Chapter 18

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The next day Aaliyah woke up and went straight to the bathroom and sat on the tub. She felt like she had to vomit but nothing was coming out. She held her stomach and stared at the floor.

Jay walked to the doorway. "Oh my bad", he said as he started to walk away but stopped and looked at her. "You okay?"

"Yes. My stomach is just upset again", she said.

Jay nods.

Aaliyah stands up and looked like she was about to vomit.

Jay looked away.

Aaliyah closed her eyes and walked out of the bathroom. "I'm fine", she said.

Jay watched her. "Don't throw up on my shit", he said.

"I'm not", Aaliyah replied as she sat down. "And by the way, I found a place to stay and I move in next week"

"Okay", he said.

"Oh and my friend is supposed to come over to give me something today, is that fine? I haven't told her the address yet", Aaliyah said. "And she kinda wanted to meet you"

"How your friend look", Jay asked.

"Married", Aaliyah said

"Damn", he said.

Aaliyah shook her head.

"Imma be out today anyway. Dre got some shit he want me to do", Jay said.

"Speaking of Dre? What he been up to?", Aaliyah asked

"I don't know. Last time I was over there he was messing with one of his own hoes", Jay said.

"Oh, TMI but oh", she said.

"I'm just saying", he said. "I'm about to take a shower"

"alright", she said.

Jay walked into his room.

Aaliyah went on her phone and opened her period tracker app. She looked at the tracker and it was four days late. Usually, mother nature showed up on time for her or at least a day late.

Aaliyah ran her hand through her hair as she stared at her phone. She stood up and began to think. She began to worry about if she was pregnant but she knew she couldn't have been because she always used a condom. She sat back down thinking, maybe it was just late and that it'll be on soon but she didn't understand where her nausea was coming from. As she began to stress, she felt like she had to vomit. She went to the bathroom and threw up.

Jay heard her from in his room and shook his head.


30 minutes later Jay walked out of the house. Aaliyah had left but didn't say where she went.

Jay drove to meet up with Dre and some other dudes. He pulled up to the middle of nowhere, where Dre was going to get ready to kill somebody because they did something wrong.

"Just the nigga we been waiting on", Dre said. "Always late"

"By like two minutes", Jay said.

"Two minutes too late", Dre said.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Why am I here?", he asked.

"Because my money been looking a little funny", Dre walks slowly in front of each one as he talks. "I got weed going out but the money ain't adding up. Yall niggas sell the weed, where the money going. I would really hate to hear that one of yall are stealing from me", Dre said.

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