A Bad Feeling

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I felt myself groan before my eyes could even open. The simple act of waking up had me in a bad mood. Flipping over to my side, I opened my eyes slightly, noticing that the light from the window had already lit up my bedroom. My arm snapped down to the blankets around my waist and brought one up to cover my head.

After a couple seconds of silence, I heard someone call me from the kitchen. I jumped up in bed, the blanket falling to my stomach as my arm instinctively went out to find my blade. I mentally went through the events of the night before to make sure I had locked all the doors and windows. Maybe I had kept one unlocked... A moment went and the quiet stretched into infinity. I put the blade down, thinking that I must have imagined it when the voice called yet again.

"Levi? I said get up, already. You're going to be late!" I let out a chuckle as I fell back again, my head hitting the pillow with a soft thunk .

"How did you get inside my house, Eren?" I called back. It was silent for a moment before her response.

"I made you some food. Get out of bed." Rolling my eyes, I threw the covers off of my body, immediately feeling the cold air. I dragged myself out of bed and felt my stomach drop, furrowing my brows at the odd feeling. Quickly shaking my head, I put some pants on and headed into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

As I walked into the room, I noticed several things. First and foremost, there was a beautiful stack of bacon sitting on the counter. Secondly, there was freshly squeezed orange juice on the table. Third, Eren was sitting on the counter, dressed in shorts and an old torn shirt. My face relaxed slightly and I let a smile creep up on me. I walked over to Eren and reached behind her to grab two plates. She gave me a playful salute and I smiled as I matched it.

"You look awful," she chuckled, hopping down from the counter, swiftly grabbing a plate out of my hands. I felt a pout form on my lips as I gave myself a quick once-over. I didn't look that bad. I was wearing a pair of tight pants and had forgotten to put on a shirt, but she couldn't mean my physical self looked awful, right? Eren was already at the bacon, tossing strips onto her plate as if she hadn't just knocked my ego down a peg.

"I don't think I look too awful," I said, spreading my arms out. Eren looked over at me and sighed as she took my plate and began to serve me some bacon before she could take all of it.

"I didn't mean you physically. You are very fit and are looking great," she shook her head at me, looking disappointed at the way I took her comment. I, on the other hand, was quite happy with her finally admitting that I was looking good. "I meant -" she continued, getting my attention once again "-that you look tired." I nodded and grabbed my plate. That was fair.

"I didn't sleep very well last night. It's nothing to worry about," I mumbled, preferring to not mention the odd feeling I felt upon getting up. Eren raised a brow, not wanting to end the conversation, but I expertly changed the topic as I led her to the table where she had placed the orange juice. "How do you feel about today's scouting mission?" I asked her. She grunted in response.

I knew she didn't enjoy talking about the Titans with me around. To be honest, it was somewhat odd to be best friends with someone I was in charge of, but it must be hell for her. Her best friend spent the workday barking out orders to her and her friends. But I was the Captain. I couldn't show favoritism.

She fell in the chair closest to her, a few seats over from where her drink was placed. Not sure how to proceed, I slid her drink over to her before sliding my stuff to the seat next to hers.

"I know you don't like it when we talk about this. If you want we can-" I started, trying to cheer her up. I didn't think bringing up the mission today would bring her down this much, but I hated seeing her upset. Before I could finish, however, she cut me off.

"What if I don't come back today?" I felt my jaw drop at her bluntness. Sadly, I was used to disturbing questions like these from the new recruits. But Eren was always one who saw the risk as an opportunity. It was shocking to hear such pain and uncertainty from her.

"You know I'm always there for you. I'll make sure you come home safe," I said, trying to calm her down. She shook her head and looked up to lock eyes with me. I felt my breath hitch when I saw tears in hers.

"You won't always be there for me, Levi. If someone is injured, they'll call you away. I know I can't always rely on you to keep me safe, but I have a terrible feeling about today," she said, her voice fading as she finished. I open my mouth, wanting to say something to prove to her that I'll make sure she's safe, but I know that she's right. If someone gets injured, Petra and I will be the first to be called away to tend to them.

"You can always rely on me. I don't care what anyone else says. I will always be there for you, and if I'm called away, I'll send someone else to watch your back. No one should be on their own out there, no matter how independent they think they are." She gave a curt nod and wiped the tears off her cheek.

"You must think I'm weak, now, huh?" Eren asked softly, taking a bite of a strip of bacon. I snorted, picking up a piece of my own.

"I'd be an idiot to think such a thing of you," I replied, smiling to myself when she giggled.

"How about you, how do you feel about the mission today?" she sniffed. I thought back to the odd feeling earlier and looked at my best friend. I caught myself wondering what would happen outside the walls. Quickly putting any negative thoughts in the back of my mind, I took another bite and feigned a smile.

"I think it'll go fine," I answered earning a nod from Eren. Not sure what to talk about, we simply spent the next few minutes in a comfortable silence.

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