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(Authors Note: Hi guys! This is the new story 'Stay Away From Louis' The person who gave me the idea is ffssyles. She gave me the idea im just writing it. I hope you like it as much as I do! -Kales xx)

Johannah's POV (Louis' Mum):

I was on my way to see this 'Harry' boy. Louis claims he's a good person but Louis could have died from drinking and driving. Thank the lord he didn't! I mean he's just a kid and Harry is a man! When I pulled up to his flat I knocked before a boy probably around the age of 18-19 ish answered the door.

  "I'm looking for Harry Styles." I explained to the young boy. 

 "Does he know you're coming?" He raised an eyebrow as he asked me the question. 

"No." Still standing at the door way he yells out 

"Harry someone is here to see you!" I could hear a muffled yell back hearing him say yeah, alright.

 "Yeah....Alright so who'd you say you are?" The boy asked inviting me into the large flat

. "Johannah Deakin." 

"He'll be right down." I just nodded in response. 

"How about this? Mother of Louis." I turned my head and said "Mr.Styles."

 "You're younger than I expected, please sit." I sat on the chair as Harry sat on the sofa with the young boy. 

"I want you to stay away from my son Harry."

 "Does Louis know your here?" I rolled my eyes annoyed.

 "Harry I just want you to stay away from Louis and my family and I mean it Harry. If you continue seeing my son I will find out because last week was your fault. Louis doesn't drink and I'm upset he was drinking and driving but then again you were with him. Stay away! It was nice talking to you two know I have to go home to my family." I got up from the chair opening then slamming the flat door walking to my car. I started up the car and drove off preparing for my long car ride back home.

(I don't know if its good but I hope it is! Because i will continue with this story.)

Stay Away From Louis (Larry Stylinson) √Where stories live. Discover now