Chapter 5: 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒮𝒾𝑔𝓃

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𝑀𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓈 𝒜𝓁𝓁𝒶𝓇𝒹

'My answer is no'. It made me infuriated. I didn't stick around The Knights of Saint Christopher's den for much longer after Hamish's decree. He wasn't going to budge and I didn't give a shit anymore. I now knew Nora had a sister. A sister that Jack knows, which means she's on campus somewhere. So, I disobeyed Nora's orders once more and made my way to Belgrave University the next day.

It was your typical preppy-rich kid University. It came with said preppy-rich kids and an immaculate campus. On my way to finding Vera Stone, I spotted a pub tucked into one of the buildings right before you actually got into campus. My stomach growled as I watched two students walking out of the pub, wafting the great smells of fried food and alcohol with them. I was through the door in seconds.

I ended up forgetting all about searching for Vera Stone and found myself getting a slight buzz and stuffed on chicken wings. I had also begun reading Nora's diary. It started a few days after she had become a champion. Nora writes all about Delta and the other wolves. What they are like, what they look like, etc, etc. She wrote about one hide I had never heard of in my life. Cosmos. It seemed she knew of this hide but had never seen it.

She never had a consistent writing schedule. One page might have been written a day after the other, while the next might be a month later. From the looks of it, it depended on her mood. And like Hamish said, she was vague. Really vague. She kept bringing up something, that's not named, she stole from 'them' and 'they' were getting impatient. That her time with the Knights of Arc was coming to an end.

Then it skipped a few months ahead and she writes about The Knights of Saint Christopher and their hides. She wrote about her feelings for Hamish and how she was never going to forgive herself for what she had to do. Yet again, 'they' had found her and she couldn't put this pack in danger.

I began writing notes down on a random napkin and a pen I stole from the waitress. 'Them' has to be the people we were working for. Was the dagger the thing she stole? Why did she steal it from 'them'? 'They' had to have taken Nora.

Someone sat down at my table. I sighed in annoyance, thinking it was some scumbag looking to hit one me, but I found it was Jack. "I don't know who Nora is or what she did to the others, but I wasn't around and you need help, so I'm going to help." I scanned him over skeptically.

"Don't you have 'your own shit to deal with'?" I asked, tapping the pen on the table.

"Yes, but as of right now there is nothing we can do about our shit." Jack ran a hand through his dyed blond hair. "How can I help?"

"I don't know if I trust you." Jack sighed through his nose. "Tell me something about yourself."

"What do you want to know?" I shrugged.

"What's your star sign?" I joked but kept my face serious. Jack laughed.

"Virgo." I pretend to think.

"Hum...loyal, hardworking--I trust you," I said, smiling. Jack shook his head. "I'm thinking my best bet for help, besides you, is to find Nora's sister. Vera." I tapped the part of my notes with her name on it.

"Oo. Not a good idea."

"What? Why?" Jack drummed his fingers on the table, looking about the pub. When his search was complete, he turned back to me.

"Because Vera Stone is a big part of our shit." I sighed. "The short story is The Order took our memories and they don't know we have them back. We've been laying low."

"Then tell me where she is and I'll go on my own." Jack shook his head.

"The Order is not a big fan of werewolves."

"You're not being very helpful."

"Do you want to be killed?"

"I want to find my friend." Jack nodded in understanding.

"And we will. Without The Order." I turned back to my notes. Was 'Them' The Order? "You're writing notes?" Jack asked with a bit of a scoff. I turned to him with a glare.

"Shut up." Jack chuckled.

"No, no. You could be a detective." I brushed him off. "Do the Knights of Arc hate magic as much as Lilith does--did, I guess."

"Chole hates it. She doesn't want anything to do with it. But Nora has been teaching us something here and there. Nothing too big. Just enough to get ourselves out of a sticky situation." I quickly wrote on the limited space of my napkin. Is Nora part of The Order. Jack chuckled at my note-taking. I turned to him with a scowl. "Why?" Jack tapped Nora's diary, the corner of his lip turned up.

"Because we can track her." Why hadn't I thought of that? Before we could go about doing said tracking spell, Randall sat down next to Jack, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

"Hey, guys. What are we talking about?" Jack shrugged Randall off.

"I thought Hamish convinced you not to help," Jack said as Randall spotted my chicken wings, his face lighting up in excitement. I shoved them over to him.

"Sweet." He said, digging in. "I only let Hamish think that. You know--so he doesn't think I'm betraying him or whatever." Randall said with a mouth full of chicken. "Nora was my friend. I've forgiven her."

"And Lilith?" Jack asked as Randall drank from my beer.

"She'll come around. Nora and her talked about girl stuff. I think they even braided each other's hair." As if summoned, Lilith appeared behind Randall and gave him a swift slap upside the head. "Ow!"

"We didn't braid each other's hair." She all but growled, sitting down at the table. "I respected her." Randall looked at me and nodded his head.

"They did." He mouthed. Lilith rolled her eyes.

"What's this?" Lilith asked, grabbing my notes. I went to go reach for them but she pulled them out of reach.

"Her notes." Jack mocked. I made another grab for them again. I didn't get them.

"It helps me keep a clear mind." Lilith gave a sharp laugh.

"Nerd." I finally grabbed them from her, though I think she let me grab them.

"We're going to do a tracking spell," Jack said as I shoved my notes into Nora's diary. Randall frowned, lowering his wing.

"A spell?"

"You don't like magic?" I asked.

"No," Randall said jokingly, but I could see in his eyes he was serious. He didn't like magic. Not one bit. "Magic is so cool." He elongated the so. I looked to Jack and Lilith and found them sighing.

"You don't have to deal with the spell part if you--" Randall waved me off.

"I love magic. Go magic!" He 'cheered', chomping down on a chicken wing. I scanned Randall over, giving me enough to back out. Jack clapped his hands together.

"Alright. That settles it. Tracking spell is a go."

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