Chapter 14

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I keep my eyes on Leo, wondering what he's thinking about. I feel guilty as my mind wonders to how handsome he looks under the moonlight.

His jet black hair the same colour as the night sky, his jaw set hard as he looks out over the lake. The removal of his leather jacket leaves him sitting in only black jeans and a black t-shirt.

It's so cliché for him to be wearing all black, but damn does it look good.

His softly defined biceps are now on show to anyone looking at him, light veins travelling down his arms to his hands. The hands that are covered in small tattoos, the dark ink etched into his rough skin. I wonder how he got them at such a young age.

Probably knows a guy.

The wind picks up and moves a strand of his hair out of place. He effortlessly runs one hand through it to tame it, the moonlight catches on one of his rings, reflecting the light into the darkness.

His arm flexes, making his muscles look bigger and something deep inside me feels like it's been set aflame.

There is something behind his eyes, I can see it raging, but I can't quite tell what it is. It's as if there is a magnet drawing me into him, no matter how hard I dig my feet into the floor.

He makes my stomach feel tight and my mind wander, thinking of the way his arm felt around me in the forest earlier.

Or the way his steady hands felt either side of my hips, his strong grasp left me begging for him to pull me closer.

There was also something else that I felt for him, a small feeling of something faint at the back of my mind. I just don't know what.

Naomi speaks out, "So Leo, tells us," she giggles and I'm intrigued to see where this goes. "How many girls virginity's have you taken?"

I almost gasp at her blunt question, having to cough quickly to hide my reaction. To be fair, it is Naomi. What did I expect?

For some reason Leo goes quite, I see something playing across his eyes, likes he's reliving a specific moment. My heart starts pounding, the question lingering in the air. The whole group on edge as we wait for his answer.

After a few seconds his clears his throat, "None."

What? He can't be serious.

"You're lying." Naomi says without a second to think and I stifle a laugh. She sounds as shocked as I feel.

"Nope, I don't fuck virgins." He regains his confidence and shoots me a quick look. I feel the air knocked out of my chest and then get embarrassed at the fact I took offence to that.

I sit forward, "What about you're first time? Surely she was a virgin as well." I know I'm pushing, but something about the way he answered, just doesn't feel right.

His jaw goes stiff and his emerald eyes once again glaze over. For a moment he goes dead silent and I think I've hit a nerve.

"She was a slag," his voice is laced with poison, as though he's putting years worth of regret on to this girl. "Nothing more, nothing less."

I don't push any further.

- - -

The night moves quickly and we decide to head back to our cabins, saying our goodbyes to the boys as we walk up the steps into our room.

Naomi flops onto her bed and lets out a deep sigh. "Great, now I have to take my makeup off." She groans. I laugh lightly and shake my head, moving over to my bed.

I reach to the back of my neck and undo the clasp on my silver cross necklace and place it onto my night stand. I'm not religious or anything, but it was a present from my dad for my thirteenth birthday and I have worn it every day since.

Alison appears from the bathroom and places her to toiletry bag onto the dressing table, she grabs one of her many books and gets under the cover of her bed. Within minutes she is emerged deep into the book, her hand tuning the page every now and then.

Naomi uses the bathroom next and comes back out after removing her makeup, she gets into her bed and starts scrolling through her phone.

I use the bathroom after her, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I take off my mascara and apply lip balm before walking back into the bedroom.

I gather my hair into a bun on top of my head and pull a few strands out to make it look messier and cuter.

I change out of my clothes into a plain white crop top and plaid black and white bottoms. Removing my bed duvet, I slip under the covers and go onto my phone to check my messages.

To dad - Hey dad, just wanted to say all settled in at camp. Missing you already, hope tonight went well. Xox - Jade.

The sound of my phone clicking as I turn it off fills the dead silent room. I stuff the device under my pillow after plugging it into charge and sigh. I turn to look up at the ceiling, and I know automatically that I'm not going to fall asleep any time soon.

"Night bitches." A sleep Naomi yawns into to dark room and I hear as Alison groans in reply. I smile at Naomi's unusual way of showing affection and roll my eyes.

"Love you too." I whisper into the night, the only response is the sound of bed covers rustling as one of the girls turns over in her bed.

About an hour passes and I can hear soft snores from Naomi and Alison. Both their side lamps turned off. As to not wake them, I quietly flick my lamp off and sit up in my bed slowly. I slip on my fluffy socks and Nike sliders and pace around Ni's bed, to the door.

I remove my key from my pocket and carefully, not to make a sound, I turn the key in the door and let myself out, locking them both in. They both have keys, so it's not like they couldn't get out in an emergency. But I prefer to have my own key, it's nice knowing it's mine.

I walk away from the cabin towards the lake, a sharp wind makes me regret not wearing a jumper. The walk from our cabin to the lake is so familiar in my mind, that I easily make it there in the dark.

A long dock is stretched out from the grassy shore into the closest part of lake. The wooden path is raised up above the water, making it a perfect place to sit and look out over the glistening lake.

I walk the dock slowly, feeling the hard wooden panels clunk under my feet as I near the edge. Once at the end, I take a seat on the dock, dangling my legs over the edge and putting my hands face down on either side of me for support.

It's quite as everyone is asleep, an owl in the distance hoots. The only sounds are from the water slowly moving against the bank. I put my hands slightly behind me and sit back into them, closing my eyes I get lost in my thoughts.

The night sky twinkling above me, constellations and patterns filling my mind, as I breath in the calmness that being at camp brings me. That's the main thing I like about Camp Echo Falls, it's somewhere where time practically stops.

It's somewhere I can call home.

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