Part 3 the talk

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y/n Ok what's up

Luke:umm y/n I was wondering if you uhh wanna hang out with umm me at the th-theatre room tomorrow?

y/n: yeah sure why not hanging out with a friend maybe we can talk a little about ourselves and watch movie and have fun how does that sound?

Luke: yeah,yeah totally hehehe so umm is uhh 11:00am I'll meet ya there!

y/n: okey

y/n kisses Luke's cheek

y/n: goodnight Luke see ya!

Luke: ohh ahh umm yeah goodnight y/n sweet dreams! 

Luke POV

She called me a friend when we just met!!! I am sooooooo in love with her she's so pretty with that emerald green eyes her cute smile and her short brown hair she looks way too cute. A-a-and she kissed my cheek! I think I'm in heaven... wait is this a dream(but he knows it's not)ohh well let's go sleep tomorrows a big day!

 A: oh no is Luke falling for her y/n definitely has a massive crush when he first saw Luke will they be a thing soon?

Authors note: Sorry if this was short 

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