Chapter two~~~~

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(Everyone seems to be liking the story so heres a double update for today! -Kales xx)

Johannah's POV:

I finally arrived home and parked on the side of the driveway since Ryan and his friend were skateboarding up and down it. I got out of the car and walked over to Ryan. "Hey Ry! Did you get all of you're homework done?" "Hey mum! Yes! Connor and I both did our homework." I started walking closer to the door so I could go talk to Louis. "Ok sweetpea just making sure you did it so you don't get another detention. " When I walked through the door I saw Lottie laying on the sofa watching 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'. "Sweetheart do you know where you'r brother is?" "Didn't you see him before you came inside he was with Connor on the driveway?" Lottie questioned me. "Honey I mean Louis..." "Oh! He took off by the boat house. He seemed mad about something. But i don't really know." I sighed knowing he probably had a bad day at school. I just got the chicken and pasta out getting ready to make dinner hoping he would come home soon.

*********Dinner Time************

I was wiping down the table while everybody else was doing their own thing before the heard the front door open then close. "You've been gone awhile, kiddo." I tell the person at the door knowing it's Louis.  He doesn't reply back so I just keep talking. "I went to Cheshire today." "Yeah mum. I know you did. He called. I'm going upstairs now." I just finished wiping down the table then went upstairs to Louis' room knocking on the door. "May I come in?" After I didn't get an answer I opened the door "May I come in?" I asked once again. He takes off the headphones sitting up on the bed. I close the door behind myself then sit nextto him on the bed. "Louis I need to talk to you." "Lately you've been talking to everyone." He snapped at me. "Please don't glib." "Mum! Like I told you, he's just my friend. Thats all!" "Lou I'm trying to protect you from him! He may not be the friend you think he is." "He's just a guy! All right? He's just a guy." I was getting sick of his behavior. "You talk to me about the drinking." I whispered to him. "I shouldn't have been drinking.  I'm sorry it won't happen again." "You shouldn't have been drinking or visting nightclubs. Im very disappointed in you Louis William Tomlinson!" I raised my voice a little more. "Ok. Are we through?" "No! You could have been killed in that accident! I know you're having difficulty....if you're having feelings..." Louis and Harry just don't mix together and it upsets me to much. "I dont know what it is you think I feel, But you're blowing this things all out of proportion!" "Lou I said it before and i'm not going to say it again I don't want you seeing Harry anymore. You'r 15 years old not 18! When you're an adult you can then make these decisions." I then left his room going to my room because it was around nine and I had work in the mornings.

^^^^^^^^^Time Skip(midnight)^^^^^^^^

Louis' POV:

I was in bed reading my book for class when I heard something against my window so it made me get up. When I was by the window I could see a man throwing pebbles at the window so I opened the window but saw it was Harry throwing them. "What are you doing?! Harry my mother's window is right over there! You have to leave! Like now!" "It's me Lou." Harry said. "Yeah I can see that." "What do you say we have some fun tonight." "Haz no you have to go! You're going to wake everybody up!" Harry was whining and said "Come on please?" "Shh! Someone's going to see you." "Hey I came all the way from Cheshire just for you and now I can't?" He was giving me a sad look on his face and I just gave up. "Alright alright, quiet down. I'll be right down...oh and don't move." I close thd window and my curtains so I can change out of my pajamas and put on regular everyday clothes. I quietly went downstairs and opened the door then quickly closed it not making a lot of noise. I went over to were he was and gave him a kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Make a sound and I'm going to drown you in the lake. Now come on." I told him. I toke his hand and held it resting my head on his arm as soon as we sat down on the boat my parents owned. "I'm sorry about my mum." Harry giggled which I just absolutely loved about him. "I thought I was you'r little secret. Imagine my surprise." I sighed "She only knows that I was at the club friday night from when I hit the car in to the lake. That's all. She doesn't really know......about us." I felt my cheeks getting hotter as I said it. "She knows. Believe me. Louis she's a mother not a moron." "Shut up." "She was bound to find out sooner or later. That's the way these things work louis." Harry explained it to me. "I just don't want you talking to her anymore ok? Or anyone else for that matter." Harry giggled again."All right!" "Harry I'm serious." I just looked at Harry for a while while he rubbed my lower back. "What ever you want precious." I just smiled to myself as his hand was now stroking my cheek. "She told you to stay away from me didn't she?" I asked now frowning. "I believe she did but im not gonna go anywhere unless it's with you boo." I started to kiss Harry him wrapping his arms around my waist holding me tight. After awhile we slipped our tongues in each others mouth and Harry toke our shirts off me unbuttoning his pants. I toke off his pants and he toke off mine. He slipped his hard cock in my ass. "Oh god Hazza! Harder!" He started moving more and went deeper. "Harry im gonna-" before I could finish I cummed all over the boat's couch. Harry then got out of me and cummed onto my stomach. "Lets get dressed I have to get home." I told Harry. We both got dressed and then I headed home kissing Haz goodbye. I walked through the door smilinh but my mother was in the living room with the lights on frowning. "Louis where were you?" "Mum relax I was just at the boat house." "Go to bed Louis we'll talk about this in the morning. I walked up to my room still smirking.

(Im really bad at smutt....hope you liked it as much as I did!)

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