One Last Time

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This one has more Legolas and Tauriel moments! If you don't really get it, Tauriel loves Legolas but Kili has a special place in her heart. She just cares deeply for Kili. She is not in love with him. I am sorry if that confused you! I hope you will enjoy this chapter! PLEASE vote and comment! I love you so much for reading and being a Tolkien fan!!!!! <3

The dwarves sat in Erebor, and waited. Barlin thought, the dragon sickness the fierce and dark desire. He heard the clashing of metal and their kin being slaughtered. Poor souls. It was quiet until they heard footsteps coming from the halls of Erebor, Thorin. Kili stood up and commanded, "I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight or battles for us!" Kili walked to Thorin, "it is not in my blood Thorin." Thorin looked him as he muttered, "no, it is not. We are sons of Dulin, and Dulins folk do not flee from a fight." Kili smiled as Thorin put his forehead on Kili's a as symbol of brotherhood. Then Thorin walked to the rest of dwarves and announced, "I have no right to asked this many if you, will you follow me. One Last Time."

"Fall back! Fall back to the mountain!" Dane shouted as they reformed their positions. Then a huge horn rang. There was a silence until a huge golden bell hit the wall of stone that creating a bridge. Then came out Thorin Oakenshield with his company. They ran out as Dane screamed, "to the king! To the king!" Thorin screamed a battle cry before the dwarves were smashed with the orcs.

"Dane!" Thorin shouted as they fought, "Thorin, hold on I'am coming!" As Dane crush orcs to get to Thorin. "hey cousin! What took you so long?" Thorin only smiled as he embraced Dane. "There's to many of these buggers Thorin, I hope you got a plan." Thorin looked up replying, "aye, we are going to take out there lead." Thorin hoped on a ramp, "Azog." Dane muttered, "I'am going to kill that piece of filth!" Then he road off with Fili, Kili and Dwalin behind him.

Bilbo looked at the outskirts of Dale shouting, "Gandalf!" Gandalf ran to Bilbo to see Thorin, Fili, Kili and Dwalin climbing the mountain. "It's Thorin!" Bilbo shouted, "and Fili and Kili, and Dwalin! He's taking his best warriors!" Bilbo looked at him with confusion. "To do what?" Gandalf's expression suddenly fell, "to cut the head off the snake..."

Legolas and Tauriel arrived to Dale, Tauriel was shooting as many orcs she could lay an eye on. They arrived at the peak as Legolas shouted, "gandalf!" Gandalf looked at Legolas and Tauriel with relief, "Legolas Greenleaf!" Legolas got off the horse as did Tauriel. Legolas walked quickly to him warning, "there's a second army! Blog lead a force from Gundabad orcs. They are almost upon us." Gandalf looked at him, "Gundabad? This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces then orcs will sweep in from the north." Bilbo looked at the Mountain," the north? Where is the north exactly?" " Ravenhill." Gandalf muttered. "Ravenhill, Thorin is up there, and Fili and Kili their all up there!" Tauriel looked at Ravenhill as she breathed heavily, Kili.

Tauriel ran out of Dale fighting as Legolas followed her. She stopped and looked around to see screams , saluter and the clashing of metal. She was paralyzed for a moment, how did it come to this. Why did it come to this. She felt her body become heavier as if it was pulling her down to the ground. She could hear her heartbeat rushing, her breath heavy and loud. "Tauriel." She looked back to see Legolas. She sucked a breath as she continued fight.

Thranduil looked around to see his people laying on the ground, lifeless. He looked at them is horror as an elf came running down, "recall your company." Was all he said. "My Lord dispatch this force to Ravenhill. The dwarves are about to be over run, Thorin must be warned!" Gandalf said as Thranduil looked at him muttering, "by all means warn him, I have spent enough elvish blood on this accurst land, no more!" Gandalf looked at him with disbelief, "Thranduil!" "I'll go!" Bilbo said, "do be ridicules you'll never make it!" Gandalf commanded as he walked closer to him, "why not?" Gandalf looked at Bilbo saying, "because they will see you coming and kill you!" "No they won't, they won't see me." Gandalf sighed, "it is out of the question! I won't allow it!" "I'am not asking you to allow it Gandalf." Bilbo swept off a leaned against a wall. He pulled out a ring, he took a deep breath before he put it on his finger. Then vanished.

Thranduil walked through Dale killing orcs that came at him, to his surprise Tauriel in his way. "You will go no further!" She said in elvish. "You will not turn away, not this time." Thranduil's eyes widen as he commanded, "get out of my way!" "The dwarves will be slaughtered!" She said, she could not understand how selfish he could be. "Yes they will die, today, tomorrow, year or hundred years from now. What does it matter, they are mortal." Tauriel had anger boiling up inside her. She could barely even look at him.

She pulled an arrow and aimed it at him, pulling the string back. "You think your life is worth more than theirs, when there is no love in it. There is no love in you!" Thranduil looked down for a moment then he grabbed his sword and cut through Tauriel's bow. Tauriel looked at it in shock before she let it drop. A mid second later his blade was pointing a her throat. "What do you know of love, Nothing! What you feel for that dwarf is not real." She looked at him in shock, I do not love him. "You think it is love? Are you ready to die for it!" Then a blade pushed down the sword that was pointing at her. She sighed in relief before she saw Legolas face to face with his father commanding in elvish. "If you harm will have to kill me." Thranduil looked down wounded as Legolas walked to Tauriel, "I will go with you."

They ran to Ravenhill looking at dwarves, "no." She whispered, Legolas looked around as the bats soared around the air. He jumped up grabbing onto one of the bats legs. He few up to the tower. Tauriel looked at Legolas telling herself that he will be alright. A sound made her head turn, and when she did she saw Kili fighting on the edge. She breathed, "Kili."

Thank you so much for reading! Then next chapter is called The Fallen. I hoped you love this chapter and PLEASE vote and comment! Ilysm!<3xx

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