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Thanks for the vote Jessica it means a lot and all the views on my first day! I hope you enjoy the second chapter!<3

Tauriel walked back to her chambers, and as she did she heard the main doors open reveling Lord Elrond, Arwen and his youngest daughter, Amlaruil. Then she picked up the pace and once she got to her chambers she slam the doors so loud the it echoed though the kingdom.

Legolas looked in the mirror staring and while he was thinking, I know I could never be with Tauriel, but somehow it is different now. Now I feel there is no hope. But Mithrandir(Gandalf) once told me, all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. But what was given to me wasn't what I wanted, and I assume it will never be.

"Father! I will not marry Amlaruil, I see her as a friend not someone I will stand beside for the rest of my life!" Legolas did not shout, yet was not gentle about it either. "Dôl gîn lost!"( your head is empty) his father snapped. Then he slammed his hands on the wooden table. " Do not act like a love sick foul Legolas!" Then he turn to face him. "I know your heart belongs to another, but honor, respect and duty come first to your kingdom and I." Then he looked down and turn around saying, "End of discussion, Amlaruil and her family are coming to greet you at mid day. See to it that you are ready in that time."
[End of Flashback]

Legolas and Thranduil stood to greet Lord Elrond and his daughters. Legolas looked at Amlaruil, she was a true beauty, her hair was ebony, a perfect siloutette for her fair soft face and eyes represented the cold cloudy mornings in middle earth. She smiled at him as they both bow,"Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn."(a star shines on the hour of our meeting) Legolas muttered before he lightly kissed her hand. " I shall see that I treasure that star. Again."She said gracefully with a smile. Then Thranduil said, " Mellon." He muttered with a smile to Lord Elrond as they hugged. " Arwen." Said legolas as he hugged her for not seeing her for along time. "Legolas, you have truly grown." As a smile appeared on Arwen's face. "Come, the feast is about to begin!" Thranduil announced. Legolas offered his hand, not long did she not take it. Let's just get through with this. Legolas thought.

As they were all sitting down, Amlaruil took Legolas's hand, "remember when we were kids?" Legolas looked at her as she smiled. "How could I forget." He answered when moments of Tauriel came flooding in. He loved everything about Tauriel, her red hair, her eyes and how strong she is. But most of all, how she understands Legolas like no other, she does not treat him like a prince. She treats him as a friend, as someone who she shared many adventures with and whom she fought along side with. That is why Legolas fell in love with her, it was because of their unbreakable

"Remember when we use to watch the stars?" Amlaruil said. Tauriel loved the stars. Legolas thought. No! Legolas said in his mind, I can't think about Tauriel I can't, I can't! "Yes" Legolas said with a calm and soothing voice." I still enjoy the stars." He look he down smiling. "As do I!" She said with a cheerful voice. Thranduil looked pleased that Legolas and Amlaruil are connecting."Legolas you would love to take Amlaruil on a starlight stroll after, wouldn't you?" Legolas looked at his father sighing, "of course." He answered looking at Amlaruil who was blushing.

Amlaruil and Legolas walked out to the courtyard. Amlaruil thought, I have waited for this moment for so long! And now I finally have him, and I will make love me for all eternity. "Amlaruil" Legolas said pulling her out of her thoughts. "How do you feel about the arrange marriage? He asked her with curiosity, maybe if she loves someone else they wouldn't have to be together. " I am happy to be with you, this place will feel like home in no time." She said excitedly. They both sat down on the stone bench looking at the stars. Legolas thought, I wish I was doing this with Tauriel, looking at the stars discussing what our fates might be. Discussing if they could ever spend their lives together, how they both love the forest and could spend hours talking under a tree. How they could hear the wind skimming the leafs ever so slightly. But he knows that future will only exist in his dreams.

They kept talking until Legolas escorted her to her chambers. "I enjoyed tonight very much." Legolas said while bending down to kiss her hand, Amlaruil was about to bow but instead she jumped into his arms. While Legolas was hugging her a corner of his eye he saw Tauriel being escorted to the king's quarters by to guards. His eyes worried and his heart skipped a beat.

Thanks for reading! The next chapter, Tauriel is in deep trouble and she will start shutting Legolas out. Then it will lead up to the dwarves!!!!! Next chapter in a few days.

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