Chapter 11: 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝒫𝒽𝑜𝓃𝑒 ℬ𝑜𝑜𝓀

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𝒩𝑜𝓇𝒶 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓃𝑒

"The Vade Maecum Infernal was destroyed. Your sister did it herself." Horror struck me. It couldn't--there was no way that book could have been destroyed.

"Wh-what?" Hamish finished making his drink and took a sip. "You're kidding?" He merely shook his head. They were all dead. He would kill her. He would kill me. "I need to talk to my sister."

"No, you aren't. If you go to her, she'll know we got our memories back." He said, placing his drink down, getting ready to fight me if he had to.

"Hamish, you don't understand. I'm not the only one with a time limit anymore. You and Randall and Lilith and my girls. Even your newest. He'll kill you all. He'll kill B--" I stopped myself before I could continue. "I need to talk to my sister." He shook his head, making me growl.

"We'll protect you and your pack. If this Empire comes at us, we'll deal with them." I shook my head only for Hamish to nod. "Let's make a deal, hum?"

"A deal? Hamish--"

"I won't kill you and your pack and we'll help you fight whoever this he is."

"He's not--"

"And you'll help us get our stuff back from The Order."

"What stuff?"

"Hide lockers, journals, all of our magical contraband. Taken by your sister after she wiped our memories." Vera wiped their memories? Why would she do that? I get taking their stuff, but their memories? Hamish held his hand out for me to shake. "Deal?" I looked him over. It was a good deal. Not that it was going to help any one of them. I placed the dagger into his hand. He narrowed his blue-gray eyes.

"Can you keep this safe?" He looked from the dagger to me.

"What's so special about this dagger?"

"It's called the Phoenix dagger and the Silent Sisters want it. They can't have it." I crossed my arms. "Can you keep it safe?" Hamish nodded, placing the dagger on the bar. I held my hand out and he took it. My skin warmed in his touch and it made Delta stir.

"Him." She whimpered, but I pushed her down.

"Then we have a deal." The door swung open yet again and in walked the kids. Hamish and I were pulling away instantly.

"Demons." Was Jack's way of greeting. He showed Hamish the book, which was basically a phone book for demons, and explained how this baron demon named Zecchia would steal back their artifacts from The Order. He then continued to tell us that it was basically free.

"I'm in," Hamish said, taking a deep drink from his glass. I snapped to face him.

"No. Demons are off-limits." Hamish took a step closer to me, pissed.

"I don't think that's your decision to make."

"Do you remember what happened with Malech? How he almost killed us?"

"I do. I vote no demons." Randall said but Hamish wasn't listening to him.

"And I seem to remember you were the one to let that demon out." I growled up at him only for Hamish to growl back at me. "We have a deal. Help us, we'll help you." I held his gaze for a long moment, but just like every other time I tried to win dominance over him, I lost. I turned to Jack.

"You better know what you're doing. Trust me when I say watching your pack get ripped apart in front of your eyes is not fun." Jack gave me a 'I don't care' look.


"Demon aside, you guys are talking full-on Order magic here. That doesn't make you nervous?" Randall said. I found he held Mavis's hand. I looked to Lilith but found she didn't seem to care or notice. That's new.

"Says the guy who wanted to be a war-wolf." Lilith said, attention now on Randall. Jack sighed, rubbing her eyes. I was surprised Lilith was even going along with this. She hated magic. She hated it more than Chole did.

"Uh, were-lock." Hamish cut in.

"Randall, this does not make us converts. It's just a means to an end."

"If we do this, the end is us totally absorbed into the Order." Now I was a bit confused. Were they a part of the Order?

"What we saw in the fear corridor were nightmares, not prophecies." Hamish said, trying to comfort Randall.

"Are you sure?" That shut Hamish up quickly. "Demons are in Hell."

"I'm pretty sure Hell is a Judeo-Christian concept." Lilith said, crossing her arms.

"It's meant to scare people." Chole said from where she leaned against the wall, inspecting her nails. Lilith pointed to her. Randall was getting frustrated now.

"Demons are from wherever they're from for a reason. We shouldn't try to draw them into our...wherever."

"Well, look, the other day you were all "whatever it takes," and today, you're all "no demon," so make up your mind." Jack snapped the book shut. Randall scoffed.

"You weren't the one with a Sabnock sigil stuck in your neck. You weren't the one to see Malech. It's a hard no for me." Randall let go of Mavis's hand and started to back up. "It should be for you, too." And then he left. Mavis stared me over, then to the others before rushing after Randall. I crossed my arms, focusing myself to keep quiet. I knew Hamish wouldn't change his mind. Especially since I disagreed.

"We're still doing this."

"Of course we're doing it."

"He'll get over it," Lilith said crossing the room and flopping down on the couch. "Aren't you gonna say something?" I looked at her with a shrug.

"Oh, I have a lot to say, but I'm currently being blackmailed so I'll pass." Hamish all but rolled his eyes.

"I'm not blackmailing you." I chuckled, keeping Hamish's gaze.

"I would disagree." Lilith groaned.

"Please stop." We looked away from each other. "Can we get going on summoning this guy?"

"By all means, do so." 

Hell ● The Order Fanfic  {𝐻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝒟𝓊𝓀𝑒}Where stories live. Discover now