Chapter 64

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Leo's POV

The morning sun peaks from behind the horizon and I let out a sigh. My legs have gone numb, Jade's small weight against my chest.

Her soft snores are the only thing I can hear, her hair across her flawless face. A small smile tugs at the corners of my mouth as I take my hand to move her hair from her eyes.

She stirs and shuffles in my grip, tilting her body, so the side of her check is pressed up against me.

In her sleep she threaded her arms around my waist, clutching tightly as though I'm going to slip away.

I didn't sleep a single second last night, there is no way I would leave us both out here unconscious. If anything happened to Jade I would never be able to forgive myself.

I'm not able to forgive myself now.

I watch as the pink sun rises over the peaceful lake, it's must be around 4am. The birds sign their song high in the trees. A light breeze makes Jade shiver and I pull her closer to me.

It feels so good to have her arms around me, I've never let anyone this close to me for this long. Something about her grip doesn't make me want to push her off, it doesn't make me feel irritated or like my skins on fire.

It makes me feel safe, it makes me feel seen.

Even in the pitch black of the night, even though I was alone all night, lost in my thoughts, I still had her. Right then she needed me.

And I think I needed her.

Not to my liking, Jade's eyes flicker open, her grip loosens around me. As though she doesn't know where she is, she looks around her desperately.

Her grey eyes flick up to meet mine and they go wide. "Morning." I say in a husky voice and something darts across her eyes for a split second.

"We were here all night?" She puts her hands on my thighs and pushes her self up. I have to hold my breath to stop myself from cursing.

She sits back from me and looks around us, staring to panic. She runs her hand through her slightly messy hair and looks back at me.

"Please tell me we didn't do anything last night."

I'm surprised that's what her first thought is. Does she really think I would take advantage of her when she was vulnerable?

"Apart from you sleeping on me," I bite the inside of my lip, "nothing happened."

She looks at me for a second to make sure I'm telling the truth and then nods, I can see the clogs turning as she's deep in thought.

"Will cheated on me?" She looks up at me with glazed over eyes.

Something breaks inside me and I have to nod, not able to speak. She lets out a deep sigh and covers her face with her hands.

"I thought I dreamt that." Her voice is small and I feel the rage for Will build up again.

She looks over her shoulder at the cabins in the distance and I get the feeling she wants to go back to her room.

"I can walk you back if you want." I start to push myself off the floor, but she puts her hand on my knee to stop me.

"I know I'm being selfish," she looks up at me with tears in her eyes and I know that whatever she wants right now, I'll give it to her.

"Do you mind if we stay here for a bit, I don't want to have to explain what happened to the girls."

Her head drops, she starts picking at her nails and I can't help as a chuckle escapes my lips.

Her head snaps up to meet my gaze, I run my hands though my hair and over my face.

Sitting back against the wooden beam I sigh, "I thought you were going to ask me if we could find Will, so you could apologise." I say truthfully and she looks annoyed.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him." She looses the fire behind her eyes and I watch as she takes in a shaky breath.

"Come here." I hold my hand for her to take and she looks up at me hesitantly, I raise my eyebrows and she sighs, reluctantly taking it.

An bolt of electricity shoots up my arm as I pull her towards me, she goes back to the same position as before.

Her torso against mine, the side of her face resting underneath my chin. Her small arms loop back through mine, this time less tight, less scared that I'm going to leave.

"It's beautiful isn't it." We watch the pinky orange sun peaking from the horizon. The tropical glow casted across the lake makes me feel warm. The sky waking up, not a cloud in sight.

Not as beautiful as her. Not even close.

Her small voice speaks again, "Is it bad that I'm not in pain?"

I look down at her confused, what does she mean?

She keeps her eyes on the lake, not wanting to look up at me. I need to know what she means, "Isn't that a good thing?"

Without thinking I start to trace light circles on the small of her back, "I thought I would be more heartbroken." She whispers and I feel my chest tighten.

I take a second to think. "Maybe you're not as hurt as you thought you'd be, because you weren't as in love as you thought you were."

She stiffens under my touch and I drop my hand from her back, she sits back from me and her eyes flick up to meet mine.

"Maybe I wasn't." Her brows furrow as she looks confused for a second. Even in the circumstances, she is adorable.

Leo, snap out of it.

I'm not even thinking as I move my hand to her cheek, my eyes trained on her hair as I tuck a strand behind her ear. I don't even realise I've done it until I'm looking back into Jade's eyes.

Something is different about them, as though something has just clicked.

She clears her throat and looks away from me, suddenly a cold breeze washes over camp.

She stands up and I follow, "I should probably go have a shower and get changed." She laughs lightly looking down at herself.

I don't want her to leave me.

As though she reads my mind, "Walk with me?"

"Sure." I say hesitantly, not knowing if she's just asking to be nice. I stuff my hands into my pockets and start walking up the dock beside her.

My question is answered as she slips her hand into my pocket and I stiffen as she laces her fingers through mine.

My heart is racing as my body takes me towards the bank, her soft touch sending waves of heat through me.

It doesn't help when she leans her head on my shoulder. "Thank you for staying with me." Her voice is nothing but a whisper.

"I would never leave you." I reply truthfully, a sudden need to tell her that takes over.

She hums in response and without realising it I start tracing circles on the side of her hand with my thumb.

As we walk back to her cabin I have to use the little energy I have left to bite back a smile.

My mind is empty, only one thought is present and it's one that scares me to death.

I like the way she makes me feel.

Camp Echo Falls (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora