Chapter Six~~~~~Part Two

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Louis' POV:

I just looked around the room while everyone else looked at me. "Louis I'm going to say this one time and one time only. Where were you?" My dad asked me calmly but he looked angry. "I was umm.... I was at Niall's dad. He also invited his boyfriend so I slept on the couch and We stayed up late so then I also was sleeping in and didn't see the messages and calls." I told all of them the truth well I kind of told them I didn't exactly lie either though. "Do you not realize that we had to cancel the whole photoshoot because you slept in? How fucking dare you?! You are an excuse of a son! You know that?!"

He stepped closer to me and I stepped back until I hit the wall.

"Dad I'm so sorry. I forgot about the photoshoot."

"You are a fucking bastard! Louis faggot Tomlinson is what we should've named you!" He slammed me against the wall my mum looked happy that he was treating me like this and by now Lottie and Ryan had gone somewhere else.

I was crying and I was trying to explain that I was at Niall's but he wouldn't listen to me. "Dad please let go of me! You'r hurting me! I'm telling you I was at Niall's!" He slammed me against the wall again and just kept hurting me making me cry even more. "I smell the alcohol on you Louis! Don't lie to me!" He finally let go of me but before I could move he slapped me. My dad has never ever put his hands on me and I was scared and I was scared of my own father. "Give me you'r phone and go to you'r room! You'r grounded for a long time Louis!!" He just growled at me and I handed him the phone running up to my room opening then shutting the door. I was a sobbing mess and I couldn't take this anymore! I went to the bathroom and got my sleeping pills. I toke at least 10 of them and went to my bed cuddling my old stuffed animal. Hoping I would be gone for good......
(I know Louis' parent's aren't like this but yep and chapter seven will be up tomorrow! Will Louis make it?! Or will he get what hr wanted and die?!)

Stay Away From Louis (Larry Stylinson) √Where stories live. Discover now