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"How was your psych assessment?" Ethan asks me after running down the hall catching up with me

"Really good, I feel like a weights been lifted off my shoulders" I tell him

"That's good" he says

"Do you need to stay here or can we go?" I ask him

"I've had the briefing" he tells me and i nod

"Okay" i say and we walk out of the building and down to his car

"I just need to go home and get school work for Mia" I tell him and he nods as we get into the car

"So what was your meeting about?" I ask him

"We have evidence that he's going to make a move soon, they have put my section on as apart of the operation because we've had experience dealing with him" he tells me

"Well you weren't very good were you? You let him get away" I tell him

"Yeah well I'm not going to be talking to anyone for the next few days so this will be our last stop before it all goes down" he tells me and i nod

"Emergency medical rooms are fully kitted, fifty beds" he says and i nod

"All police on duty, thousands of troops on standby incase this goes large scale" he tells me

"All this based of my intel?" I ask him

"No, based of an extremist roaming the area" he tells me and i look out of the window as we make our way to my moms house

"We have a number of plans for the future ready, we aren't s just expecting one person. We are expecting numerous terrorists not just Azizi" he tells me

"And the shopping centre is a obvious target along with other crowded places" I say and he nods

"There's just so many options" I say

"Exactly" he says, "counter terrorism are prepairing for a situation where they can hit up to ten targets at the same time"

"Right so the mall is just one of the many targets there is" i say.

What if nothing happens and they ive just wasted rescourses?

What if everything goes from and hundreds of people die?

"Your intel is just a small part of this operation, so stop worrying" he says and I sigh

"I do know what's going on inside of your head" he says

"Do you reckon" I say sarcastically

"I know" he says as he stops the car

"We're here" he says and i nod

"Come in with me?" I ask him and he nods

We get out of the car and I head inside.

"Mom!" I shout and she walks out of the living room.

"Hi darling" she says and i smile

"Why are you in your uniform?" She asks me

"I've had a meeting today" I tell her and she nods

All of a sudden Ethans phone rings, "is there anywhere I can take this?"

"The kitchen is free" she tells him and he walks past us into the kitchen.

"So, how is everything?" She asks me

"No sign of him yet, CTC are thinking he's planning to get others involved" i say as we walk into the living room

"What do you mean others?" My mom asks me

"Other terrorists" I tell her and she sighs

"This isn't going to be good is it?" She asks and I shake my head

"Is Mia in? She should have some school work for me" i say and she nods

"She'll be back any second, she just went out food shopping with Casey" she tells me and i nod

"Eden" Ethan says and I look up to see he has slightly conflicted look on his face

"What happened?" I ask him

"GCHQ have been monitoring all phone activity of Hopkins known associates, one of them has just pinged onto a mast near a shopping centre" he says

"Voice analysis shows that it's Hopkins" he says and I swear under my breath

"Terror threat is not escalated to critical" he says and I just stare at him, "attack expected very soon"

"Do they know what time?" I ask him

"We only know it's soon, they think it's going to be tomorrow so we're going to wait it out" he says

"Oh fuck" i say putting my head in my hands

"We're on standby everyone is on red alert" he tells me

"I'll stay here tonight, he's probably going to attack tomorrow" i say and he nods

"You can go... I'm guessing they want you there immediately incase something happens soon" I say and he nods

"Yeah" he says

I stand up and hug him, "stay safe yeah? If not I'll kill you"

He gives me a small smile as his hands grip my waist, "I'll do my best"

"You sure will marshmallow" I say looking up at him and he chuckles

We pull away from each other when we hear someone clear their voice.

We turn to see Mia, Ella and James.

"What the fuck?" James asks and I roll my eyes

"Go" I tell Ethan

"When it's over I'll call you" he says

"You fucking better" I say and he smiles

"Now go, before I overthink shit" I say

"Don't overthink anything, those legs will carry you through it" he says and i laugh as he walks past them pasting at the living room door and into the hallway.

I bite my lip nervously watching him walk away.

"Ethan" I call and he stops and I run up to him

"Don't make me kill you" I say hugging him again

"I'll try not to" he says hugging me back before disappearing out of the door.

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