His tidy eyebrows that line his piercing green eyes. The long black lashes that cover them. His thick black hair, which is messy in some places from the wind.

As though he reads my mind, he runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back into place.

I've notice that at the end of running his hand through his hair, he slightly tugs at his roots. It makes my heart flutter and I let out a small chuckle.

He looks over at me, completely clueless that I had been staring.

"What?" He says suddenly, a hint of worry masked in his voice.

"Nothing," I sigh, my head is pounding and I feel the tears forming at the corners of my eyes.

"I think I'm going crazy." My voice breaks as I feel the first tear roll down my cheek.

I burry my head in between my knees and can't help it as I let out a sob, all the anger and betrayal forcing me to explode.

"It's my fault isn't it?" I whisper down at the floor, not wanting to look up at him.

Before I can say anything else Leo's wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in his scent as he draws me closer.

I loose control of myself as I move onto his lap, letting him take all of my weight, my legs going numb with pain.

Even sitting, he's much taller than me, his strong arms comforting around my weak self. I lace my hands behind his torso and hold onto him like my life depends on it.

I burry my head into his chest sobbing uncontrollably, letting the frustration and doubt take over.

He doesn't stay anything, but lets me cry into him, not caring that I'm weak and pathetic.

Slowly he rests his head onto of mine, the action comforting, like he's letting me know he's there for me.

"I hate him," my voice is small as I cling onto Leo, "I hate him so much." I let out another sob and feel Leo hold me tighter.

"I know." He whispers softly against me and I feel my heart tug. "It's going to be okay." His voice is soft as he soothingly runs his hand through my hair.

"I should have just-"

Leo sits back from me and I almost whine, "Don't." His voice is stern, his eyes blazing.

"Don't even say that. You don't owe him anything, you never did. Don't let his sick and twisted words get into that pretty little head of yours."

I can't help myself as I giggle, shaking my head lightly. Even after all that, he can make me laugh.

I see the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile as his gorgeous green eyes stare into mine, a foreign emotion covering them.

I swipe at my face and take in a deep breath, "I'm sorry." I look down at my hands and realise I'm still sitting on Leo's lap.

I look back up at him and now he's full on smirking.

I get self conscious and go to move off him, but he reads my mind and grabs my wrists, holding me in place.

"Oh no you don't." His husky voice tells me and I bite my lip to stop a laugh escaping.

In one movement he moves us back so his back he's leaning against the wooden post, his long legs stretched out in front of him.

I stare down at him about to protest but he grabs me by my waist and lifts me up, spinning me around and placing my back down in between his legs.

"Leo." I squeal before trying to sit up away from him, he wraps his large arms around me pining me tightly so my backs against his chest.

Reluctantly, I lean back into him, letting his large grasp keep my warm. His dark cologne making me feel safe. I close my eyes and snuggle closer to him, putting my small hands on top of his biceps.

I drown out the rest of the world as I let the darkness take over. Feeling safe in the arms of this boy who I've only known for a short amount of time, which feels like forever.

I'm not sure where to go from here.

Not with Leo, not with the group, not with my life. And as I drift to sleep, I'm only sure of one thing.

I wouldn't want to be here with anybody else.

Camp Echo Falls (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now