~ Chapter 25 ~

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I'm so horny, Chiquita would not stop teasing me in the limo.

She really is something else.

I open the door to my place and I immediately see Caesar at the door.

Oh no.

Chiquita notices him quickly.

"Abel, who is this?"

She hasn't met Caesar, I don't know how she'll react.

Caesar jumps at me and I pet him, while he has his tongue sticking out.

"This is my dog Caesar."

Aka my son.

"Oh, hi little doggy."

Caesar looks at her and barks angerily.


I knew this would happen, he did it with Bella and Selena.

He's probably wondering why his dad keeps bringing these different women over.

I'm just tryna find the one that can fix me.

"It's okay Abel, I understand he's probably wondering who this woman is with his dad."

She read my damn mind!

She leans down to his level, which isn't hard for her, 'cause she's short.

"Hi Caesar! I'm your new mama and I'm carrying your little sibling inside of me."

She says looking at him with a smile on her face.


"Yeah Caesar, you need to respect this woman."

He looks back at her with his ears bent.

"Can I give him a treat?"

She whispers.

"Yeah, follow me."

I lead her to the kitchen and Caesar also follows.

I open a big cabinet and hand her a box of dog treats.

She twists the cap off and takes a single treat out.

She places the container back in the cabinet and then she shows Caesar the treat.

He sticks his tongue out and jumps happily at her, she giggles.

"You want it? You want it?"


He immediately listens to my command.

Chiquita tosses him the treat and she watches in awe as he eats it.

Something tells me she's never had a dog before.

How unfortunate, dogs are a blessing!

I take her hand.

"Now Caesar your dad and your new mama got stuff to take care of."

I see her take a ball from the cabinet.

I ignore it, and try to take her to my room.

Caesar follows us and I turn to him.

"I'm sorry Caesar, but-


Chiquita throws the ball she picked up.

Clever girl~

Caesar runs after it.

I pull her into my room and shut the door behind her.

"You know, you got yourself into this~"

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