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I snuck my way downstairs so I wouldn't have to talk to my mom. And luckily I made it out. I walked down the street to the beach and saw his figure. I made my way over to him.

"Hey stranger!"

"Oh hey Maddy! So what happened?" he said.

"Well after you guys left it turns out that my mom was watching and she started to lecture me about you guys! And I was defending you and the boys. But she kept yelling. Then when my dad got home he asked what was wrong and she just replied with nothing. this has happened before and he almost divorced her but she begged him not to. But she makes me so mad and she would hurt me if I ever told him the truth."

When I finished talking I noticed I had some tears dripping down my face. He pulled me into his arms and told me "Shh Maddy it's ok.... calm down....shh."

We stayed like that for 5 minutes until he said "I am going to make you forget about the whole fight ok.?"

"Yeah but I don't see -"

Before I could finish he grabbed my arm and pulled me away to a little cave then we stopped. And he said "Whenever something bad would happen to me or if I ever had a fight with someone or if I just had to clear my head I would come here, sit and relax. Also sometimes I would listen to music or play my guitar. But I don't know sometimes it just made me feel better."

He looked at me waiting to respond but I didn't know what to say. This was the prettiest place I had seen so far in Sydney. And I was loving it, it took my breath away.

We stood there for a little while longer. Until I said "This place is amazing. Just I love this place!"

He smiled then grabbed my hand. He led me back to a place where there were blankets, some pillows, and a little bit of food. He looked back at me and said "You are the only one besides the boys who know about this place. Well as far as I know anyway." he giggled.

"This is amazing Michael. Why did you show me this?"

"You will find out tomorrow. All the boys know and they are making me tell you tomorrow."

We sat there for what seemed like forever but was only 1 hour.

"You can sleep at my house if you want I mean if you don't want to go home." he said shyly.

"I would like to. I don't think I want to go home yet. I don't have a change of clothes though." I said looking down at my black skinny jeans and dark blue tank top.

"You can borrow one of my shirts to sleep in and one to wear tomorrow."

"Ok that will be good."

"Well let's go then. Follow me!" he said weirdly. I laughed then followed him.

When we got to his house he turned back to me and said "Ok so my mom might freak but don't worry she will like you."

"Ok so let's do this!"

We both began to laugh then we walked inside where we were greeted by his mother and father watching TV.

"Mom, dad this is Maddy she is my friend, she is going to sleepover, she just moved here from New York."

His mom got up and came over to us.

"Hi dear I am Michael's mom. Thank you for asking ahead of time Michael if she could sleep over!"

"Sorry mom. So uh we will be upstairs."

"Ok don't do anything!"

Michael began to blush then he led me upstairs.

"So...uh you can sleep in my bed, here are some shirts for you to wear." He said handing me some shirts.

"Michael you can sleep in the bed with me if you want." I said shyly.

"Are you sure? I don't have to."

"Yes it is fine."

I went to change my clothes then I got into bed. He got in bed next to me. It was a little awkward but it ended after he wrapped his arms around me and I turned to face him.

"Goodnight Michael."

"Goodnight Maddy."

Tonight was going to be a good night.



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