, don't worry about it touch much." She shook her body. "Woah, you just gave me goosebumps it seems you're really here to repay him and because I like you already I will also help!" I beamed at her. "Really?" I asked and she nodded her head, this had marked the starting point of my life  and some part of me was scared but I was ready to face it all for him.

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