Chapter Four~~~~~~

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Harry's POV (surprise!):

Watching Louis' dad yell at Louis and calling him names hurt. I thought I was meeting Lou because his parents went to work but when Louis' dad answered the door boy was he freaking out. He didn't want to see his boobear upset he hated it. After a great night he just didn't want to see him like that and he needed to make this right. He knew Louis probably went somewhere else because school would just be worst, but he didn't know Louis' places that he would go. Instead of driving back to Cheshire he would just surprise his baby at midnight just like he did last night.

^^^^^^^^^^^Later That Night^^^^^^^^^

Louis' POV: I had felt a little better after talking to Layla and my dad was pissed that he had gotten a phone call from the principal saying that I didn't go to school at all. My dad didn't punish me for that though. It was past dinner time but I didn't want to eat with my family so I just made noodles and called it dinner. I was really shocked that the guy i've been loving for almost 7 months now betrayed me like that. Not only was I pissed off at Harry but I was pissed off with the whole world. I stopped reading and wrote everything in my journal. My grandmum got it for me but I never needed it until now. As I was writing I heard the same sound against my window as last night. When I went to open my window I saw Harry. He was wearing a botton up shirt with four bottons left undone and his skinny jeans with the knee holes in them. He looked so damn sexy but I couldn't let hin get to me.

"Babe! It's Haz we need to talk can you come down for a minute?" What would they possibly need to talk about he had already made up his mind! "Fine. You can just listen and I will talk from here. Babe I didn't know you'r parents were going to have an intervention. Your dad or mum might of had your phone because when I texted you it said please come over and then I talked to "you" more and when I saw your dad at the door I freaked out. Please babe believe me and forgive me. I still want I don't want you babe....I need you. I need to be able to hold you and make sure your happy so I can be happy myself." Harry looked like he was serious and I believed him so I forgave him. "Haz....I forgive you just please stay away from my parents I'm going to Niall's house this weekend so maybe we could hangout at the night club and you can invite Zayn and Liam too." I smiled happy and Harry did the same. "Ok deal. I will see you later Louis. I love you Boo!" I blushed and said Love you back to him before closing the window and going back to writing finally happy.
(Hope you liked this chapter! Chapter 5 will be interesting for sure! Love all you guys!! -Kales xx)

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