"Will you stop being so unexpected in everything you do," I groan as I rub my forehead because of the impact.

"I can be unexpected in all ways Aehye, even in bed," he smirks, bringing out a ring of keys from his hand as he places a key inside the lock, the jingling of keys becoming louder.

My eyes widened and I kept my mouth shut as his smirk didn't disappear from his face.

Seokjin, pick me up I'm scared.

I looked around the house and my jaw hung in amazement. It was huge. It was a wooden two-storey house painted in white and it had a balcony and two huge windows on each side of the door. There was a small outdoor table by the side and a car was parked at the side.

Oh, that reminds me.

"Taehyung!" I call to him, skipping after him as his back was facing me.

"What," he responded.

"Is Namjoon home?" I ask him.

"Why? Wanna see him shirtless? Let's be honest though, with those biceps, you'd be begging him to do a strip dance," he grins and my cheeks flush red as he turns the doorknob and enters the room.

"But he's working so tough luck," he snorts and I slump my shoulders,  small frown in my face as I follow him inside.

I smile as I look around the interior of their house. There was a big living room and a flatscreen TV and at the other side was a kitchen with an island.

"Sit on the sofa and let's start our project," he said shortly as he pointed at the velvet plush sofa.

I nod as I bring my bag with me, plopping it down the couch before sitting on it. Soon, Tae came back with two glasses of water, and he placed them down the coffee table before sitting beside me.

"What's the topic all about?" He asked me as he brought his book out, flipping the pages.

"The History of Law and Political Science," I answer as I rummage inside the bag and pull out my laptop and phone.

"Hmmm... law was invented decades ago you know, ever since the days before Christ was born," he told me as he snatched my laptop away from me.

"Hey! Give that back!" I look at him as he turns it on as if its a free real estate.

"I'm doing the powerpoint and you're gonna scan the pages, I know you can, smartypants," he sniffs as he opens the powerpoint slides.

I open my book and I scan the lessons we tackled, taking out my highlighter before starting with the chapter to where the history of law started.

"You watch porn?" He suddenly asked and my eyes widened as I close my book and poke my head beside him, he jolts and distances himself slowly.

"Why is there a freaking PornHub installed there?" I gape as my eyes widen.

"The account said Kim Seokjin," he says as he furrows his brows.

Oh yeah, I remember him borrowing my laptop a few months ago because he was waiting for his new laptop. I guess that's why his name popped up here.

"Trust me, I use my laptop for educational purposes, I'll talk to my horny cousin about that," I give him a forced smile as I look at him.

"Unless you want sex education, I can tell you more, there's BDSM, NSFW, Oral s-," he trailed off.

"You seriously don't have a filter do you? Maybe you're the one who watches PornHub here," I narrow my eyes at him.

"If you assume I watch PornHub and jack off to stuff, what makes you think I won't do anything?" He says as he slowly inches his face towards mine.

"Taehyung," I warn him as he creeps towards me.

"You know, when a guy and a girl are alone... they do good stuff," he wriggles his brows as I inch my face away from him, and he inches even more towards me.

"And what about when we have a huge couch to ourselves?" He asks and I stay silent, zipping my mouth closed.

"Ever heard of morning sex?" He asks again and I shake my head, pretending to be oh-so-innocent as my cheeks were radiating heat.

"Because my dick can make you sin for more while I take you in bed."



VoTe fOr zE hOly wAter

Horny Tae is coming 👁👅👁

I know y'all have been waiting for that. Don't lie heehee.

I'm drinking water like how BTS drink their beer lol

Btw I'm writing this while balancing my online classea because I think its the only way to calm my stressful ass down. And also because I love y'all hehe <3

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