2 - Janus

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Tigger Warning: Implied self harm, some verbal and physical violence. read with care guys, gals, and nonbinary pals

I had just come out of the bathroom after cleaning myself up. I saw Logan and quickly finished covering the bandage. I tried to head upstairs to my bedroom when Logan asked, "Janus, how are you doing today?" I stood there for a moment, shocked that my older brother just spoke to me and called me by my name.

"Why should I tell you, Logic? You do care about me! You don't blame me for our father's death," I hissed.

"You should tell me because I'm your older brother through adoption. Of course I care about you, Janus. My father's death is your fault, Janus! You were just an experiment that he grew to care about!" Logan shouted at me.

"Keep your voice down. Mom isn't resting right now. I just got her upset enough to not get rest," I whispered, "I may have been an experiment, but you didn't consider me a brother before the accident." I then stormed upstairs to my room. I closed the door and locked it, so Logan couldn't cause anymore pain with his words. A few moments later, Virgil was texting me.

V: Hey, Jan! Are you ok?

J: Yeah, I'm fine. Logic just asked how I was doing today, and he used my name instead of what people call me at school.

V: Really?! He's going to pretend to care now, after everything he's done? What did you say?

J: I snapped a tiny bit, Vee. I asked why I should tell him and told him that he didn't care. I also told him that he blames me for the accident. Also, I heard that Roman is trying to get in your good graces.

V: I'm proud that you let him have a tad bit of it. Yeah, ever since he found out that I'm his soulmate. Anybody who bullies my BFF has a road of work in front of them.

J: Do you not feel the soulmate bond pulling you towards him?

V: Of course I do, Jan, but I'm not letting my soulmate bully any of my friends, especially not you.

V: Speaking of friends, I have to meet Pat's in about fifteen minutes.

There was a knocking on my door, and I sighed as I texted one last message. I have to go, Vee, ttyl. Before I could answer my door, Virgil sent a reply saying, "Ok, Jan! Just call if you need anything." I sent him a quick reply before opening my door to see Logan on the other side.

"It is extremely rude to storm off in the middle of a conversation, and you still haven't answered my question," Logan said.

"We weren't in the middle of a conversation, because I wasn't finished talking to you. The answer to your question was that it is totally your business. Now hang around and continue to bother me, please," I retorted.

"Just because you were done talking, Deceit, doesn't mean I was! Now what is wrong? Don't tell me that it's none of my business. I want to help you," Logan told me.

"If you truly saw me as your brother, then you would call me the most amazing name that my friends came up with. You were just joking with Roman about me," I said trying to control my anger.

"I don't have time for this childish behavior, Janus. I have to go take care of mom, but I can't do that until you tell me what's wrong with you," Logan told me exasperated. During our argument, Virgil called my phone a couple of times. He must've assumed that Logan and I were in an argument because he sent a text saying, "Pack your overnight bag, Jan, I'm on my way."

"Just go take care of mom, Logan, because I'm not telling you anything. Even if I did tell you, you would just use it against me in school. Stop pretending to not care and go back to being obsessed with me, Logan!" I said a little too loud. I tried to slam my door, but Logan blocked it with his foot. What is with him today? I know that it's the anniversary of the accident, but he usually ignores me the most today.

Before Logan could say anything, there was a musical knock on our door. I groaned internally because that knock could only belong to Roman Price, Logan's best friend. It distracted my brother long enough for me to close my door and lock it again. I heard Logan sigh on the other side of the door as I began putting my overnight bag together. I finally heard footsteps going down the stairs as I was zipping the bag closed.

Logan wasn't even halfway down the stairs, when I heard the front door slam open. I heard Roman making offended prince noises and then Virgil's voice shouting at Logan. I grabbed my bag and unlocked my door. Anytime Logan and I had a huge argument, Virgil would take me to his house for the night. Tonight was clearly no different as I waited for them to get to my door.

"Janus, come on, I'm taking you to my place," Virgil called. I opened my door to see four people on the other side. Virgil took my bag from me and stormed downstairs. Roman followed him trying to get Virgil to speak to him. I was going to follow them, but Logan blocked the doorway.

"Logan, Roman and I are in a hurry. Just let Snaky go, and you can bully him later," the boy in a green hoody told Logan.

"Dukey, stay up here please. I do require your help," I said. I felt my necklace heat up slightly as it changed from silver to green.

"Look, I'm already late for meeting my friend, Logan. Clearly, Snaky doesn't want to stay here with one of his personal bullies," Dukey replied as he shoved Logan out of the doorway and grabbed my hand. He dragged me out of my room, but before we could make it to the stairs, Logan grabbed my snake half arm.

I shouted out in pain, and Dukey halted and glared at Logan. Logan just tightened his grip which nearly caused me to cry in pain. "Remus, I don't care if you two are soulmates, Janus is not leaving this house! You are better off without him anyway, and Roman would agree!" Logan shouted as he yanked me by my arm. Remus reluctantly let go of my hand because he didn't want me to get hurt.

Virgil and Roman heard all the ruckus from downstairs and came up the stairs. "You don't get to decide if he and I deserve to be together. We are soulmates destined for one another. I don't care what Roman thinks! His soulmate won't even give him the light of day!" Remus argued. I pulled my left arm as hard as I could manage. I broke free of Logan's grasp and fell into the muscular arms of my soulmate.

"Roman, can we leave now? I'm ready to see Patton and introduce him to my soulmate," Remus said as he lifted me into his arms bridal style and carried me towards and down the stairs.

"Did you say that you are Patton's friend?" Virgil asked as we passed by him and Roman.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be meeting his twin brother. I was actually supposed to meet him an hour ago, but somebody had to look perfect for his murder buddy," Remus answered.

"Hi, Remus, I'm Virgil Winters, Patton's twin brother. Janus is my best friend, and I came here to take him to my place. You can ride with us if you want," Virgil explained.

"I would love to ride with Janus and you in the death car," Remus agreed. Virgil followed us downstairs with Roman and Logan hot on his heels.

"Janus, you can't leave. What will that do to mom?" Logan attempted to make me stay. Remus placed me on my feet gently and grabbed ahold of my right hand once again.

"Logan, mom won't come out of her room until noon tomorrow. We'll both be at school, so she won't even notice. I feel wanted and loved here, and I don't need time away," I said as Remus dragged me out of the house behind Virgil. I closed the door on Logan's and Roman's shocked faces. Virgil got behind the wheel, and Remus got in the passenger seat. He pulled me onto his lap and closed the door. Virgil sped away to his house.

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