Chapter Seventeen

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-A new born


As I left heaven I felt Dong Hua was following me, he was angry but he hadn't vented just yet. "Fengjiu what is this!?" His voice thundered. "What is what?" He held the bridge of his nose. "Do you know what's the cost of using dark magic!!" He yelled again and I laughed. "I'm not using dark magic, it was absorbed by body and now I'm tired of being good, I just wanted to explore a bit besides, what I do is none of your business." He grabbed me and shook me roughly. "Don't touch me." He took a step back with his trembling hands. "I think that, the world has had enough peace maybe it's time it became chaotic again." He frowned. "XiaoBai don't force my hand." I took a step towards him and caressed his face. "Your hand was forced the moment you met me." He shuddered as I turned away from him. "See you around." I bowed my head before disappearing like the wind.

When I arrived at the forbidden lands Wan Xue was waiting patiently, Wan Xue was good looking with milky porcelain skin, dark raven hair, light golden yellow eyes and a mascular fit body it was the Gods had molded him but even I knew that the Gods couldn't make such a beauty. " You're back." He said in a husky voice and gave me a bright dazzling smile. "I told you I would." I said sweetly.

The forbidden realm was actually a beautiful place but because of the demonic monsters that lived here, it was abandoned because of that and Dijiun forbidden anyone from ever using this place. "Is Kai still the demon King?" I asked softly. "Not of this part." I smiled brightly. "So you're the king of this place, we must give it a worthy name." His eyes went wide.  " Princess..." He wanted to say something but he decided against it. "Say whatever it is you need to say, I will answer anything you ask." Something sad swirled in his eyes and then a smell of blood hit my nose. "Wan Xue are you  hurt?" He shook his head and then I narrowed my eyes at him, he kneeled down and I saw the chains attached to his shoulders. "Everything I move, they sink deeper into my flesh." Without thinking about it, I destroyed the chains using my sword. "Sit down and face away from me." He complied and I healed all of his wounds. "Did Dong Hua Dijiun do this to you?" I asked softly and he shook his head. " It was the demon King, Kai is my brother." My jaw fell to the ground. "How can you be related to him!" I yelled and he laughed. "I get that a lot, but as you can tell Kai and I don't have the best relationship." I snorted. "No doubt about that, he chained you to an immortal eating flesh chains, even a blind man could see where your relationship stands with him." He laughed loudly, at it was bell like echoes a sound that was rare to the ears but very pleasant to hear. "Do you want to pay brother dearest a visit?" He turned to looked at me and his earth scent fanned my face. "Will you allow me to step out of this place?" He asked like a child. "Wan Xue you're not a prisoner, you can do whatever you want, I won't control you. You are my equal and I'm trusting you." He beamed at me brightly. "Let's pay brother dearest a visit then." I grinned at him, he starred at me and blinked rapidly. "What is it?" He asked softly. "Your hair it's black and white." He said in wonder. "Someone from the Ice realm used their magic on me, so from time to time I get these white stripes of hair." He nodded his face and he surprised me by cupping my face. "The person who doesn't want you is the dumbest person in this life." I felt a lump form in my throat. "I will look after you and protect you, I won't let anything happen to you, I will never leave you alone and I will always be by your side." He said sincerely. "Remember your words." I whispered softly. "Let's go." He beamed and we set off to the demon lands.

Dong Hua

Several days have passed since the last time I saw XiaoBai and I feel so miserable each and everyday, it's like she had vanished into thin air without a trace. I have been looking for her ever since she left my palace, I don't know whether to be happy or frightened because after all my worst nightmares seem to be coming true.
The dark magic that XiaoBai had absorbed was stronger and more present than it was but also something stronger was suppressing it from totally consuming her, in her heart I know that she hates  me now and has misunderstood me but how can I tell her all the secrets in my heart. "Dong Hua." The third Prince called me. "You look ghostly pale, you still haven't found her?" I shook my head softly and he sighed just then a guard came running. "Dijiun." He greeted with urgency. "The Princess of Qingqiu was just seen going to the demons lands." Immediately I took off to the demon lands but when I got there everything was a mess, the demon soldiers and guards lay scattered on the ground. "Kai I brought you a suprise." I heard XiaoBai's sweet voice except that the sweetness in it was almost taunting and fake, I went to the main hall. "XiaoBai." All eyes turned to look at me. "Chuan." I whispered, he bowed but XiaoBai looked at me indifferently. "You're not welcome here." Kai said to his brother. "How so brother? This is my home too! You're scared that I will make you pay for having me locked up and tied to the immortal eating flesh chains, don't worry XiaoJiu is working on my anger against you." He looked at XiaoBai and there was a spark in his eyes. "Fengjiu I want to talk to you." I said firmly and cold. "I am afraid Dong Hua I don't have the time, see we were just dropping by we have other plans." She looked at at Chuan. "Wan Xue, you ready?" He nodded his head then she looked at Kai. "I will see you soon." It sounded like a promise and before she could disappear I grabbed her and took her to heaven. "Dong Hua what is your problem?" She asked in a hostile voice. " My problem? What is your problem? Should I tell your parents about this?" She laughed. "Do whatever you want to do Dong Hua, I don't care." She said coldly. "It's better that Yang Yang...." Before I could finish she slapped me. "Don't you dare mention his name!" The white highlights of her hair darkened and then her whole head turned white, she was like a female mirror of me except right now she was pissed. "You look beautiful with white hair." I expected her to fume but instead her eyes looked confused and she pulled a strand of her hair and looked at it. "A protecting spell." she whispered. "XiaoBai go back to Qingqiu before I tell your parents." She laughed. "You forget that Qingqiu is not under any rules and regulations of heaven or otherwise, Qingqiu is like its own country just that they like assisting the heaven clan, so even you tell them my parents will deal directly with me, so save me the I care show." I frowned as her hair turned back. "Visit  Qingqiu and I will burn your palace to the ground." She smiled sweetly. "You don't want that now do you?" I sighed. "What is wrong with you!?" I yelled. "Loving you! Is what's wrong with me!" She yelled right back and with that being said she disappeared.

I was standing there speechless but I needed to find a way to understand, I saw Fangsu coming towards me and she looked  pissed and really sad. "You fucked up!" She said and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Have you forgotten who you're speaking to?" I asked coldly. "I don't care who I am talking to, do you know what you have done!!" She yelled loudly. "The one person who did everything for you, cared for you, turned herself into something she's not, the whole of the ice realm has turned black, I hope you can bring her back because if something happens to her you will be to blame." She bowed and left me in utter chaos.

XiaoBai come back to me

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