Chapter 64

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The next morning the funeral was crowded with friends and family. Aaliyah and Carmen sat with the rest of the family. Everybody was looking at them funny. As if they didn't belong or just because they were twins, they didn't know and they honestly didn't care. They just knew that their dad died and they missed him.

Right before the service started, Dre came to the front row and sat next to Aaliyah. Aaliyah looked at him and looked away. She was a little upset with Dre but at the same time, she wanted him to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

Dre places his hand on top of hers and Aaliyah looked at it then at him.

Dre winked at her and Aaliyah looked away.

The preach began to speak and the service began. After the service, everybody went to the burial site for her dad to be buried. Aaliyah, Carmen and Dre didn't go because they knew that those guys who wanted to kill Aaliyah and Dre would be there. Carmen didn't go because she's Carmen twin of course, and they didn't wanna cause any confusion.

Carmen came out the bathroom after talking on the phone. "I gotta go", Carmen said.

"What? Got busy to handle?", Aaliyah asked.

"Yea and so do you", Carmen said.

"Me?", Aaliyah questioned. "I don't have anything to handle"

"Yes, you do. With Dre", Carmen said. "I saw the way you were acting toward him after the service.

"I just don't understand why you care so much", Aaliyah said.

"Honestly, I don't... but I feel like that guy does everything he can for you. Don't you want that?", Carmen asked.

"Carmen I found out what that ring was for and honestly... I don't want to get married", Aaliyah said.

"You don't want to? Or are you scared?", she asked.

Aaliyah got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. "I don't have anything to explain to you", she mumbled as she walked in the bathroom and shut the door.

"You told him, you loved him", Carmen began talking.

Aaliyah made a face because she didn't tell her that.

"He told me... and Aaliyah if you love somebody... don't let them go because of fear. If you aren't ready for marriage that's fine. When or if he's still going to ask, then just say no and your reasoning, he'll respect it. But, you can't push him away like this or he'll just leave forever", carmen said.

Aaliyah opened the bathroom door and looked at Carmen. "You think I need a man in my life? I don't!"

"I didn't say you did! But if he isn't doing anything to hurt you then why not keep? He makes you happy. He isn't doggin' you out... He isn't perfect but Aaliyah lets face it neither are you. He's not going to chase you forever", Carmen said.

". If I choose to push him away that's on me. I am not letting another person get hurt. Period", Aaliyah said.

"What are you talking about?", Carmen asked.

"Every person close to me has're right I do love him. I love him too much to see him get buried", Aaliyah said.


"Nah. I don't wanna talk", Aaliyah said cutting her off.

Carmen didnt say anything.

"Have a safe trip. Love you", Aaliyah said as she walked back in the bathroom.

Carmen shook her head and began to get her stuff together.


That night, Aaliyah sat in the hotel room eating some Chinese food and watching T.V.

Suddenly, she heard a noise outside her balcony and quickly got up. She eased to her bag to grab her gun as a gunshot went through the glass door.

Aaliyah grabbed the gun and aimed it at the door. She didn't hear anything as she stood there waiting for somebody to come through. She slowly walked to the curtains and quickly opened them and saw a black figure on the ground. She opened the sliding door and saw a dead body laying on the ground.

Aaliyah was nervous because she didn't know how to do it but she was glad at the same time because she didn't die. Suddenly, she heard police sirens coming down the road and she quickly put her gun in his pocket.

Aaliyah screamed and made sure the people next to her or out in the hall could hear. Just so they would know she didn't kill him.

Minutes later the police came to her room for questioning. The police officer she was talking to was some strict mean guy. He really wasn't buying anything Aaliyah said.

"Sir, I told you. I was in my bed eating and a gunshot came through the room", Aaliyah said as she was shaking. "I saw the body and I screamed. That's when I heard the police coming, you guys"

The officer finished writing the report. "I'm going to have to take you done to the station", the officer said.

"What?", Aaliyah questioned.

"Don't question me. Just do as I say", he said.

Suddenly, Aaliyah heard Dre's voice.

"Man move. My girl is in there", he said as he came through the door.

The officer handcuffed Aaliyah.

"Woah, Woah. What you doing?", Dre asked.

"Woah, Woah. Move out the way", the officer said mocking Dre.

Dre looked at the officer closely and didnt recognize him. So Dre knew he didnt work for him.

"Why am I being handcuffed?", Aaliyah questioned.

"For the suspicion of murder", the officer said.

"I didnt kill him!", Aaliyah shouted.

"I did", Dre quickly said.

"No need to cover up for your little girlfriend", the officer said as she looked Aaliyah up and down. "Or whatever she is to you"

"Fuck you", Aaliyah said.

"I did it. I have the gun residue on my hands", Dre said. "I can tell you the type of bullet and all"

The officer looked at Dre for a moment then took the handcuffs off Aaliyah. The officer walked to Dre and began to handcuff him. "You are under arrest for murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say will be held against you in the court of law", the officer said as he walked out of the room with Dre.

Aaliyah watched them as Dre looked back at her.

"I'm sorry", Aaliyah mouthed. She was referring to the way she had been acting toward him lately.

Dre looked away as they walked out.

Aaliyah sighed. She didnt knows what was going to happen next. She didnt even know Dre could get arrested since half of the force worked for him. She grabbed her things and left. She was on her way down to the station to see what was going to happen next.


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