Stage 7 [SEASON 1 FINAL] - Dungeon House Foxx

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{Darius had been walking for a few weeks, it was definitely a rough time for him as he ate most of his food already and his alcohol supply had run cold meaning that he was all out of giggle juice. On top of that, Darius literally ditched the people from the jungle like village since he felt that he would bring danger to their lives (Also he was not looking to share his half of the reward money in the way of rent.) He had not been able to find a single town to spend his reward money with all he was able to find was a clan of wolves that literally chased him out of their village and messed up his clothes in the process.

"This is just flipping fantastic, I'm homeless, foodless, kitty less, and now alcohol less, can this day get any worse?" Darius said to himself then tossed a bottle of alcohol behind his back hitting the head of a sabertooth Jaguar that was trying to sneak up on him, knocking it out cold.

While the day went on, the sun was beaming down on his head with all the fur on his body made it kind of hard for him to think straight and when he tried to shake the water off of himself it made the grass beneath him grow tall.

Darius suddenly had a little bit of a hissy fit as he ripped the grass out of the ground around him which led to him revealing glowing red eyes while breathing heavy like a wild animal that had just finished attacking his prey

Then suddenly a light bulb appeared above his head that suddenly lit Up in Flames making him even hotter which led to him taking out of his jacket pocket a fire extinguisher to put it out. "I haven't been in my true Body in a while might as well."

Just like that Darius started to change his body size and shape revealing his true form that he hid from the camera since he was not fully an animal.

Darius Nack was a Cartoonus Characterus....

Darius Nack looked Almost human as he stretched himself out and felt a little comfortable with his real height and size, but he had to get used to it in some ways like when he is walking through the forest. He was getting hit by tree branches that were usually taller than him since he was now 6 ft tall. "this definitely is going to be something that I'm going to have to get used to but nevertheless I think me doing this is a good idea especially since no one has ever seen me like this, not even on television." He giggled but then he smelled something brewing that he knew so well that made his mouth water. "This better not be one of those mirages that you get when you are extremely hot and tired because I smell something good and I wanted to more than Britney Spears wants a Coca-Cola." Darius said as he dashed off in the form of a cyclone spinning tornado to the nearest village not noticing the sign that said:

"Kiteko, the village of nekos and kitsunes~ humans are not allowed."

Darius blew through there like a house of fire as he was sending individuals into buildings and into the air or just into the forest in general as he was going after something that he was craving for weeks.

He kicked open the doors of the bar and stood there with a cowboy like outfit. "Say yeah fella, I'm looking for some alcohol to wet my whistle, I hope you have some so things won't get ugly." Darius said before spitting into one of the spit buckets that quickly lit up in flames and disintegrated.

The bartender nodded quickly in fear and brewed up the best wine he had. "Of course sir! Right away!"

Darius walk over to one of the stools as many people within the bar either try to back up and leave or look at him as a Do or die moment to see if they were going to try and kill him or just try and butter him up, but Darius had something else on his mind once he sat down...

The red fox woman who was sitting at the end of the bar.....

Her name was Cassie, the daughter of a casino owner, she was just sipping on a wine glass and was rocking white booty shorts and crop top jacket.

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