We Should Celebrate

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I walked up the steps to my front door, feeling as though I was flying. Ymir had woken up from whatever stupor had her unconscious, Levi had apologized for becoming distant, Mikasa said that I would be able to rest and she'd make dinner... everything was going perfectly.

My mind raced back to that moment in the infirmary. While he had apologized about being cold, I couldn't help but notice that he still looked guilty. Almost as if he was keeping something from me. I didn't want to pry into his private life, especially not when he was already behaving so vulnerable, but I found myself desperately wanting to know what he wasn't telling me. It was rather odd to see him so exposed, but I didn't mind. I felt honored for being someone he could trust so much.

As soon as I walked through the door, the wonderful smell of a homecooked meal drifted towards me. I closed my eyes, content for the time being, willing to just stand there in the doorway forever. I leaned against the frame, crossing my arms as I tried to identify what Mikasa was making. She was getting better in the kitchen. When I was a child, I would volunteer to help my mother with meals, leaving me with a gift with food. This was one of the only things I could do better than Mikasa. Her strengths always rested on the physical side: besting anyone in hand-to-hand combat, topping our old classes in training, and leading the charge during Titan battles as a few examples. While she trains me during our spare time, I'd started to introduce her to the real world of cooking.

I felt someone nudge my back and I whipped around, startled. Armin stood directly behind me, a charming smile appearing on his face when he saw my hands snap up defensively. I lightly punched his shoulder, but it only made him laugh.

"I invited Levi," he said walking past me. I beamed when I saw Levi's signature black hair. My happy mood was slightly diminished, however, when I noticed that his smile was fake. To keep from showing my confusion I turned and looked at Armin, closing the door behind Levi as he entered.

"I don't recall inviting you to begin with," I teased. Armin turned to me with an amused expression.

"You're not the only one living here, remember? Mikasa invited me," he replied. Somewhat under his breath, he added, "What a control freak." Judging by his playful expression, I knew he said it loud enough for me to hear on purpose and I stuck my tongue out at him. I spared a glance at Levi and noticed that his faked smile was becoming more genuine at Armin and I's childish bickering. I was glad I was able to help, even a little, with whatever was bothering him, but I still hated the idea of him keeping something from me. I made a mental note to ask him about it sometime after dinner when we could be alone.

Mikasa's call to the table interrupted any plans I had been making as all thoughts drifted towards the meal she was bringing into the room. I took a seat next to Armin and Levi soon took his own at the head of the table just beside me. Mikasa put out her hands in an inviting gesture and we were quick to take her up on it.

"So, I was thinking we should do something to celebrate," Armin said once we were all set with our portions. Mikasa and I shared a glance before looking back at him.

"Celebrate?" Mikasa started. I quickly took over, sharing her mindset.

"What are we celebrating, exactly?" Armin's eyes switched between the two of us. It surprised all three of us, however, when Levi was the one that answered.

"I'm alive, for one." His voice was filled with an emotion I couldn't place. I wished he had told me what was bothering him at the hospital. Then again, this had all really started after his breakup with Petra. Maybe he was just upset. Didn't he know he could talk to me about it? Part of me wanted to hug him to let him know that he could talk to me, but the other part of me wanted to smack Petra around for making him feel this way in the first place. Armin cleared his throat, snapping me out of my daze, and I blushed slightly when I realized I had been staring at Levi. I was slightly shocked when I found that he was blushing, too. I shook the thoughts out of my mind, focusing on what Armin was saying.

"Not only that, but Ymir also woke up today. What an incredible stroke of luck, right? It deserves to be celebrated!" I smiled at the genuine joy on his face. It wasn't often we got to feel that, and I wanted to give Armin this celebration. Anything it took to make this emotion last for us all.

"Alright," I said. His eyes sparkled at my encouragement. He glanced at both Mikasa and Levi and then turned back to me, excitement building in his expression.

"We should throw a party!" I was slightly taken aback, but I didn't want to show it. I didn't know the first thing about throwing a party, and from my experience, neither did Armin or Mikasa. I wanted to support him, but I didn't know how we would even help. Levi cleared his throat and it once again surprised each of us. I turned to look at him and found the blush was still evident on his face. It was kind of cute to see him this way.

"I could host it at my place," he said, the confidence in his tone defying the embarrassment he displayed. The blush lightened as he looked up to meet my eyes. "Might as well. You two did an amazing job taking care of my house while I was... unavailable. The least I could do is help out now." I smiled at him and quickly turned to look at Armin, who had suddenly puffed out his chest in a movement of pure pride. He must've been pretty happy to have his hard work acknowledged, and a surge of respect for Levi built in my chest.

"Thank you, Levi," Mikasa chimed in. He gave a curt nod and began eating, happily shoveling the food into his mouth. I didn't know what was so different about him today, but I wasn't sure I was complaining. He seemed more distant and was definitely hiding something. As much as I wished he was being more open with me, part of me was truly happy about how he was trying to help us. I reached over and gave his hand a thankful squeeze before turning my attention to my plate. 

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