"Pina +3,” Pina said to the gateman at the club. Type tried to straighten his shirt to appear older and cool so they don't suspect that they were actually underage. Tharn caught it and smiled. The man checked the list and nodded as he gestured for them to enter. Type sighed in relief as soon as they were through the doors. 

"Wow, it is really loud in here," Type said to Tharn. Tharn couldn't hear him over the music so he moved his ear closer to him. Type chuckled at his movement because Tharn was right after all; it was too loud to have a conversation in there. 

"Guys, my friend got us a table. Follow me," Pina screamed to their group. They nodded and followed her through the crowd of people littered on every inch of the floorspace, given it was the weekend. They finally pushed their way through the bodies occupying the club and sat down on the high chairs. 

"What do you want to start with?" Pina asked, leaning into the table and looking around at the group. "Shots!" Nicolette screamed over the music. Type nodded his head furiously in agreement and Tharn grinned at how excited he appeared to be. Pina flagged a server down and ordered them a tray of 16 shots. 

When the server came back with their order, Tharn and Type's eyes widened at the number of shots she had ordered. "What is this?" Tharn asked, leaning into her ear. "Tequila," she screamed. Tharn widened his eyes in surprise. He knew he could drink a good amount, but starting off with 4 shots of tequila was not going to bode well, even for him. He was worried that Type might get too drunk because he had gotten quite inebriated with 3 pegs of whiskey when they had gone camping and turned to look at him to see he was already holding up a shot glass, and so was Nicolette. He sighed and picked up his shot glass and they collectively clinked their glasses and downed the shot. 

Type felt fire in his body and quickly licked the salt, putting the wedge of lemon in his mouth and sucking at it furiously. He didn't know if he could take more after the first shot, but Nicolette pushed another into his hand. He looked at her smiling up at him and didn't want to disappoint her, so he took the second shot with the group again. It burned even more and it hurt his throat. The lemon didn't seem to help the second time. He saw that half the tray was still left so he decided to brave it and doubled fisted the last two shots. Looking at him, everyone else grabbed two shots in their hands.

Tharn saw the discomfort on his face and thought about stopping him. He could see that Type was just trying to get the shots over with by grabbing both the shot glasses and felt a little worried about how he would handle so much alcohol if doing two shots was enough to make him look like that. Before he could protest, Type brought his hands forward and clinked his glasses with the group and downed both the shots in quick succession, contorting his face in pain and quickly shoving both the lemon wedges in his mouth. Tharn couldn't do anything about it at that point, so he downed his shots, feeling the alcohol slowly hit him when the last shot travelled down his throat.

"Let's dance!" Nicolette said, pulling Type down from the stool as she dragged him into the dancefloor. Tharn stared at him in worry because Type's movements looked unsteady. He was pulled out of it when he felt Pina put her arm around his shoulder and he turned to face her. "Let's join them," she said in his ear. He figured it would be a good idea for them to stay close to Type and Nicolette in case something happened and nodded. He grabbed her waist as she led him to the dancefloor. As soon as his eyes set on Type and Nicolette in the middle of the crowd, he felt a sense of relief and began dancing with Pina, glancing at his friends every few seconds to not lose sight of them. 

Type felt a lot more drunk than he had ever been. His head felt numb. He couldn't even feel his grip on Nicolette's waist properly due to the dulling of his senses caused by the copious amounts of alcohol in his system. He followed along the movement of her body, not paying mind to if he was actually dancing to the beat at all. His vision was blurry and his body felt like it was heating up to a dangerous temperature, but he couldn't get himself out of there because he was unsure how he was going to make it out of the crowd, so he just danced, hoping it would help sober him up a little. 

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