1. Seventeen Jeonghan - Little Flower

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Ship: Jeonghan x Female Reader

Warning: none to be honest, this is violence free. 

There you were, standing in the middle of two sakura trees. It was the beginning of April, meaning the sakura trees had just bloomed and they looked gorgeous. You were on spring break and had decided to come see the sakura trees and take photos of it for your photography class. But you weren't the only one admiring the view. 

Not too far behind you stood a young man with short dark brown hair and brown eyes. He had also come to see the sakura trees but he wasn't expecting to see you there. 

After you finished taking photos, you turned around to go home but saw the young man who stood a few feet from you. He quickly turned his head to the side, not expecting you to be so pretty, and you chuckled. He had a the visuals that were PERFECT for this kind of setting.

You decided to walk up to him and tap his shoulder, making him turn his head towards you as you saw his red cheeks. 

   "Hi, came here to see the sakura trees too?" You asked kindly to the guy, who nodded. "Me too, I came here to take pictures," you said as you held up the camera to his face. 

   "My name's Y/N," you introduced yourself as you stuck out your right hand in front of you. Your silver ring shining on your index finger as you did so.

   "I'm Jeonghan," the guy said as he lightly shook your hand. 

   "Okay Jeonghan, this is gonna seem kind of random but can I take some pictures of you under the trees? You're visuals are perfect," you asked. "But you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable." 

Jeonghan grinned and said, "Of course you can." 

Once Jeonghan positioned himself under the sakura trees, it took no time for you both to quickly take the pictures. Once you were done, you showed Jeonghan the results and asked for his phone number. 

   "Can I get your phone number so I can send the photos to you? They came out great so you should definitely keep them," you asked him politely. Jeonghan took it as a chance to get your phone number so he quickly agreed. 

   "Great, once I get home, I'll send the pictures to you," you said. "But it was nice meeting you Jeonghan. Maybe we should hang out sometime." 

   "Yeah," Jeonghan said. 

   "I'll get going now, see you soon," you waved as you began to walk away. 

Jeonghan watched you as you walked away, admiring your figure until you were out of his sight. He smiled at himself as he looked down at his hands to see your silver ring that he managed to slip from your index finger without you knowing. 

He grinned at himself for being able to keep a piece of you while you were gone. For the first time in his life, he felt something new. He had finally found his new obsession.

   "Just wait my little flower. You'll be mine in no time," he whsipered to himself. 

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