The Creepiness of Connie

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I asked Luke who this Connie girl is and why do they add "Creepy" in front of her name.and he told me all about this creepy girl

So Connie is actually a sweet girl who moved here about 4 years ago she went to Luke's school and wandered around she met Luke by accidentally bumping into him. Luke showed her around and at that very night she got cursed by Mad Maddie a mad scientist who turned her creepy and gave her a love potion she fell for Luke and bam she was stalking him in the most painful way. You might ask how was she cursed? Well she was kidnapped on the way home from school and the scientist tested her using her newest potions and gadgets she invented which made her mad crazy and creepy.

y/n: so does she still exist?
Luke: who?
y/n: both?
Luke: ahh yes Connie is still alive and she is going to our school that we'll all go tomorrow. The scientist is apparently in jail some said she could be so mad that she once blew up a whole building!
Luke: anyways lets go to sleep. Goodnight y/n
y/n: goodnight dum-dum(chuckles)
Luke:(smiles) new name?well then I'll call you brainiac
y/n: I might be a geek but I don't like school(yawns)
Luke: go to sleep(smiles)
y/n: ( already asleep )

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