More Than Life

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This is the last chapter!!! I am soo sad....BUT I AM MAKING A SEQUEL! I will update a new chapter soon about it! I am so exited for it! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I thanks for sticking with this story till the end. ILYSM! PLEASE comment and vote! <3

Tauriel sat next to Kili's body, as tears were running down her face as she breathed heavily. "Tauriel." She heard a voice. As she looked up she saw Legolas standing there, he looked relieved that she was okay but at the same time he looked like he was in pain. Tauriel looked at the token Kili gave her at the shores of the long lake. She took it from her hand and placed the token into Kili's. She remembered Kili's promise.


"what promise?" "That I would come back to her." Tauriel smiled at the thought of family and love. Kili tossed the token up and caught it when he said, "she worries, she thinks I am reckless." He replied with a cheeky smile. "Are you?" Tauriel was officially interested in what Kili had to say. "Nah" he answered while tossing the rock, but failed to catch it. It fell out of the cell when Tauriel stopped it with with her foot, she it held high looking at the wonders beneath the stone. She was interrupted, " sounds like quite a party their having up there." Tauriel's smile quickly faded, until she faced him telling him, " it is Mereth Nuin Giliath, The Feast of Starlight. All light is sacred to the eldar, but what wood elves love best is the light of the stars." Kili replied saying, "I always thought it is a cold light, remote and far away."
Tauriel looked back at him with disbelief, "it is memory." She told him. "Precious and pure." Then she looked back at the rune stone saying while giving it back. "Like your promise." Tauriel looked around then faced Kili telling him excitedly, "I have walked there sometimes, beyond the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away, and the white light forever fill the air."

[End of Flashback]

Thranduil looked at the ruins, as he saw many dead orcs body's. He looked up to see Legolas walking towards him, "I can't go back." He muttered as he walked pass his father, "where will you go?" "I do not know." Legolas for once was unsure about his future. "Go north, find the Dúnedain. There is a young range amongst them, you should meet him. His father Arathon was a good man, his son might grow to be a great one." Legolas looked at his father with confusion. "I do not have to marry?" Thranduil looked at his son, "I have now realized that you are not ready. I remembered when you were little, you always ask me if you could go into the forest. Run through the trees, climb them, and at the top feel the morning sun hit against your face. You always wanted to know the world. For far to long you have not ask for that, I thought you were ready. You weren't, you were just locked in, away from the world."

Legolas smiled, "what is his name?" "He's known in the wild as strider, his true name, you must discover for yourself." Legolas closed his eyes as he asked, "could you tell Tauriel that I love her." Thranduil looked with sudden shock, he never thought he would admit his feelings. "Why are you going? If you love her." "I fear she loves another, father I loved her for to long. I do not think I will stop. But I have to let her go."


"Try and catch me!" Tauriel shouted as she ran through the forest in the time where the leaves turn the color of early mornings and the late days, just when winter started to creep in. Tauriel tripped and fell on a pile of leaves, she started laughing when Legolas caught up to her smiling and as well he fell on the pile. He starred at her laughing and smiling, for the first time he really saw how beautiful Tauriel was. Her red hair blending in with the autumn leafs, which made her fair face stand out and her warm brown eyes. He starred, "what are you looking at?" Asked Tauriel which caught him off his gaze, "you." He answered, "you are truly beautiful Tauriel." And he was telling truth. "You are so soft!" She laughed as she pocked him, " I am not!" He yelled. "That reminds me." He muttered , pulling out a box. "For you, a gift for tonight." She opened it to see a necklace, laced with precious details and a gem in the middle. She looked up at him smiling. " Legolas, it is truly beautiful, thank you." " I was hoping you could wear it tonight, since it is our first Feast of Starlight together?" She looked at him saying,"I would be honored." Before she jumped into his arms, as the autumn leafs fell down like snow.

[End of Flashback]

Thranduil is proud for what his so has become. "I will tell her." Legolas nodded as he was about to walk out. "Legolas, your mother loved you, more than anyone, more than life.

Thranduil walked out to see see Tauriel next to the dwarf's body, "they want to bury him." Thranduil came closer. "yes." He whispered, she looked up at him. "I do not love him, I only cared for him." Thranduil widen his eyes, " Legolas, wanted me to tell you he loves you." She looked at him, for I moment it was silent. "I love him as well." Tauriel muttered, "I thought you might." She sighed as she asked, "where is Legolas." "He headed north, Legolas let you go. He thought you loved another." Another tear ran down her cheek, "will I see him again?" Thranduil came closer as Tauriel dropped her head down in sorrow. "If this is love I do not want it. Take it from me..please." Thranduil understood her pain. Understood lost. "Why does it hurt so much." Thranduil stepped closer, and now saw Legolas and Tauriel's unconditional love. He breathed, "because it was real."

A week later

He headed north. Legolas found a camp, he looked around till a ranger came up to him. "May I help you." Legolas looked at the ranger responding. "Yes, I am looking for the one who is called strider." The man took off his hood, "I am Aragon son of Arathon."

They sat on a rocky hill after dark, Legolas told Aragon his past but not why he left. "If you had all that in your life, why leave?" Legolas looked up at the stars which reminded him of Tauriel before muttering one word, "history."

The End

Thanks for reading and for sticking with this story till the end..It really won't be the end because I am making a sequel! Please comment and vote! THANK YOU FOR READING AND FOR BEING A TOLKEN FAN!<3xxx Forever1912

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