"I made you some food", Dre said.

"I'll eat it when I come back", Aaliyah said as she nodded.

Dre just looked at her. He really wanted to know where she was going but he was still mad from last night so he was too stubborn to ask.

Aaliyah walked out the door and Dre like out a sigh of frustration.

Andre looked at Dre and Dre looked at Andre.

"Stay single. It's so much less you'd have to stress about son", Dre said even though Andre didn't know what he was talking about.


Aaliyah came back home an hour later and Dre was sitting on the couch.

"Have fun", he asked still looking at the TV.

"Aaliyah didn't say anything, she just sat down. "...Dre", she said.

Dre looked at her.

"I'm sorry. You're right. It's me. I'm the problem", she said. "...not you. You wanted me to feel better about my pregnancy and I get why you said that"

"Just because I'm scared of the outcome of what may happen, doesn't mean I don't have faith", Dre said.

Aaliyah looked down.

Dre sat up. "Where did you go?", he asked.

"...when my mom died I got her insurance money. I had it put away in a savings. I didn't want to spend it. I wanted for emergencies only but...it's no point to have it just sit if the money isn't accumulating", she said. "So...I wanna start a business now. Our business and no excuses Dre. I went to the bank and I got the money"

"Okay", Dre said.

"Now...what do you wanna do?", she asked. "Have you thought of anything?"

"Support group", he said. "I know you said you wanted to help people but didn't know how"

"But that's not going to make any money", Aaliyah  said.

"I know but that's what you want. You don't have to pay for anything. I already have a building you can use...I made it official last night. I wasn't stalling just because I wanted to save. I was stalling because I wanted to save up just enough and be able to buy a building for you to help other girls and women out there that have been through the same things you have, or maybe even worse and I'm sure you can think out other things you can hold inside the building, that'll make money. It's a pretty big space...I just wanted to make sure you were straight before I did something for myself"

"...you did that?", Aaliyah asked.

"Yea", he said. "A lot of bad shit been going on since I've been in your life so I owe to you"

"Bad stuff has been happening...but thank you, Dre", she said.

Dre nods. "But not with your loved ones", he said.

Aaliyah was silent for a moment then she changed the subject. "But what about you? What do you want to do?", Aaliyah asked.

"This might sound a little funny but I guess like a car wash. You can get your car vacuumed, detail, clean and shining all in one place", he said.

"No, it's not funny and you can make some good money. It's no car washing near here. They're on the other side of town", she said.

"That's what I said", he said.

Aaliyah nods.

"Keep your money though. I'm just going to take out a loan", he said.

"You sure?", Aaliyah asked.

"Positive", Dre said.

"Okay", Aaliyah said. "I guess I'll use my money for own little thing"

Dre smiled a little then when back to a normal face as looked at the TV.

Aaliyah kisses his cheek. "Are you still mad at me?", she asked.

Dre shook his head. "No", he said. "I never was... I was just thinking about something"

"About what?", Aaliyah asked.

"Something somebody said yesterday, but it's no big deal", he said.

"Me?", she asked.

"Nah, not you bae... I just... I don't know. I don't feel like talking right now", he said.

Aaliyah looked at him for a moment then eventually nods. "Okay", she said. "I'm just going to check on andre", she said.

"Iight", Dre said.

Aaliyah stood up and walked down the hall.


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