It Has Begun

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Here it is! I am sorry this chapter might not have that much Tauriel and Legolas as you guys would like. But I will be updating a new chapter either today or tomorrow with more Legolas and Tauriel moments! I hope you guys enjoy! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3

Legolas and Tauriel road to Dale, ridding throughout forests, and mountains. "Dale is a day ahead us." Legolas announced as Tauriel looked to the horizon. "The red sun rises, blood has been split this night." Legolas muttered as he stopped the horse to look at the red sun rising over Middle Earth. "The battle has begun." Tauriel added, as she sat behind Legolas. She could hear his heavy breathing in rhythm with his chest rising and falling. She closed her eyes to feel the sun against her skin for a brief moment before Legolas muttered, "less then a day ahead of us, hurry!"

[Before the Battle]

Thousands of elves stood in front of Erebor as Thranduil, Herenya and Bard road through to face the king under the mountain. Thorin shoot an arrow on the elks hooves as Thranduil road it. Thorin pulled back another arrow as he shouted, "I will put the next one between your eyes!" As all the dwarves laughed and mocked the elven king. Herenya faced Thranduil as he only smirked slightly when his army pulled out there arrows and aimed at the mountain king. All the dwarves ducked but Thorin stayed where his was, he will not let this elf take his pride away from him "We have come to tell you, payment of your debt has been offered..and accepted." Thranduil said. Thorin looked at the king with a regal and disgusted look. "What payment, I gave you nothing. You have nothing." Then there was a pause before Bard took something out of his jacket.

The Arkenstone. "We have this." Bard muttered as he held up the king's jewel. "They have The Arkenstone." Kili breathed as he continued, "Thiefs! How can you at the front of our own house! That stone belongs to the king!" He shouted as it echoed through the air. Bard said, "the king may have it. With our good will." Before he tosses The Arkenstion, caught it and put it in his jacket. "But first, he must honor his word." There was a complete silence before Thorin muttered, "their taking us for fouls, this is a ruse a filthy lie." Before he raised his voice and shouted across the lands of Middle Earth. "The Arkenston is in this mountain! It is a trick!" "It''s no trick." Thorin turned around to see the hobbit, Bilbo.

"The stone is real, I gave it to them." Thorin looked at him with disgust and anger muttering, "you." Bilbo looked down saying, "I took it as my 14th share." "You would steal from me?" Bilbo looked at Thorin shaking his head, "steal from you? No, no. I may be a bulgar, but I like to think I am an honest one. I am willing to let it stand against my claim." Thorin walked closer, "against your claim...your claim! You have no claim over me you miserable rat!" "I was going to give it to you, many times I wanted to but-" he got cut off by Thorin, "but what....thief." "You have changed Thorin, the dwarf I meet in Bag End would never have gone back on his word. Would have never doubted the loyalty of his Kin."

Thranduil looked up watching thinking, Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain. Has fallen. "Do not speak to me of loyalty......throw him from the ram-pass!" All the dwarves eyes widen on what Thorin said. They just standed still. Thorin looked around until he dragged Fili to do the job saying, "did you not hear me!" Fili only resisted watching his uncle go mad.

He breathed heavily shouting, "I will do it myself!" As he grabbed Bilbo and was about to push him off shouting, "curse you! Curse the wizard that led you on this company! " When a voice filled the air. "If you don't want my bulgar then please don't damage him! Return him to me!" Thorin let go of Bilbo as the dwarves help him climb down the wall. "You're not making a very splendid figure as King Under the Mountain are you, Thorin son of Thrain." "Never again will I make dealings with wizards or shire rats!" Bard looked at Thorin shouting, "are you resolved? The return of The Arkenstone for what was promised.....give us your answer. Will you have peace or war." Then a crow landed in front of Thorin and a sound of a march came from the distance. "I will have war."

An army of dwarves march down the mountain. "Who is that? They don't look very happy." Bilbo shouted as the elves marched towards the dwarves. "It is Dane lord of the Iron Hills...Thorin's cousin." Gandalf muttered as he walked forward. "Are they alike?" Gandalf look down at Bilbo saying, "I've always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two." Both army's stopped as Dane came forward.

"Good morning." In a Scottish accent, "how are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of you time. Would ya consider....just starting off! All of you right now!" "Stand fast!" Bard commanded as Gandalf came out, "come now! Lord Dane." Dane looked at him for a moment. "Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rubble to leave, or I will water the ground with their blood!"

Every man shifted back. "There is no need for war between dwarves, men and elves. A legion of orcs march upon the mountain. Stand your army down-" "I will not stand down for any elf. Not least this faceless wooden sprite! He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin. I'll spit his pretty head open, see if he is still smirking then!" Thranduil smirk as he shouted,"he's clearly his cousin!" "You here that lads! Come one lets give these bastards a good hammering!" It was about to begin until the the earth shaked.

Everyone looked at the mountain, "willworms." Gandalf muttered as they exploded out of the ground creating a hole. Then a voice was heard, "rise my armies!" There he was Azog the defiler. Thousands of orcs came out from the holes. The dwarves ran to defended Erebor. "Are the elves not fighting?" Bilbo asked. Gandalf shouted , "Thranduil this is madness!" As the orcs where about to hit, elves ran up and on the dwarves jumping off to fight. The three peoples of Middle Earth were fighting for the freedom of their home.

Legolas and Tauriel could hear the fighting from a far. "Tauriel." Legolas muttered as they approached Dale, "yes." He looked back at her for a brief moment saying, "stay close." She looked at him then the battle, "always."

Thanks for reading! I hoped you liked it. I will be updating either today or tomorrow! I love you so much for reading! PLEASE vote and comment!<3xx

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