Home Alone

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When we got to Michael's house I didn't know where to go although I've been here so many times before. This time felt differently. Like I wasn't supposed to be there.

"Just go put your bag in my room or you can put it in the guest bedroom."

I just stood there staring straight ahead and Michael didn't say anything until 5 minutes went by and I was still in the same place.

"Mads what's wrong? Are you ok?"

I shook my head and a few tears fell from my eyes.

"Come on let's sit down then you can tell me why you are acting weird."

He sat me down and took my bags to his room. When he was done he grabbed us some snacks and drinks then sat next to me.

"Will you please tell me now? Because I need to know what's wrong." And he emphasised the word 'need'.

I sat silent for a second then opened my mouth and told him a secret that I have never told any of my friends before.

"When I was 15 I went to a party with my friend, well I thought she was my friend. Her name is Mary. We walked into the party and there was alcohol everywhere. People were making out everywhere I looked and it scared me. I was the youngest person there everyone was 16 and up. Earlier in the day I was talking with this guy named Peter and he was telling me how his mom was out of town and how he was going to have a party. Now normally I don't talk to people I don't know but Mary basically forced me to because she said he liked me. He told me to come and bring a friend so I did. But I didn't know what the party was going to be like. Basically it was full of peer pressure. People gave me drinks which I drank because I didn't want to seem out of place. After about 5-6 drinks I was drunk and acting ways I never did. That's when he found me and led me to a room. I didn't know who this guy was but I knew it wasn't Peter. He laid me down on the bed and began to take my clothes off. And after that I blacked out but I remember Peter coming in and beating him up before he kicked him out. Peter then came back in the room and covered me up and laid down next to me. But that's all I remember from that night. The next day I woke up and he was staring at me, not like creepy but like a "you look so peaceful" stare. he then said to me "Maddy he........that guy from last night he.....he sexually assaulted you. And I didn't come in time to stop it. I'm so so so sorry." Then he began to cry but I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything but lay there. But soon after I woke up his grandma came over to check on him. She saw me, yelled at me, then kicked me out. When I got home I went to my room and showered. Then I texted Mary and asked her where the fuck she was and why she didn't stop him. She responded and said she left with some guy before it happened. So that's why I'm so scared about staying here because I don't want you or I to get in trouble."

Michael looked at me with compassion in his eyes and gave me a hug.

"Don't worry as long as you are with me you'll be safe."

Sorry if that upset some of you. I didn't mean for it to.

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