Chapter 3: A City Surrounded by Darkness

Start from the beginning

Zeke: I just jinxed it, didn't-?

Dante: Move forward, Zeke!

Doing just that, Zeke dashed forward as the Beowulf brought its claws down, scratching his God Arc as it went to all fours. As Zeke dashed forward, Dante leapt over him towards the beast. His blade pulled back on his right side, the AGE slashed  across the creature's neck as he passed it, decapitating it as he landed near its tail. Turning himself around, Dante pulled back his God Arc as the katana-like blade shrank, causing the core of the weapon to expand and take the form of a shark-like predator.

Dante: Looks like I'm dining well tonight!


Lunging his God Arc forward, Dante released the predator within as its serrated teeth lunged towards the Beowulf, ripping through flesh and bone as it began to rapidly degrade before their eyes. As the predator took a bite of the Beowulf, it returned back to its normal form as the blade extended back to its prior form.

Dante: Huh!?

Looking down at himself, Dante noticed neither an amber aura or his armlet spewing any Ashblight from it, two major signs of a God Eater's trump card: Burst.

Dante: Why aren't I in Burst!?

Zeke: It was already dead when you devoured it!

Dante: Huh?

Looking back at the others, Dante noticed that each one of his teammates was in the process of fighting off a similar beast, with the exception of Zeke, who was too busy dodging its attacks with the camara in hand. As it slashed and stabbed, Zeke moved away with ease, growing irritated as he tried to take a picture.

Zeke: Can you just-?


Zeke: No, just let me-.


Zeke: Stop it-.


Zeke: S-S-.


Zeke eventually just drew his God Arc out instead, raising the oversized hanmer above his head as the booster behind the weapon engaged.



Slamming the hammer down onto the Beowulf's skull with a loud crunch, Zeke had smashed it into thousands of pieces as the booster shut off. Leaving his God Arc there, Zeke pulled out the camara to take a photo of it as it too began to immediately disintegrate.

Zeke: Finally! Let's get ya a photo for the books and- oh dear lord, where's your flesh?

The others had noticed a similar trend as they each defeated their opponent, whether by stabbing through their chest like Claire or blowing them up with Oracle infused shrapnel like Hugo. As the group reconvened, they discussed their most recent opponent as Phym gathered up the bones they left behind.

Hugo: Well Zeke, you asked for it.

Dante: The hell were those things?

Lulu: Perhaps they were the warning on the wall.

Keith: This is insane. Even in front of the corpse of that spinny...thing, I still got .000 ppm of Ashblight from the monitor.

Claire: Even around the tiniest of Aragami, there should be at least .005 ppm. So as Dante asked, what were those things we just fought?

From Ashes, We Rise: A God Eater × RWBY TaleWhere stories live. Discover now